Some of the topics we touch on: Dating ethics??? What about the very common practice of Online dating? 9 signs you've met the one. Can we or should we date and marry unbelievers? Searching for a 'Sole' Mate.
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Latest Activity: Jun 5, 2019
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by David Velasquez Jun 22, 2013. 8 Replies 1 Like
What Is Courtship?Courtship is experiencing the blessing of God by loving the Lord Jesus Christ and honoring both sets of parents. The purpose of courtship is to determine a couple’s readiness for…Continue
Started by Ricprimus. Last reply by Ricprimus May 16, 2013. 3 Replies 1 Like
As many of you know back at the end of January I met a fellow artist at the local University’s coffee shop who was working on her Master’s degree in photography and painting. Annea had been…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by MYu Apr 23, 2013. 18 Replies 0 Likes
Starting, assessing, evaluating, analyzing, nurturing ... "doing our homework on" a relationship is soooo exhausting! I just want this God-given man to land on my lap without lifting a finger!…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by Adebiyi kehinde temitope Jan 9, 2013. 55 Replies 0 Likes
Is online dating really safe and acceptable for Christians?Many people are apprehensive at first about online dating. This is a normal reaction because it is fear of the unknown.However, online…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by Jessi Perez Oct 10, 2012. 1 Reply 1 Like
Keeping a life partner can only be successfully done through Christ. Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by Jasper Andrew Apr 27, 2012. 5 Replies 1 Like
What does it mean to have a Christ Centered Relationship? Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by MYu Aug 18, 2011. 13 Replies 0 Likes
Is flirting harmless? hahahaContinue
Started by tameika cassandra wray mcdermott. Last reply by Soldier Jun 22, 2011. 4 Replies 0 Likes
the 23 of june coming will be my fourth anniversary .i got married when i was not a christian,yes i loved him it was not just about loving him, we have been together for five years before we decided…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by melanie ann mendoza Mar 21, 2011. 13 Replies 0 Likes
RelationshipsThe choice of a career path and of a lifetime partner are probably the two most important decisions (apart from salvation) that we ever make. Does the Bible offer us some guidance in the…Continue
Started by Chilombo. Last reply by Chilombo Feb 17, 2011. 2 Replies 0 Likes
In his book "I kissed dating goodbye", Joshua Harris says that it is better for us to stay even without kissing. He argues that a kiss is part of the sexual process and so must not be part of our…Continue
Howdy everbody. Ive been getting messages sent to my phone alerting me to new members that join here. Im not the smartest computer guy around and most times than not, I dont have the time to trace throuth the discussions to see if there are new enteries. I'll admit, if dont see new comments in this wall, I log right back out again.
With that said, I came this group at the suggestion of another member here. I do have a past that that brought me to AAG with entry to a different group. WHat both groups I belong too has in common is they both can be places who folks who are hearting can be at/in. Im not going to open old "novels" from my past comments. Ill only say that, in my life, like many others, I/we ask God to reveal Himself/His plan to us and we are waiting for the lightening bolt to strike. Ha Ha, been that way practically my entire life. Ok God, where's the 411 from You? I dont see the thunderhead on the horizon that's gonna deliver that lightening bolt to me.
Well, guess what. No need for detail. What I will say, the "thunderhead" showed up the summer of 2010. No lightening, just a whole bunch of rough wind, high seas, and a lot of rain so to speak.
In the midst of this storm, God placed me in a counseling scene with our military chaplain shortly after the storm showed up. IN that meeting, the chaplain presented me with 1 Peter 5:6-11. That passage became my mainstay. As God gave me strength through those words, He presented me with some more words, Jeremiah 29:11. Wow! This storm aint nothing but a little bit of fast moving air now. Beyond that, He placed my eyes on James 4:8 (footnote to the context of this passage, we are ALL sinners, Beleivers or not. Praise to OUR LOVING GOD who sacrificed His Son so that those who do BELEIVE are forgiven). "Draw close to Me and I will draw close to you".
What these passages, to me, are saying is this. We hurt, we cry, gosh...we go to counseling, the world turns grey, however, in the middle of the storm, God is makingi a promise, 1 Peter 5. As He is healing us, He is always reminding us that...Jeremiah 29. So that if we....James 4:8, we will understand that He has been and will be constantly at work caring for, looking after our every move. We simply are waiting for the lightening bolt when it simply isnt needed.
I pray this can be seen visually to all soon. You see, by my own desire to follow James 4;8, there is an anniversary of something occurring in 6 days. 359 days ago, it was a simple meeting in AAG. No, no lightening bolts. God simply doing His thing in the perfect way He always does.
Im only one half of this. Should this event coming in 32 days (depending on the time zone you're in HeHee) become public with the consent of the other half of this, I pray it to be a witness of HE will draw close to you if you will choose to draw close to HIM. You will no longer need to pray for the lightening bolt. You will have the blessing of actually seeing how He moves in your/our lives in some of the most simplistic ways. We are simply to arrogant about our earthly lives to understand it if we have'nt looked to Him for all things.
Gosh....I wrote a novel after all HeHEE
good morning. i met someone online about a month ago. we still getting to know each other chat almost daily. he wants to meet, but i don't want to not as yet. is it to soon or am i just bein silly. i must also say that he have done or say nothing to make me feel unease i feel comfortable when we talk and we talk about anything, he is realy a very sweet man and we have so much in commin.
anyone with a bit of advice or guidance please
My goodness! Has everybody forgot this site is here? Oh well, I'll write anyway. I didnt come to this site until I had begun the healing process from a seperation/divorce. Ha, I really didnt know how to pray about divorce as it is such an evil thing. My view, divorce is simply the ending of a marriage in which, in my own small way of thinking, was never truly sanctioned by God. Simply, the participants weren't nessecarily placing God in the center of thier relationship. As CHrist says Himself, the only spiritual divorce is related to infidelity. This post isnt about my past but my future.
See, I learned that as painful as the seperation was a year ago, as she has given birth to the man's child, this was all simply Gods design to teach me, to prepare me for a very special gift. Should one look back in the history of my postings here, you'd see that a simple greeting, not LOOKING, in chat, placed me on a journey that involves a spectacular woman. The marriage was a long stepping stone to show me what Love that is endorsed by GOd, is really all about. Neither of us are willing to say what our future together may be. However, the events in her life, likwise in mine, we both have come to realization this could only have been of His design.
Im excited how all of this is unfolding. It is my intent to contunually thank God for the blessing He has sent me through meeting her. Where will this end up? God knows that already. I pray we simply continue giving Him praise and thanks for what Hes done and for her and I to continue to faithful to the path He puts us on.
God bless you all.
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