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Humble when chosen is not weak or even passive. Humility in Christ is a, Powerful tool. The enemy is very scared of it. it has done what it could to, display it over all this time as weak. Sadly, many Christians have fallen for this picture of Humble. James 4:10 Be humble before THE LORD JEHOVAH, and HE will Exalt you. That does not sound as if a weak position to be in. 1Peter 5:6 Be humbled, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that HE may Exalt you at the right time. Two different times there, He will exalt. The reason it tells us this is, He must Exalt us for it to be real. When He Knows we are ready, and when there is a reason He will. I can not speak for anyone else about this part, but for me I usually get humbled. At first I did not understand why. There were times that it seemed no matter what I did, if I slipped it was like, when you watch T.V. and all of a sudden, “Sorry to interrupt your program, but Chris has just done....” Everybody would find out it seemed. And, I would be spoken to or about, usually both. There are many long stories to these but, the point is after awhile I began to see things. Heb12:7 Endure your discipline. God corrects you as a father corrects his children. All children are disciplined by their fathers. Now on one likes to be humiliated. But, when you see it’s positive effects, Rev 3:19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. Take this seriously, and change the way you think and act. And you know God Loves you, that why in the end He corrects you. Then as through all these years, you begin to think that you are a old hand at it. Not that I am always humble, but I try. But, when you think you understand enough to be at least good at it, then you get humbled again. Today, as I was writing this, I got humbled! (yes, that’s right, only me can get humbled while sharing about humility haha) The lesson from it was this, “we are Never to trust our instinct, only His Wisdom. To be humble we will be humbled.” Yet, the thing that is cool and I know I have grown up some at least, I was excited about it. I was even able to share it with the person when it happened.
OK, remember I am brand new here so this might of been long, but can anyone share how you see humility. Or, share how being humble in a situation changed the outcome for you.
That by choosing to be humble or getting humbled you were able to see the Love of the Father. How do you all see “humble?”

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I can say truly these are words you share are "Wisdom."  To know that God is far more concerned that, we know He Loves us, then He expects "perfection" from us.  Grace thrives in a humble heart.  


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