In his book "I kissed dating goodbye", Joshua Harris says that it is better for us to stay even without kissing. He argues that a kiss is part of the sexual process and so must not be part of our lives before we are married. He gets this background from Ephesians 5:3 which says, "among you, there must not even be a 'hint' of sexual immorality....". So if thats the case, what do we say? Should kissing be allowed in christian dating relationships or not? If yes, how far should it go? So to say, how far is too far? Where can we darw the line; Where can we say okay, this is where purity ends and impurity begins? As we all know, our bodies are the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT (1 Corinthians 6:19). So, brothers and sisters, where can we draw the line to say this is allowable and if we do it we are still pure and still obeying God's word? How can we stay pure in a world which is screaming immoralty at the top of its voice; on television, in magazines etc? Let's share and help each other. Be blessed!