All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Today two things to me. The first thing was right after I woke. The second was a few hours later. Both were out of my control, and both left me feeling, less about myself. I did not see either one of coming. Even if I had of known they were coming, especially, the the last thing The more I would of known, I could of made things worse, trying to prevent it from taking place. The details are not important, yet the lessons learned from them are very valuable. Once I heard it explained this way. As you are driving down the road, the Spirit tells you to take the off ramp. And, because you were making such good time, you are ask God, “why?” You are given no explanation, “just take the next off ramp.” You chose to obey. After taking the exit, you need to drove over the bridge. Then you see it, cars lined up for a way. There had been a great car wreck, and you would of been behind the all, had you not obeyed. Our vision of what is ahead us is to say the least, is limited. God not only can see in all directions around us. He knows the future of things. I have said before, “if a person is mad at God then, be honest with Him, He already knows.” The same can be said of, asking God, “why?” He knows already, however, when we dwell on the “whys” of things, we find out that it does take a effect on Faith. When we exercise Faith in God and, His Promises to us. We “gum up” the works of Faith, by continually asking Him, “why?” Faith and it’s operations are based on, His Word, His Love, and our Hope in Him. If, we need to know the things that, are coming at us, we will be told. By, us knowing what the future holds, we will effect it’s outcome, every time. As and or if, one continues to ask why, we are able to see the areas of growth we need. For God, the easy part is providing our needs and His Blessings. If, there is a hard part for God, if things can be seen that way then, it’s waiting for us to Believe Him. Waiting for us to Trust Him in words and actions. God wants us to be in the position to, handling all of His Blessings. From how we spend money, time, and our energy, to the way we chose to Give Him Thanks and Praise. God not only wants us to be Blessed, but to also be a blessing to others. Some are able to not only grasp, but to hold onto this thinking. Heb 12:10-11 For a short time our fathers disciplined us as they thought best. Yet, God disciplines us for our own good so that we can become Holy like Him. We don't enjoy being disciplined. It always seems to cause more pain than joy. But later on, those who learn from that discipline have peace that comes from doing what is right. Ps 42:11 Why are you discouraged, my soul? Why are you so restless? Put your hope in God, because I will still praise Him. He is my Savior and my God. For we all have asked, “way?” In this case David is, allowing himself to be edified. He is laying it all out. On the one hand he was debilitated, disheartened, and weighed down by his troubles. Then he began to allow Wisdom to educate him. To give himself a foundation on which he was able to stand. “I have God on my side, I will Praise Him and put my hope in Him, for He is my Savior. God is with me, why should I be discouraged?” We know in Acts 13:22...God spoke favorably about David. He said, 'I have found that David, son of Jesse, is a man after My Own Heart. He will do everything I want him to do.' It was not that David never asked, “why.” It was at least in part that, David knew God so he, Trusted Him, he Honored Him, and because of those two and many more, David danced before the Lord in Praise, Worship, and Honoring the Lord God. With the Spirit of the Lord, and Jesus living in us we can do all this and so much more.
What are your views on asking God, “why?” How do you see David, and his relationship to God? Do you think David had something more then most? Or, was it that David was tested so many times, and he had learned to Trust God. as few allow themselves to be.

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