All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

It has been said many ways, so one more will not hurt. We seek God to give us....whatever the case may be. I have said over again and again, it is a “heart thing.” The Lord wants our hearts. Time and again people have told me, they have given their hearts to God. I understood, yet some did not fully get what I was trying to say. Not their fault, mine. It has been my inability to share completely what I meant. Lord willing until now. I am Blessed! I am Blessed coming in and going out. Deut. 28:6 You will be blessed when you come and blessed when you go. Another way of saying it Ps. 121:8 The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. Does this mean my wallet is full? Does this mean no bad will ever again come my way? These two questions and others like them, are the point I am trying to convey. They do not matter! Yes, we have to live in this world. However, we are not of this world. 1Cor 2:12 And we have received God's Spirit (not the world's spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. Our Joy is not based on things of this world. They cannot nor ever be understood under the laws of this world. Let me return to a “heart thing.” As we say we have given our hearts to Jesus. We do not need to try and convince ourselves or others, that we are Blessed. Eph 1:3 Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Through Christ, God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing that heaven has to offer. Gal 3:9 So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith. So the Truth is in the Word of God. Again and again we are told that we are Blessed. We Must stretch out our Faith and Believe in the Word of God. Yes, we can look at our circumstances, and see what we saw 5 min. ago. Just as the Word explains, it takes no faith or hope to see what we already have. Or, in this case the lack of whatever we are believing for. It is one of our opportunities, to show our advantage and express our freedom, by receiving favor as Children given the Promise of being Blessed. Based on the Word of God, not any other evidence. The difficulties are based on us, and the choices we make. Remember, do not allow the enemy any foothold, do not embrace any condemnation. Only work towards the goal which is set before you. Put forth the faith given you, and receive All the Blessings that are clearly yours spoken of in the Word of God. To have the attitude in your heart, That you are Blessed. Instead of, waiting for the physical to some how prove the Word of God to be True!  

Let us share how we see all the ways the Word of God tells us, we are Blessed.  How it is so important to understand that we are Blessed, not based on anything except the Word of God.  How when we do get confused, and think since we are not holding our blessing, we must not be blessed.  That there must be something wrong with our Faith, or else we would never lack.  How we must learn to Trust God, and know that He has all things under control.  That we must never lose sight of His Love for us.

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MY BROTHER, MY BROTHER this is so on time I thank our HEAVENLY FATHER for using you and I thank you for obeying the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT and putting it on here ,for I had just gone through something where I did not know if was my flesh that was telling me to do this or the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT ,but in order to do the thing, I needed MONEY ,and being I'm a contractor ,I have not got a call to start any jobs in two weeks plus ,we was waiting on a our refund check ,which I thought should had been sent out last week ,so I have been praying ,talking and praying to our Heavenly Father and Jesus to really guide me in making the right decision ,and behold this morning the money is in the bank ,I get a phone call to see if I can start a job on SAT. and you start this discussion for my heart is to be a blessing to others in my trade but I still have to do it by the rule of the area that I'm working in and that require me to have insurance and be a license Contractor,so we must learn to wait on our Heavenly Father for it is not about our PLAN BUT IT IS HIS PLAN SO WE SHOULD ALWAYS  try to line our plans up with his plans ,thank you again and love you  

Chris, I wish I had more time to respond to all your wonderful teachings, as usual, I read, learn and ponder.

Right, to quote some of ur teaching: "Truth is in the Word of God. Again and again we are told that we are Blessed." I cant stress it enough to believe God when He says never will He leave us nor frosake us, even in our darkest hours of need. There's also a promise that we will be blessed if we believe. "Faith and Believe in the Word of God"One can lose everything, but if we keep our faith we are one up for the enemy, and nothing will harm us. Sometimes God empties us in order to fill us to full capacity.........

Wonderful blog my brother!!!!

I am in awe of Earth's bountiful Blessing's God 's loving Sporit permeates every atom of creation, As we open are eyes and
Ears and behold the boundless variety and beauty of nature, a snowflake, a grain of sand , a glacier, a fawn, a fish, a color/
Ful chameleon, the loud clap of a wave against the shore, the inspiring sight of an eagle in flight, from the tiniest seed of
potential to a tall stand of trees stretching up to heavens ,our blessed earth reveals the infinite expression of Spirit, A deep
Appreciation of all life surges from within ad I consider that God is within me and Gid is everywhere present,The love and
Life of God are abundantly on display,and I am grateful, Then he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain and the earth
yeild it's harvest-James 5:18,,,,,, Blessed are the poor in Spirit ,For there's is the kingdom of heaven, Blessed are they Mourn,
for they shall be comforted, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth , Blessed are they that hunger and thirst ,
righteous ,for thet shall be filled , Blessed are the merciful , for the shall obtain mercy, Blessed are the pure nd heart , got
They shall see God, Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God,


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