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How do I share what I know, believe, and have experienced in the Spirit, without offending others or being judged as boastful?

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I think you are correct about the apostles. There were prophets in the New Testament church. God used the apostles and prophets in different ways but both were used to reveal the Word to us today.

Eph 3:4-5  In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, 5 which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets. NIV

Yet, in the setting up of the church, Paul leaves the church in the hands of pastors, elders, bishops, (different names for the same office) and deacons. We are given quite a bit of information concerning the requirements of these offices. As Paul was preparing to leave this world he never mentions future apostles or prophets. It appears to me that these two offices were not going to continue. Yet, the gift of prophecy is certainly given to the church as well as other gifts. Eph. 4:11 and I Cor 12.

It appears that the last apostle was John, the only apostle to die a natural death. In his later years he began to identify himself as an elder rather than apostle. Peter also identifies himself as an elder in 1 Pet 5:1.

Today, there are those that claim that God is restoring apostolic authority to the church. As for prophets, there were still prophets around at the end of the Book. I think these were those who declared the truth of God's Word and this office is still around today. However, I believe the Book is complete.

Today, a prophet would declare the person of the Lord Jesus to the world. That is clearly the purpose of that calling.

My sons are playing video games (yes the preacher sons) and so I had a little time to share. Amanda, your input is very valuable. You have great insight.

My son plays video games.

Any vision or dream IMO must align with Scriptures. If I were single and were to have a vision to marry a certain person, and I am a believer and that person is an unbeliever, but in my vision God says Go ahead for he will become a believer eventually, I would have serious doubts about that vision. Would God ever tell a believer to go ahead and marry an unbeliever based on future happenings in their lives?  I believe God would say, Wait because he will believe but you must be patient and wait. That would be more in line with Scriptures. Or, don't even date an unbeliever -- that would really line up with Scriptures.

Personally, I am very leery of the prophetic "words" that people tell me that God has given them for me. One reason I am cautious because why would the Holy Spirit not speak that word directly to me? Another reason is because a lot of the time, the "word" is often very ambiguous and could have several different meanings and I am still wondering, what does that mean? God is not the author of confusion. Most of the time we have to wait on the results for that word and see if it does happen. I can't really take it by faith. Yet, I know what is revealed already in Scriptures, I have to wait on, yes, but I know it will happen. Thus saith the Lord ...

Nevertheless, it is very easy to be led astray.


I have three sons, two sons-in-law and six grandsons and they all play. I am here in Wyoming awaiting my seventh grandson and we are sitting around playing a lot of game. I get online when they start playing their games.

I think you and I are a little more conservative but that is okay. God puts all in His body to keep things in line. If it were not for the conservatives, I think things would go crazy. I believe in the supernatural events but I think the Lord wants the services to be done decently and in order. I believe the main purpose for the gifts is to reveal Jesus Christ to His people. I believe He already knows who are His and He will anoint us to preach (prophesy) the Gospel to these to bring them in.

I also believe in miraculous healings. I do not understand why all don't get healed but I do believe he does heal. My grandfather was diagnosed thirty-eight years ago with incurable cancer. He was given two months to live. He had lumps coming out all over his body. He came to my dad's church for prayer. Grandpa had been a fire breathing, hell-fire Pentecostal preacher. We all prayed for his healing. He went the next day to have a lump cut off that was under his arm and was giving much pain. He felt that morning and the lump was there. By the time he was wheeled into the operating room, the lump had disappeared and every cancer cell in his body was gone. This was a miraculous healing. He was old at the time but lived another thirty years and never had another sign of that cancer. Yet, in the meantime, how many have I seen die of this same disease. I have seen some of the greatest believers I have known die. I know it was not the lack of faith on their part but for some reason they were not healed. The greatest mother of faith I have known saw her son die from cancer and her daughter from cerebral palsy.

I also question the personal words but I believe in Chris and trying to figure it all out. I am not going to be divided over the issue.

I do have a problem with the modern charismatics when the claim new revelation is given. An article by John MacArthur states the following:

For example, J. Rodman Williams wrote:

The Bible truly has become a fellow witness to God’s present activity. . . . If someone today perhaps has a vision of God, of Christ, it is good to know that it has happened before; if one has a revelation from God, to know that for the early Christians revelation also occurred in the community; if one speaks a “Thus says the Lord,” and dares to address the fellowship in the first person--even going beyond the words of Scripture--that this was happening long ago. How strange and remarkable it is! If one speaks in the fellowship of the Spirit the Word of truth, it is neither his own thoughts and reflections (e.g., on some topic of the day) nor simply some exposition of Scripture, for the Spirit transcends personal observations, however interesting or profound they may be. The Spirit as the living God moves through and beyond the records of past witness, however valuable such records are as a model for what happens today.9

I guess I have to go. Maybe the Lord is shutting me up. You can read the article for yourself. Have a great day.

I guess the questions are: does the gift of prophecy make a person with the gift a Prophet; and, if there are Prophets today then are the words they give us additional revelation and just as sacred as the writings in the Bible?

I just believe that God enlightens us and the spiritual gift of prophecy is to be used to enlighten us regarding what God has already revealed. If that means I am conservative, then I am conservative. I've been called worse. The Word of God is the power of God unto salvation.

I believe we may give people a personal word of comfort, encouragement, or admonition. I believe we must communicate spiritual truth. We need to hear loving words. We ask the Lord for wisdom so that when circumstances call for it, we will be able to give instruction and exhortation. Some may be going astray. A word given to them could help them get back on the right path. A few comforting words can help when you are down. Sometimes just reminding someone that the Lord is coming back is comforting. Paul said to comfort one another with these words (1 Thess 4:18).

People need to know we care for them and are praying for them.

All the gifts are for the sake of the Body and for bringing into the Body those who belong to Jesus.

That's what I believe. I really don't know about all of these other things and these other words that people have for others. I guess if I need to know I will.

No they do not Amanda.  There were translations that used the word prophet.  I did not use them on purpose.  Look all I have ever shared with others, gave them confirmation, comfort, and at times direction but only by confirmation not by my words.  I am Blessed to know you hear God's Voice.  Not all do, I did not know that for a very long time.  Many times I have felt just this side of the donkey who told the prophet to turn around.  I have felt God has used me in this way, to show if I can use him I am able to use anyone.  Not false humility, honest truth.  I would never lead another away from the Word.  Some have am many have been hurt.  That alone keeps me from saying all that I hear.  Not everything I hear is for all.  Most of it is direction for how I am to Pray for that person.  At this point I regret that I mentioned any of this.  I do not like the attention.  

Bless you Sister for coming back.

Chris, I believe according to Scripture that one who has the gift of prophecy will help people apply the Scriptures to their lives and the person with this gift will have a great burden to warn people about God's coming judgement and their need to repent and become part of the Body of Christ. But that is just what I see in Scriptures. Like Roy, I am not going to be divided about it. It is a great gift and responsibility and one who has it needs our help by prayers. The gift would be used to get people to realize their need to be holy and it would be used to rebuke, as well as to comfort and encourage people. It would be to strengthen the Body. The one with the gift would also encourage others to seek God personally for His guidance and not just look to them alone. And I am not saying you don't meet that criteria. You seem to meet it, in your blogs and groups here at AAG.


    I was not able to reply to your message.  So this is the best way.  You have not idea what your words mean to me.  I am humbled and Thankful for your encouragement.  Yet, I do appreciate all your words.  And, yes those things you have said carry a very heavy burden at times.  I consider it to be a very Holy Gift, and I have seen the damage some have done, and work hard at not making those mistakes.  

For the most part what I share to others, is confirmation of what they already know.  Or, hold on until they receive confirmation, or let it just go.  The most difficult part and many do not want to talk about, is to correct another as you continue to edify them.  

Make no mistake Amanda your words were very kind and brought tears to me eyes.  I am very grateful for your words to me.  

Chris, I didn't send you a message. I have just been replying to you here in the forum. I don't know what you mean by being unable to reply to my message.  


   There was only a message icon not a reply under your reply.  I did not mean message, I meant reply.  Sorry for any confusion.

It's all I could think of. Lol! I am running out of thoughts.

Lol! No. Great minds think alike.

Hi Roy  the questions you ask are interesting. When I relate to the account of the woman at the well it gave me a whole new understanding of a prophet. I always felt a prophet spoke of future events. And it made me uneasy when people spoke about being prophetic  you know the crystal ball stuff.  Now the account of the woman at the well Jesus does not speak of any future event when the woman suggest he must be a prophet. I found that interesting and through research and scripture found that a prophet is someone who recieves word form God.

Edifying and instructive words. I have since a new and higher respect for the prophetic.

Another thought I have had is that in scripture in many cases the prophetic is in many ways a warning about the direction man is in. Such as the Book of Revelation.  Due to this warning we today more than ever need God's word from scripture and His chosen. Call them what you like but they bring instruction.


Just a thought



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