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bible scriptures

Started by sheila. Last reply by Johnathan Aug 30, 2021. 8 Replies

what bible  topics are questions would you like to discuss? feel free to post anytime here and also chapters of the bible we can discuss themContinue

John 3:25-30

Started by Yielded. Last reply by Tammy Apr 21, 2019. 1 Reply

John 3:25-3025Some of John's disciples began arguing with a Jew about the matter of ritual washing.26So they went to John and told him, “Teacher, you remember the man who was with you on the east…Continue

Please someone help me understamd the bible properly.

Started by Ananya. Last reply by Trina mcnair Jun 17, 2018. 11 Replies

I don't know why but i can't understand the bible properly. Its really really hurt. I just want to read the bible very perfectly without any difficulty of understanding. I want to be more close to…Continue

12 Tribes of Israel

Started by Odusanya Sijibomi Emmanuel Mar 23, 2017. 0 Replies

What promises did God make to the 12 tribes of Israel? What were His plans and expectations for them? What is the…Continue

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Comment by Tere on August 21, 2016 at 7:34pm

how does this bible study work?

Comment by mamie watts on October 20, 2015 at 11:15am

   Hello Sheila, My comment is about forgiveness. I have being praying for God to touch me to forgive a lots of things that has happenin  my life even from my child hood.Because of the hurt still being there, I donot know what to do. I know if we want forgive others, God will not forgive us. And I want to come all the way to the foot of the cross and let him have his way in my life. So I believe if keep praying  Jesus will give me a new mind and heart to forgive, thank God for pray and bible study.

Comment by mamie watts on October 19, 2015 at 8:35am

  Hi Ealine, my name is mamie I agree about the head covering. my church still believe in women should covering the their head as the respect of God's house

Comment by Mary O on August 3, 2015 at 5:38pm

Elaine that's awesome! I love what you found.  :-)

Comment by Tammy on August 3, 2015 at 4:39pm

I'm going to take this in a different direction. I see these verses within the context of the point Paul was trying to make. We find the verses about coverings in the slap middle of him speaking on the order of authority. God first, then Christ, man & then woman. 

The order doesn't mean that one is above the other in value. Above every man is Christ because He's head of the church. Christ answers to the Father but is no less God than the Father. Just as man is head of the wife, they are equal in value. 

It says that a man should not worship with something covering his head. This covering, I believe, is another authority other than Christ and he should not have anything over him except Christ.

The woman's covering, I believe, is symbolic showing the authority of man over her.

This is the short version

Comment by Mary O on August 3, 2015 at 6:40am

I don't know what white means. That's a good question. hmmmm. Purple is a color that inspires people to worship and represents worship. Blue is a color for God because it covers everything. See what we can find? Course, maybe her purple scarf was in the laundry.  :-)  Sometimes, it is what it is.

I'm studying praise and worship right now. The book talks about the river of life coming from God's throne and relates praise and worship to the river of life. I used to live on a river bank when I was a kid. I can relate to this comparison. Sometimes the river is so still you can see the bottom. Think of that as prayer. You ask yourself what is the river doing? Sometimes the river is rushing. Worship gets noisier and we sing and praise. Other times the river overflows it's banks. I was thinking that might represent prophecy and other manifestations of Holy Spirit. When a river overflows it's banks, the soil around it gets fertilized. Where I grew up, it was some of the richest soil around. The area had two growing seasons. The farmers could get two crops if they were wise. The river is teeming with life.



Comment by Seek on August 3, 2015 at 5:10am
I've seen her waves the purple but she was waving a white one during praise and worship last week. What's white mean?
Comment by Seek on August 2, 2015 at 10:42am
AVA actually waves a scarf around in my church and her husband has that long horn he blows every now and then during praise and worship. Don't know what it's called but they would sound horns and trumpets in scripture and this is why they do this.
Comment by Mary O on August 2, 2015 at 6:44am

Okay, has anyone used a pretty scarf as part of worship? Not to the point of distraction, but just waving it around. It can be kind of pretty. I'm a girl. Some of the guys may be thinking you're kidding right? But scarves are kind of neat. Maybe we could kind of broaden our thinking a little bit. Worship is like that river of life from the throne. A river is sometimes quiet and sometimes busy and sometimes overflowing its banks. If you're ever near a river just watch it and consider it for a while. Sometimes it's quite beautiful and it teems with life.



Comment by Seek on July 30, 2015 at 4:23am
That was the custom at the time. Not covering the hair would have caused dissention and distracted from worship. In most churches today it would cause talk if you did cover your hair. But if your church covers, it would be best to cover. Paul said we shouldn't do anything in front of a brother or sister that calls into question those things they don't believe in.

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