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How do you see the Holy Spirit?  What do you think Who He is and what He does?  What do you want to understand of Him?  What do you want to understand, of the person of the Holy Spirit?

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Holy Spirit lives in us.  He is a part of us.  As we yield to His Will not our own, we begin to discover who He is.  He tells us what God and Jesus tells Him.  He is our Advocate.  He shows us the Way, the Truth and Life.  Which is Jesus.  As the Sprint leads us, and we learn how and when to use our Gifts.  All to the Glory of the Lord.  Holy Ghost is our Friend, He knows our deepest thoughts and desires.  He shows us how to get rid of what is wrong, and empowers the positive.  More to come...

i would love to be able to understand when u pray humbly the holy spirit for help in your life, why can u not receive it?

Dear Saundra


I wrestled with this myself for a good while before the Spirit led me to some scriptures that helped me out . After all that is the Spirit's function ( to lead us into all truth , John 16: 12-14 ).


The first was Romans 8: 26 -27 where Paul finishes his point of the spirit giving us the 'hope of Christ '.


 In these scriptures he says ;  " Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities :  FOR WE KNOW NOT   WHAT

        WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE OUGHT:  but the Spirit itself makes intercession for  us with groanings

        that cannot be uttered .


                                                              And He that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit , be-

           cause He makes intercession for the saints   ACCORDING  TO  THE  WILL  OF  GOD .   ( CAPITALS MINE).


                                       You see , my precious sister , that the Sprit is indeed interceeding but is interceeding according to the perfect will of God .  As Paul says " we know not how to pray as we ought " .  Sometimes we can be truely sincere in what we pray but it is not within the will of God , so the Spirit interceeds and answers us according to the will of God.   That is why we sometimes ( or in my case ' often' ) miss God's answer . WE are praying according to our desires and the Spirit is praying and answering according to the will of God.


   Sometimes ( again as in my case ) we sincerely believe we are asking for what is ' right ' while ( according to the will  of God it isn't.  That is not to say we are asking for 'evil' things , it's just that God ( many times ) has something much better ofr us .


In Jeremiah 17 :9- 10  he says " The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked , who can know it ?


                     I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give man according  to his ways , according to the fruit of his doing."


    God , through the Spirit searches our heart s  and decides what is best for us . Again I must emphasize that I'm not saying that what we  ask for is evil or necessarily wrong ; it's just not what God thinks is best for us .


    One closing scripture is Isaiah 55 : 7-9


                                          Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts:  and let 

        him return unto the Lord , and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God , for He will 

        abundantly pardon.


                   " For My thoughts are not your thoughts , neither are My ways your ways, " saysa the Lord.


                      " For as the heavens are higher than the earth, SO ARE MY WAYS HIGHER THAN YOUR 



       First of all , please don't misunderstand that by including verse 7 I was implying in any way that you are wicked ( I absolutely am not ) . I simply added that verse to keep the others in their proper con-

text .  


   The point that I'm trying to make is that God sees so much more of our situation than we could possibly see ourselves .  Therefore He has an immeasurably  better understanding of the things in our situation than we   could possibly have.  And it is on this infinitely better understanding ( combined with His deep desire to see us draw closer to Him )  that God basis His answers to our prayers


I believe ( my opinion only ) that that is why we ( and I do mean WE ) sometimes miss His answer . We are so intent on God answering according to the way we want Him to answer that we miss the infinitely better answer that  He gives us .


Please understand , my sister , that God is , and always will , answer your prayers.  Sometimes we have to actually ask Him to allow us to see His answer . I know this from way too much personal experience.  I have fought and bucked at His answers  ( when I wanted a different one ) until I was a mental wreck . 

But only after surrendering to His perfect will did I find my peace and answers or solutions that I never would have came up with in my own understanding.


I just realized that I have gotten long winded  ( again ) and I do apologize for that.  I'm just trying to share with you a little of  what God has taught me over the last 35 years . Or should I say , has pounded into my head over the last 35 years . i am more than a little thick headed at times.


Anyway , God bless you and please keep your confidence in Him alone. He will NEVER  let you down. ( again , from personal experience )  God bless                                

Charles      Very well said    Amen!!!!    

 oh and thick headed  I am so pleased to know I am not the only one.  

I have learned He is no less than what Jesus said He is:

(Joh 14:26)

  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. .




Eph 3:14-19 14 When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15 the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. 17 Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. 18And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. 19May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God

1Cor 6:19 Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves.

As we exercise Faith in His Word, and submit to the direction the Spirit leads us.  We begin to see what once was impossible, now according to His Will and purpose all things become natural.   He will lead and guide us so we will fulfill His Desires and Plans He has always had for us His Children.

The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of God.  In 1Cor 12:11   It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have.  In the verses before we see what many of these gifts are.  As we yield, and ask that the Spirit show us what He wants us to do.  First, we must operate in humility.  

2Cor 3:4-6 Christ gives us confidence about you in God's presence. By ourselves we are not qualified in any way to claim that we can do anything. Rather, God makes us qualified. He has also qualified us to be ministers of a new promise, a spiritual promise, not a written one. Clearly, what was written brings death, but the Spirit brings life.  We will see again and again, the Spirit brings Life, Power, and the ability to fulfill God's Plan in our life.  God has given us the Holy Spirit for many reasons, a down payment of things to come.  The Power to step up into the Gifts we have been given.  

2Tim 1:13-14 13 Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. 14Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you. Kept from pride, from being watered down.  The Word is sound in every way yet, many who do not know the True Power of the Word combined with the Holy Spirit.   May at times allow themselves to be lead by the enemy.  No matter the reason, when the enemy is able to combine any part of it, to any part of a believers walk compromise will be found.  We must learn to Trust, obey, and Live and Live for the Lord, not ourselves.

Hi Chris    not to contradist you but I would like to give you my experience.   You say we must operste in humility.

         Forced humility is useless.  

                   The first time I realized The Father had spoke to me I ggot all excited  I thought wow am I special I flew around telling everyone and most impotant I missed what He had said. 

                  I sooned learned  that my belief faith a combination of my love for our Lord was what had brought me to hear. I also soon learned with the help of The Spirit that this love has taught me the rest needed. The humility and what it means. The obedience and to whom I am obedient. All the musts all the need to dos that man list out and make knowing The Lord seem so diffficult. I soon learned and was taught by The Spirit. The only must or need I required was that which Christ Jesus pointed out. Love The Father with all my heart soul and mind. Love my neighbor as myself. With this have belief out of which faith grew.  


   " Forced humility is useless."  My Brother I am a little confused by this.  Yet, I Trust you as a friend and Brother in the Lord.  " Forced humility" is not humility at all.  I have been humbled a great many times, and for a number of reasons.  Confidence in the Lord is not pride.  I agree with you in many ways.  I do not live by "do's and don'ts."  In my life when I have yielded to the Spirit, His Love and Will has guided me.  Am I perfect? NO.  

This next statement is Not directed to anyone.  I am using it as a example.  If, we see someone about to trip, fall, or anything like that.  I believe we have a duty to tell them of what to expect next.  A humble heart is the work area of the Spirit.  " Forced humility" is pride.  As we humble ourselves, or maybe better said,  as we breathe in our nature of the Spirit, filling the lungs of our spirit man.  Obedience to the Lord and His Word is part of that nature.  Faith and Love Knowing how and when to use both.  Guidelines? " Love The Father with all my heart soul and mind. Love my neighbor as myself." 

Have I offended you Dean?  I am a little confused.  Brother please let me know.

no  not at all that is why I said not to contradict.  You see as a young Christian I listened to all people around me had to say and much of it sounded like you have to do before the Lord would move. As I tried to practise this I found myself confused. It wasn't until I let go and began to let The Lord that I actually began to learn how simple it is to know The Lord and learn from Him.

      I guess I should have been more clear. It is just I remember my dismay at attempting to do every right. and nothing happening. In all reality I was trying to hard and  controlling the outcome.

      And honestly I hear a lot of this from many.  Forced humility is not always pride in some cases it is simple an attempt to follow what one has been taught by his peers.


   " Forced humility is not always pride in some cases it is simple an attempt to follow what one has been taught by his peers."  Thank you for you are correct.  

I will feel more comfortable sharing most of this in a letter.  That is why I have reached out.  I thought we were already friends.  I am a little hesitate in some things right now.  Dean I have been hurt and I know of a few things going on behind the scenes.  I am Praying that these people do not continue down the road.  Yet, Lord Bless them all.

Thank you Brother


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