All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


The choice of a career path and of a lifetime partner are probably the two most important decisions (apart from salvation) that we ever make. Does the Bible offer us some guidance in the latter?

‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife’ Genesis 2:24.

When looking for a relationship, a Christian should always choose someone who shares their values, principles and faith. The Bible warns us not to date or marry an unbeliever. 2 Corinthians 6:14.

God has a good and great plan for your life. Don’t even date, let alone marry a non-believer. Some think that they can go out with someone who is not a Christian, without letting it get serious. You can’t stop yourselves falling in love in a long term relationship, so don’t make it harder on yourself and fall for the wrong one - don’t miss God's best!

People who have married non-believers find that they cannot share their walk with the Lord with their spouse. It causes them great pain – and they are not able to serve God properly, let alone enter into their destiny! Is that what you want for yourself?

If you are young, do you really think it is a good idea to go through several relationships? Do you really need the emotional hassle of constantly breaking up, whilst trying to deal with exams, work, parents, study and everything else? Does that lifestyle glorify God and help unity in your church/youth group?

A Christian should live to please God. When we do, then we are on the right track to experience the personal fulfilment and happiness desired by all.

Is your relationship a blessing or hindrance to you? Does this person help you get closer to God, or pull you away from Him? Are you straying near sexual sin? Is this relationship a bad distraction from study?

‘Can two walk together unless they are agreed?’ Amos 3:3.

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it's so true. so sad that my ex boyfriend is now in love with someone else. he is a Christian but now his gf is a non Christian. I want to be happy for him but I can't. now, he is not attending Sunday services...what more if they are already married.


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