All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

As I was writing "not a cookie cutter God."  I started it so it could be a discussion here, but the Spirit had another idea.  So this is part of that idea.  I want have a discussion about part of it, and as  the title points to it, we can not fix others.  The enemy would want us to think that, some of us at times want to think that.  The problem with that is, it is not within our power.  The enemy wants us to carry the pressure of that thinking.  Now, I take responsibility for every Word I share about Jesus.  At one time, I allowed that responsibility to much control.  It was not out of pride, that I felt that what I share, helps others.   But, I might as well of thought that, cause the pressure in the results weighed heavy on me.  Then the Spirit, showed me what I have shared.  I still take and hold responsibility of what I share, just not the pressure.  God makes things grow, we are all Healed by Jesus,  The Spirit prepares us all for the Healing that will take place.  So what do you think?   We do not fix people.  We must take care and, not put that on ourselves, or on others.  We must give all the Glory to Jesus.  It is in His Name that all Healing takes place.  So please share your ideas.

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I do truly believe that, we must allow God to have His Will done in our lives.  When we gave our life to Jesus, we set in motion the "Working of the Spirit."  The more we humble ourselves, surrender our wills to the Father.  Renew our minds {change the way we think} by reading His Word, as we Pray; intercede for others { to stand in the gap}.  As we seek to Glorify Jesus, with a heart that desires no credit, only offers examples to others.  To hunger and thirst after His Righteous,{His Way of doing things}.  And, to desire along with action, the ability to offer Praise and Worship to Father God, Our Savior Jesus His Son, by and through the Spirit.  We find ourselves, in a place where, nothing is Impossible for God to do through and for us.  What we must never forget or, underestimate that we are human, 2Cor 4:7  Our bodies are made of clay, yet we have the treasure of the Good News in them. This shows that the superior power of this treasure belongs to God and doesn't come from us.   Many times when sharing words as these, people will often then say, "oh well, count me out.  I can not do those things."  That is precisely, how we must think, well not the count me out part.  We are only able to do these things from His Strength, not our own.   Since that is Truth, we also can "only" do them in His Timing, as He gives us the ability, then we discover success. Rom 8:1 There is therefore no condemnation to those in Yeshua The Messiah who do not walk in the flesh.  What we must do is follow His Leading 1Pet 4:11 Whoever speaks must speak God's words. Whoever serves must serve with the strength God supplies so that in every way God receives glory through Jesus Christ. Glory and power belong to Jesus Christ forever and ever! Amen.  That sums it up all so Beautiful.  Praise God,  There was far more in me about this subject then I thought.  Glory to God  



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