Matt 25:15-18 15To one he gave five bags of sliver, and to another two bags of sliver, and to another one bag of sliver, each man according to his power, and he immediately went abroad. 16But he who received five talents went and traded them and gained five others. 17So also he of the two gained two others. 18But he who received one went and dug in the ground and buried the money of his lord. I want to talk about the third one first. I have wondered, in the past about the parable. If, we just look on the surface, some have seen how this appears to be unfair to the third one. However, the amounts are not really the issue. The third one, acted out of fear. Instead of, putting what he was given to use. ... “My lord, I had known you that you are a hard man, and that you reap where you have not sown and that you gather from where you have not threshed, 25And I was afraid, and I went and buried your talent in the ground. Behold, it is yours.” Now, we can see that the master, had financial investments, maybe a money manager. He entrusted them to oversee or manage, some financial capital, according to each one potentiality. So, when the one servant clearly understood, of his master’s competence and savvy, in this area of commerce. As he told his story, it became clear that this servant was operating in fear and by adding, “you evil and lazy servant!” We can see that it was his job to manage that money. 25And I was afraid, and I went and buried your talent in the ground. Behold, it is yours.” His master was angry because, he failed to do his job. A job that he was capable to doing, again “each man according to his power.” 26His master answered and said to him, “You evil and lazy servant; you knew that I reaped where I had not sown, and I gathered from where I have not threshed. 27And it was incumbent upon you to cast my money to the exchange, so that when I would come, I could require my own with its interest. We know the other two were successful. 21His master said to him, ''Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I shall set you over much; enter the joy of your Lord.
' The point of the parable is to bring Glory to the Master.
No matter what talent or gift we have, we must strive to do our best, with what we have. “each man according to his power.” God knows what we are able to do, and He knows when we are acting lazy. He weighs our hearts, He gave us the talents. We must always work towards bringing Glory to Our Master. So, as we trust in the Spirit to show us how, we can do just that. Bring Glory to the Lord, through our actions. By using our talents, and Trusting that God gives us the Power and Wisdom, to operate in those abilities. We do all of this with a humble heart to bring Glory to The Master. So when that day comes, we will hear, ''Well done, good and faithful servant... enter the joy of your Lord.”
As you shared on another discussion,"This is speaking of the body. The church are the Christians. And the Bible tells us not to give up meeting with one another. The purpose being that we can encourage one another." You have shared and helped teach new converts, here. You are talented in many ways. As you allow the Spirit more and more Freedom, you will see them all more clearly.
I thought I remembered you doing that. So I was a little confused, so Praise God.
I will be back in chat soon.
Amen Chris,
that's exactly what I endeavour to do. To do what God expects me to, and that is to pray for my fellow brother/sister. I'm not sure if that is my talent/gift, but I only know I love people, and their problems weigh heavy on my heart.
And as you rightfully state we have to trust God to give us the Power and Wisdom, to operate in those abilities
May God continue to grant you to use that wonderful gift you He has blessed you with, and that is to feed us with spiritual food.
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