TheNET HOA Bible Studies and Live Gatherings (All the videos in one place)

A place to put our recorded session for ease of access by any who come to TheNET and would like to watch them.

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  • Seek

    Sheesh! For once I actually got time to do some digging on this one then got stuck out at a car lot. Figured I'd still make half of it. LT better be prepared next week. I'm taking notes. LOL
  • Tammy

    Don't make us come find you LT

  • ribbon

    Im picturing him in his recliner sawing logs with the bible on his lap. Since he stays so busy hopefully something like that and he is ok.  I wouldnt know how to study for the topics but I should try.

  • ribbon

    lol I wonder what he would do if yall really did go find him.

  • Tammy

    He would barre his doors

  • ribbon

    lol how funny..... I would love to see that happen.... yall going after him.

  • Tammy


  • Leonard T

    Greetings all,

    Either the enemy, God or just really bad timing has been against this getting off the ground. My daughter broke down just north of Cincinnati Ohio. I left Wednesday straight from work with a flat bed trailer to go and retrieve her and my three grandchildren. They were safe in a motel, but they and the car needed to be retrieved. 35 hours later I got back at 2:15 this morning. Sorry I did not get a hold of someone, but my mind was elsewhere ... 

    Let's see how the saga plays out next week ... :-(

  • Mary O

    LT, is she okay?  Your family is your strength. Life happens. Cars break down. I'd help my daughter and 3 grandkids too. They were probably glad to see you. It's nice to have grandpa's help.

    If you hear me talking about the lawnmower children, that's my grandkids.  LOL  I'm saying this with great affection. Able to mow down a large pizza in no time flat. We have to order 3 large pizzas now. If you blink, the boys will swipe your piece of pizza. The boys are only ages 6 and 3.

    Count me in for next week. I'm into HOA let's do this. The subject is great.

    The only thing that could slow me down is the weather. Winter gets a little crazy around here. We've had a 2-1/2 hr. commute home before. If that would happen, I wouldn't be on time.

    Love and God bless,


  • Mary O

    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17)

    I always get home and think...That's what I forgot. Children are a gift.



  • Seek

    Really bad timing or timing belt? LOL

    I was on the receiving end of that situation once. The $150 car I was in from WV to NC caught fire in the middle of nowhere 1 mile past a rest area in minus 12 degrees along the interstate with semis kicking up the wind chill as we walked the mile back to the rest area. Called dad and then stood inside the restroom with the door cracked listening for the payphone to ring. Dad got a hold of my sister over an hour away and she came to get us. We spent a couple hours in the restroom, the night at my sisters then dad made the drive to my sisters and took us the rest of the way the next day. We called a local junk yard and told them the location of a free hot (not stolen) vehicle.

    Thank God for dads to the rescue in winter...or any other time.
  • Tammy

    tomorrow night LT?

  • Leonard T


  • Seek

    How do we start this rodeo?
  • Leonard T

    I give up ... Now I have no power at home. I am on my cell phone. If the power comes back I on in a reasonable time I will try ......
  • Seek

    LOL I'm getting the sneaky suspicion that satan's pl7m afraid of a study on the Spirit. It's actually been part of our 2 services this week, with the Pastor's teenage son giving the sermon yesterday.
  • Seek

    Ok that 7 should be a U. This thing needs an edit button.
  • ribbon

    Im sorry to hear about your power being out. From what I am reading it seems like satan has the reigns and control.

    I hope you are able to get the HOA back started. When you do I will watch them after they are recorded. Im removing my name from this group and not because I am angry , pouting maybe, but this getting all excited all these times and just getting excited for nothing gets to me. I know its no ones fought but Im out of here.

  • Mary O

    Our garage door came off the track two days in a row. I think it's the cold weather. Gary thinks it's the garage door opener. Maybe it's both.??? Gary finally got the door back on its track with an ice pick and a hammer. We're so high tech around here. He was out in that awful cold messing with the garage door. I was praying for him. We're having a rough winter. I'm sorry. The temperature dropped off to 35 below wind chill this morning. Things malfunction in this kind of weather. Winter happens in MN.



  • Tammy

    Mary, I must say I got a good chuckle seeing you & him outside ice picking your garage doors. We old school. Spring is just around the corner. Stay in & stay warm lady. Love you

  • Mary O

    We keep track of each other when it gets this cold. We hear sad news stories of people being overcome by cold. People get locked outside or doors get frozen shut and they can't get back in. It's 17 below tonight without the wind chill. It was a soup night. We're pulling out comfort foods. I have my blanket. He's got his blanket. I'll bet you gave up a blanket when you were a kid, but around here we each have our own favorite fuzzy blanket. The weather should calm down in a few weeks. January's our harshest month, and then it slowly gets better.



  • Seek

    Having spent enough time in NH, I learned even the car should have its own blanket in the trunk. You never know when you might break down and need it.
  • Carla

    Seek... a blanket in the trunk is a great idea. We take them on road trips, but not daily.

    I'm going to put one in the trunk today. 

  • Seek

    Might wanna keep a propane heater in there too Carla. LOL
  • Carla

    LOL  good idea.  It's COLD today

  • Seek

    The question of the hour...

    Meeting in 2 hours?
  • Seek

    Hopefully I'll continue having power tonight. We have a few inches of snow from yesterday but they closed school, and my doctor's office, tomorrow as we have a winter storm starting early in the morning until late Saturday maybe into Sunday. They have 100 plows standing ready. All road salt and shovels are gone. I picked up some groceries yesterday and some shelves were bare. Bread was about gone. They're giving names of shelters in case of power outages and telling everyone that if they do have to be out to take a flashlight, food and water and if stranded, wait it out. I got 2 cases of water, cabinets full, propane heater and tanks, flashlights and candles and ready if power goes out. Don't have a generator but last year I found sitting in the running car for a while provides both heat and charges my phone and my son's DS. LOL
  • Mary O

    Stay safe. Keep warm.

    I threw coffee grounds on our porch. It gives great traction when you don't have salt to melt the ice. I was out of salt in the house and got inventive. The drawback is you can track the coffee around.  That might not be so bad if you're trapsing around the yard and in the driveway and hoping to avoid sliding around. You can always leave your shoes or boots at the back door.

    Also, depending on how much snow you have, Gary and I used a piece of paneling to remove the snow after our Halloween blizzard. We worked as a team. Shovels weren't doing it for us anyway. It was too heavy. Now we have someone come in and shovel it for us, but during that major snowstorm we got inventive.

    Tossing out some ideas since the store shelves don't have salt or shovels.



  • Seek

    I have a cat and kitty litter works good too but I already had a bag of salt from last year. You can also get a jug of an environmentally safe ice melt in the automotive section of Walmart. It's costly. Last year I believe it was at least $10, maybe more, but it's only a little larger than the jugs of wiper fluid. Kids have a sandbox or any of the punching bags that have sand in the bottom so they stand up? Sand is also good. I shovel in front of all four tires then put the salt or substitute where I shoveled to get traction enough to get moving. A board under the tires also helps. Good to keep a container of salt and small shovel in the trunk too by the way.

    I also keep pop top cans of foods that last for years (and try not to consider what they put in there to preserve it for so long). LOL. Or keep a manual can opener. Powdered milk works well with a bit of sweetener and vanilla extract. Preserve your refrigerated foods by putting them in a container (even a clean trash can if nothing else) and a lid (keeps animals out) and put it out on the back porch.

    OK so if we aren't getting to the study of the Holy Spirit, maybe a study on the unholy snow storm will work for now. LOL
  • Seek

  • eric hendrickson

    I thought this was to be a place to have a discussion about God, not the weather.

  • Tammy

    Brother, who created the weather? How many Scriptures are written about the majesty of God's creation? Why does it have to be from John 10 to make for good conversation. Isn't He over it all? Didn't you also see where one was saying she wasn't sure whether she could make it to the study because of the weather? And another one sharing the hardships that this weather brings & talking about caring for others during this time.

    This group is a group that pretty much keeps us informed about our Thursday night meetings - which are about God. They are LIVE on google plus. So, if we stray from talking about meeting at 9pm on Thursday, don't stress it. Just go with it. 

  • Seek

    Good word Tammy. But to Eric's statement that this was a place to discuss God, it is actually a place to discuss the Thursday night meetings. It is during those meetings (weather permitting LOL) that we discuss God, or as in this case whenever we do manage to meet again, the Holy Spirit.

    Remember, even Jesus ate, laughed and fished with His disciples. God rested from all His labor. God has made us in His image...creatures with emotions. Therefore God must have emotions. He even acknowledges we'll be angry. God is vengeful. These are emotions. Therefore God knows joy and happiness. He understands the need for rest and just kicking back with friends and discussing the day.

    Secondly, He says to be wise. We get wisdom by seeking it typically by those who've experienced a thing. So having experience with harsh weather conditions, some like to impart what they have learned to others. And why would they unless they cared...which sums up half of the commandments to love one another. We also bear one another's burdens of this incredibly beautiful yet irritatingly cumbersome, dangerous and interfering with the Bible study we want to hold. In this manner we share one another's burdens.

    Why not join in with that and pray for those who are hindered or in danger from this massive storm? Do you know how many people were stranded on the interstate here Friday, especially when they closed the interstate? How many ran out of gas in freezing temperatures waiting for rescue? How many fainted or even died from hypothermia shoveling the snow? Pray for them now that you see what they're facing. In fact, I wouldn't mind some prayers this morning as I try to dig the car out and get out my unplowed road to get to church.
  • Tammy

    Ask him. He knows how he meant it. Past experiences with folks & conversations with them can lead to back roads that others on the highway may not see that never speak to them or read their conversations.

  • Tammy

    And I agree Seek. Just go with it.

  • carissa fairchild

    Eric is entitled to his opinion. We're supposed to be nice not rude to people.
  • Tammy

    And I have a right to mine. But, then again, do we really have a 'right' to anything? Are we even our own anymore that WE have a 'right'? You're so correct. I should not have been rude. And had I not even said I was being rude, you may not have even taken it that way. Had I just said the rest of my paragraph, would you have thought the same thing? Maybe I need to repost it without the rude statement. Would you have thought anything of his statements when he's being quite rude to our sisters because one is watching ever so mindfully because she could literally freeze in the weather and has seen many do so there? Then we have another one -who is a single parent mind you, with a child with special needs - who wasn't sure she could make THIS GROUP'S meeting due to the weather? That means her electricity would be shut down which could be quite dangerous where she is alone in those woods. So, if I remove the one sentence, maybe my comments would be more to the point. Thank you for your correction. I'll be ever mindful of them on my next post when someone else comes at those expressing their concerns.

  • Carla

    There wasn't anything wrong with Seek's picture.  It wasn't disrespectful to God or to this group.  Fellowship is part of what we are called to.  Eric, I understand your desire to honor God, but please recognize that honoring God means to honor each other.  I understood Seeks' picture post to show that she is getting some horrible weather, and may not be able to participate in the online study group.  There's an old saying 'A picture is worth a thousand words'.  Bad weather can get in the way.  Anyway, what matters is that we are here for each other to support, encourage, and prompt each other to do good works.  It's okay to talk about our personal lives, as a matter of fact, it's encouraged.  I hope you can see the benefits and necessity of that.  Many of us are also on facebook, and we also post things there (which is great), but there's a special feeling about being able to come to a website which is dedicated to Christ followers specifically.  It feels a little more comfortable--like family--here.  I hope people continue to feel safe and encouraged to share their personal struggles and bring things forward for prayer and encouragement.  It's hard to be alone in a storm---whether it's a snow storm or a life tribulation.  Let's be here for each other.

  • Tammy

    Amen Carla

  • Carla

    Yes..  we should all give each other the benefit of the doubt.  I believe Eric's comment was meant to be harmless...I took it as an observation, a question....and a desire to always honor God.  That's why I commented that we honor God when we honor each other.  Amanda, your comment "we interpret them based on what we think we know about God".. of course this is true, we're all human.  We all have growing and learning to do.  It helps when we try to see things from one another's perspective.

  • Leonard T

    Wow ... 13 responses to a single sentence. Time to let that go and if he wishes to respond and clarify his intent great, if not ....

    Back to our topic. I do not think moving forward I can do Thursdays. The options are going to be one of the following:

    1) Someone else lead the Thursday group.

    2) Friday night with time to be determined.

    3) Saturday with time to be determined.

    4) Cease attempting to relaunch this or postpone.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    Lord Bless,


  • Tammy

    With me, any night is really open since I don't have a schedule. So, that would also mean that any time is also fine with me.

  • Seek

    LOL @ Tammy's "can lead to back roads that others on the highway may not see". Right now no one can see the back roads. They're snowed under.

    So, unfortunately I did not get out Sunday. And they closed school again today and I still need to do some more shoveling, so I had to cancel a doctor appointment today. My back is still out of whack from trying to clear the car yesterday. It's at least 2 ft of snow.

    But just so you know, I'm not in the woods anymore. When I got my house in March, it came with its own residential neighborhood. Unfortunately, it's a retirement community for the most part so not many young people around to help shovel.

    LT, I can do about any night but Wednesday of course. Just whoever can run it let me know. I know you probably have a very busy schedule. What happened to JB? Wasn't he elected to do this last time? ;-)
  • Mary O

    I can do any night, but Friday night would be a great night. I don't have anything going on on Saturday.



  • Carla

    Saturday is best for me.

  • Tammy

    So, thus far Saturday seems to be best.

  • Seek

    What I mentioned earlier about praying...

    Just watching the news. They're attributing 27 deaths to the storm so far. They have cancelled over 12,000 flights, at least 1,000 today. School is still closed tomorrow and I still can't get out of my driveway. :-(

    I remember a time like this in NH when there was so much they had to dump it. Charleston is now trucking the snow to the ball field and dumping it.

    Businesses are taking a hit because people still can't get out.

    In the last 2 1/2 years, this area was hit by a tornado that left some without power for up to 2 weeks, a chemical spill that left us without drinking water for over a week, this snow storm and I don't know what else. But I know the area could certainly use lots of prayer. Anyone wonder if it is a coincidence that we're in what's called the Bible Belt?
  • Tammy

    Will be praying for the safety of everyone 

  • Tammy

    I believe we do everything we possibly can to meet the needs of all if it's possible & within our means to do so. Sure, we fall short at times as all humans do. The time difference makes it very difficult for us to be there for everyone unless someone from each country takes a lead in this. We don't feel it is possible for someone to sit up & wait until 2am to participate no more than you would expect any of us to sit up until a crazy time to record it. That is why it is a recorded meeting so that you can participate though it isn't live. You can always post under these recordings & someone will definitely reply to you. If you have any suggestions to remedy this, we would be open to them as we want to serve everyone as the Lord sees fit to open those doors.

  • Leonard T

    We also do really want to get this relaunched, but acknowledge on my part a number of things has prevented that from happening. We will come up with a plan and implement it in the near future.

    Also, John, I have not sent an email to site due to not being ready to relaunch it at this time. It will happen soon.