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The Will of God

After a person is saved there is nothing more important in their life than knowing and doing the will of God. If you miss the will of God, you can’t truly be called successful for you have wasted the life that God has given you.

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Latest Activity: Apr 7, 2021

Discussion Forum

Forgive but stay away is it so ?

Started by Sathish Kumar ( Dan). Last reply by mamie watts Aug 9, 2016. 13 Replies

The Bible says we need to forgive others and forget their Sins what if you can truly forgive a person, but not want to associate with them anymore ??? Does it work ??Continue

What Brings Us Total Victory?

Started by Grace Mercy. Last reply by mamie watts Nov 25, 2015. 1 Reply

At times in our life, one of the many reasons why we are not experiencing total victory is because of disobedience to God, At times God will ask us to do something seems impossible for us, but we…Continue

Will of God

Started by Tanya Nov 4, 2015. 0 Replies

Chip Brogden, Lysa Terkeurst, Angus Buchan and Andy Stanley ; but to name a few writers who inspire me. But also prayer, encounters with people, facebook posts, bible study time and blogs.I believe…Continue

Encouraging Stories

Started by Sathish Kumar ( Dan). Last reply by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) Dec 1, 2013. 2 Replies

A Lesson From An AntBrenda was a young woman that wanted to learn to go rock climbing.Although she was scared to death she went with a group and they faced this tremendous cliff of rock.Practically…Continue

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Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on January 16, 2012 at 11:05am
How do you know if you are following God’s Will for your life?
Comment by Grace Mercy on December 20, 2011 at 8:27pm

Fantastic! hhmm.. was just browsing the groups and was led in here.. woowww!!!!!!!!! God is so amazing you know! Really many are the plans in man's heart but only God's plan that succeed. If only I've known it earlier I wouldn't have suffered from hurts. hehehehee.. Things happen for his divine purpose. He closed doors that is not ours and open the right door for us and now gone are those days of loneliness and hurts.. live a happy and victorious life in Jesus Christ our Lord! 

Me too.. got so many good things that happen and is happening in my life.. and I've learned the key.. SUBMISSION TO GOD'S WILL! :) GOD IS REALLY SO GOOD AND AMAZING.. HE WORKS IN WAYS WE CANNOT SEE AND WE DID NEVER EXPECT.. Now I am so happy.. IF YOU ARE FAITHFUL TO GOD, HE IS MORE THAN FAITHFUL TO YOU! :) tried and tested! :)

Love ya guys!

Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on December 16, 2011 at 4:30pm

well well well lots  happening in my life GOD is so GOOD :) hmmm expect the unexpected we have our own plans but it's GODS PLAN WHICH IS ESTABLISHED when we choose to serve him :)

Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on November 1, 2011 at 12:58am

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me ------- Psalm 139: 7-10

Even if we decide to go against God and do things that are against His will He will still love us.

I’ve been learning that there isn’t anything that we can do to make God love us. He automatically loves you.

He loves you no matter what your choices are.

Sometimes people think that there is something you have to do in order to get God to love them, but He loves you even when you don’t know Him.

So even if you decide not to follow Christ, He loves you.

The scripture above says that if you decide to make your bed in hell, God will still be there.

That’s an unconditional love!

For someone to choose to side with the devil, God’s enemy, and God will still love you

So, no matter where you are or what you do, God loves you.

Comment by Grace Mercy on October 28, 2011 at 8:58am

Wow!!!!!!   Great!!!!!!

Nice words of encouragement! That's really true.. hhhmm..

Thanks God, praise and glory be to his name and Him alone; amen :) 

 "The most dangerous man on earth is he who knows how to Pray!!!"


Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on October 28, 2011 at 5:26am

The key to knowing that God hears our prayers is to pray according to His will

 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him ----- 1 John 5:14-15


The emphasis here is on God’s will, not our will. When we communicate with God, we don’t demand what we want; rather we discuss with him what he wants for us. If we align our prayers to his will, he will listen; and we can be certain that if he listens, he will give us a definite answer. Start praying with confidence!

Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on October 28, 2011 at 12:50am
For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose ---- Philippians 2:13
Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on October 24, 2011 at 12:41am

HI Grace Mercy Teacher Preacher Worship Leader Prophet


Comment by Grace Mercy on October 23, 2011 at 7:50pm

That's right, pray that the principle behind this group be realized and be fulfilled in Jesus name!

one of things God deals with his children is their will's submission to His will.

Let this group be a shining light to this site and an instruments, leading people to Christ! Amen.

God bless you all!

Comment by Sathish Kumar ( Dan) on October 16, 2011 at 3:10am
Glory to god today is yet another wonderful blessed Sunday god blessed me to share his message at church wooooooooooo hooooooooooo whenever i go to the pulpit i feel the strong presence of the holy spirit :) wow i love him so much :) 

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