All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Eph 4:21-24  21Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.

Rom 12:2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

We must make sure we put on the new nature, and leave the old one off.  We cannot live in both worlds.  This often is, part of the problem we all have at times.  We all know what the sinful nature leads to, a moment of pleasure will lead to guilt, or far worse.  We must have a humble heart, it is there the Spirit has room to lead us.  As we chose His way and not our own, we begin to walk in Holiness.  What are some of the ways you have found to, "Walk in the Spirit?"

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Chris , you aren't understanding what breath God in and breath ego out means, I have stated the average Christians
Does not understand this, there are million of people that do this, there is a ministry, that teaches very well all this,
Silent Unity has been around for years befor you were ever born, it is 100 year old ministry, For you not to hear
About spiritual breathing, from all your discussions surprises me that you are not at that level of spirituality, which I mean no disrespect, It is right in the bible, so some where along the line you are missing something, and only are Father knows ,
Breath God in is all part of mediation, relaxing your body to the point that you are so still and at peace as you make contact
With Spirit, and spirit guides is beautiful to feel the presence of God love and peace that zhe installs in you.and that
You can become that still and shut out all outer interference, it the same thing as saying , Be still nd know that God is
Here. And you are write Lina every thought is of zgod, every affirmation is of God, it is all positive thinking as your faith
In God will take you there , do not belive what man says , believe what God say's and your spirituality will soar, I have
Witnessed it in with my own eyes with my own family , friends, every area of life, no matter how bad it may look God
Is in charge, nd your are turning over all to Gid, let go and let God.
Chris, no one is judging anyone, Lina is not judging you nor am I , If you read my comments , I said not a lot of
Christians know this, Breath God in , breath ego out , simply means , relaxing the body to the point of becoming
So still that no outer noise can even bother you , because you ate in the midst of the Holy Spirit, the ministry
Silent Unity has been around for over a hundred years, there teaching are only One with God, and they are
A very well known ministry, it all comes down to Be Still And Know that I am God, for greater is he that is in
Me, then he that is in the world, it is the truth of God not of man. believe God not man. And yes Lina you are
Right by what you ate saying, all this about breathing is in the bible, The Spirit made me and the breath of
Of the Almighty has given me life. Job, 33:4. You are surrendjng EVERTHING over to God, even your
Famiky's, you must put God first nit man. And Lina you are writ in which you say, breath Gid in will bring
In the Holy Spirit, and when that happens things you never thought possible become possible , but it doesn't
Happen over might , you really have to have faith to grow, not man , but God


    I knew I should of explained better.  You have shared this quite well.  I am believe you when you say how effective it is for you.  Here is what I should have shared.  I am not sure of your age Sister, so I do not know if you were around in the late 60"s through the early 80"s.  Where many had/have problems with the Charismatic movement.  The flip-side is the "new-age" movement.  I take responsibility for misunderstanding.  Nor am I saying you are part of that movement.  The wording of some of what you have shared, skates close to that.  Make no mistake, I have had a great many people, come against because of the Charismatic movement.  

You have shared it well, that we are not against one another.  I just wanted to further explain why, I had questions about some of this.  The mistake is on me.  I am sorry.  I know the frustration when you share something that has helped you, and others line up  to be against you.  

That said Lord Bless you All very much.

No problem! I respect EVERTHING you say my friend , but I am not of that movement, I do not involved in the
Charistmatic movement, and yes I was around in the 60's @ 80's and earlier then that, and yes I am aware of the
Movement , but it is not part of me, thank you for that , much blessing to you and yours and I am glad you are
Feling better.

To walk in the Spirit, is to walk in Love.  To walk in Love, is to as Jesus said, "treat your neighbor as yourself."  To treat your neighbor as yourself, is to care for them, to see them as you see yourself.  To care for them, to see your neighbor as yourself, is to walk in Love, which is to walk in the Spirit. 

The more we learn of who we are in Christ, we begin to see more of not only who Christ is in us, but what we are able to do in Christ.  Which this leads people to begin to see a Love, a Love that when applied can do almost anything.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Phil 4:13 I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.                                                                                  Eph 3:16 I'm asking God to give you a gift from the wealth of his glory. I pray that He would give you inner strength and power through His Spirit.                                                                                                                   Eph 3:20 Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power He can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.                                                                                                                                                       2Cor 9:8 Besides, God will give you His constantly overflowing kindness. Then, when you always have everything you need, you can do more and more good things.                                                                         Let it be that, we understand through Christ we are able to achieve, what we believe His will for us is.  Because, He gives us the Strength.  Paul is Praying for the Ephesians, that God would give them/us inner Strength and Power through Holy Ghost.  Glory will always belong to God, at the same time His Power is at work in us.  His Power can do so very much more than we even imagine.  We Must learn how to express His Power.  How to apply His Power   when to use that Power.  We have so much inside of us.  We must shed the bonds of our old nature, and let the Spirit renew our thoughts and attitudes.  Praise God as we learn to do His Will. 

Mind renewal is a large part of walking in the Spirit. Rom 12:2. The Holy Spirit does that for us when we allow Him to. If we are focused on Christ, we can better allow Holy Spirit to do this for us. He isn't going to do anything until we give Him room to work. We give Him our free will to make the changes. We open our mind(soul) for Him to work. In order for Him to do that, we need to realize we might have wrong thinking. We need to work towards our soul agreeing with our spirit...with the Holy Spirit.

I stopped going to church because of a particular situation that arose there. The pastor and I had a disagreement and I refused to attend any longer. This situation continued for about a year or so. The Lord, through the Holy Spirit, showed me where I was wrong in not fellowshipping with other Christians. I am now back where I belong. I still don't agree with all the pastor preaches soul is altered to forgive what the pastor said about me to others and to find good in his sermon even if I don't necessarily agree with it. I realize that he is the preacher and if he preaches on a particular thing, God told him there was someone who needed to hear what he said. I am learning that I need to be kinder to that preacher regardless of how he treats me.

We need to examine our souls. We need to learn where our souls aren't agreeing with our spirit and work at bringing them into agreement. Our soul likes to be boss when it should be submissive. God says our spirit is made perfect...therefore our soul needs to follow the leading of our spirit.




Yes renewal is not only a large part it is primary.  Many times in scripture we ar told the past is just that the past it is done. In forgiveness the past is over we can do nothing to alter it

. Focused on Christ it is wiped clean.

The future we are not to worry about be stressed about

 Focused on Christ it is His plan and will be fulfilled.

Each morning is a new day...A new beginning. A renewal in which we grow learn and if we allow Christ can be seen in all things.

Focused on Christ today our past is wiped clean and our future is assured. In all things our Heavenly Father gives us growth, gives us power, provides learning (wisdom).


If we are busy struggling to correct the past or stressing on how to make the future better we miss the lessons of today. Ultimately mising the blessings of Our Lord. 

As I'm reading your post I realize that because we have let our old nature have such control we often react with almost a knee jerk reaction especially if we have not been in the word and praying in the spirit. I know I do. We have to (for lack of a better word) train our spirit man to step in and be stronger then our natural man. We do that by not just daily or hourly or even by the minute but constantly praying in the spirit and keeping the word in our hearts and minds. The natural man wants to have it's way so often but with the Word and the Spirit in our lives constantly we can have the victory. I'm still learning this, and there are times that the Spirit reminds me of many an object lesson I taught in childerns to help me have the spirit man lead me rather than the natural man. Chris this group is such a blessing I love you sweetie. (for those of you who may not know I'm Chris wife,helpmate,best friend and sometimes the thorn in his side. :) )

Hi Arnie, good to hear from you.

"thorn in Chris's side?........naw, I see you as Arn who comes along his side......


And whether you meant it or not in your were echoing Galatians 5:16-17, " I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another,  so that you do not do the things that you wish."


I believe we all experience this warfare going on within regularly.

Remember - The brain is the battleground for the heart.


Grace and Peace.

Thank-you! I just know that there is always a conflict going on in all of us between our spirit and flesh. It's not always against out right evil but can be attitudes that we have to daily put at the feet of Jesus, I do believe too that as we grow and mature in the Spirit that  what was okay last year, last month or even yesterday God through his Spirit will show us that we need to stop and surrender that, what ever it is, but so often I have seen others and definitely myself not want to give in the the Holy Spirit. We can attain a closer more Spirit led life by studying the Word and Praying, God sent his Spirit for us to learn and be led by. It is so important to discern when the Spirit is calling us to change what at one time our natural man thought was okay. That is why we are told to pray without ceasing. I like what you about me coming along Chris's side. Chris is an awesome husband, he is my helpmate just as I am his. (of course I think I help him more!!! LOL just kidding)


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