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How do I share what I know, believe, and have experienced in the Spirit, without offending others or being judged as boastful?

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I would inject into the conversation that there is a difference between revelation and illumination. One has ceased and the other is how God still speaks to us today.


Lord Bless,


Thanks, that is very helpful.

Hi Roy    As I read scripture the only book with a warning not to add or subtract is Revelation. Not to say we should add or subtract from any of scripture. Yet anyone who as study church history knows just that has been done.

              I do believe  the other books of scripture are books of teaching and instruction. And I for one believe that teaching and instruction never ends.

              In the english language as Lt points out we have given different words for many similar things.  Although I see todays world as very different from 1 AD We have nuclear power we have flight we have automobiles  we have computers. Considering all the modern tools we have could our Heavenly Father if He chose not give Revelation about the use of them.  

              Dont get me wrong I am not saying He has I am just wondering are we not taking the risk of elliminating that possability 


    As I have said from the beginning, when I have shared a Word with another, it should be a confirmation of what their spirits have heard from the Holy Spirit.  If not hold on to that Word and wait and see if confirmation comes, or just let it go.  In a few of the Churches I went to before, when I spoke Words to the entire Church or interpreted another tongue, they were recorded.  But, I rarely spoke of events to take place.  But, would share what the Spirit was wanting in way of direction.  Be it more Freedom or directions in those ways.  There have been times that I shared about a change that was coming.  A few of those I did not exactly know all that would be involved, but a change in leadership took place or the leadership understood that they needed to pay close attention and change some things.  I never would have given a Word of correction to leadership in open service.  Or, for that matter anyone in open service.  But, all of and every Word I gave is subject to be tested, by those in leadership.  

I am reluctant to anything that brings attention to me.  As I have shared, I stuttered until my early 20's, and at times do a little for time to time.  Yes, the office of prophet is difficult to teach another.  And, unless that person is called and operate in Faith, they would be a false prophet.  Col 1:9-10 tells us this So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete Knowledge of His Will and to give you spiritual Wisdom and Understanding. 10 Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.  In many ways this may describe closer what I have done.  Some have sought me out and asked me to Pray with them about a certain subject.  I will of course Pray with them, and will share what I have heard, Only after I first have the Spirits permission, and to tell them what I share should be confirmation.  

As I have shared before, there will never be a book of Chris.  Perish the thought.  The Word is clear about adding to the Word.  Do you believe the Word is alive, and although complete we are able to receive deeper Meanings from the same verse?  If I have ever said, "Thus says the Lord," it has taken place.  I cannot stress this point enough.  I see my self as only a mouthpiece.  Simply one who has been given the ability and Grace, to humble myself and allow the Spirit to speak through me.  Again, as in a different place I had shared I hold the office of Pastor to be respected when I would ever speak a Word to the whole Church, or even when I spoke Words over people in his Church.  He could have corrected me anytime if he felt me to be out of order.  Those are his sheep and he is responsible for them.   I had not nor would I ever disrespect his office, to me I would be out of order and be held accountable to God.  Which I keep in front of my thinking, I will give an account.

I do not see where it has passed away.  In the verses I shared, why even mention the office, if it was to only pass away.  God has the ability to see what even mentioning the office would do.  And, I do not believe Him to be an author of confusion.  And, yes Paul speaks of elders and deacons.  But, what does he say about Pastor, Teacher, or Evangelist, without speaking of Prophet or Apostles?  As for training I ever received, it has all been on the job. I was under a Pastor who had such a difficult time thinking God would use one as me.  Others in leadership, and Men and Women of God who he respected when they came to visit, would give and speak very many Words about who God called me to be, and what it would mean to me.(the cost)  Yet, this Pastor as others had such a hard time, even the thought of God using me.  I also test everything.  I number of Words I gave, I was given many of them days before I shared them.  I have held some Words for longer, and different reasons.  

The idea of profiting from this Gift, is wrong to me.  I did nothing to gain what I have, so how could I gain that way from it?  I will be back later.

Lord Bless have fun, fun, fun with those Grandkids.  They are truly a Blessing.


I think maybe I am too skeptical sometimes and question too much and test too much. I was just thinking about all of the people on the day of Pentecost who prophesied. Did the gift of prophecy make all of those people prophets? Ephesians 2:20 says “Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself” (NLT).


Since this verse was spoken to the Ephesians, then we know they definitely were part of the house, but were those people part of the foundation? I mean I am certain they had all the spiritual gifts, including tongues, prophecy, and everything, but did that make them apostles and prophets, too? Do you think that all those who prophesied on the day of Pentecost -- sons and daughters, young men, old men, bond slaves, both men and women -- were laying the foundation of the church? Or were they part of the “house”? Philip, an evangelist, had four unmarried daughters who prophesied (Acts 21:9). Were they part of the foundation or the house? Someone today with the gift of prophecy, is that person part of the foundation or the house? I think we must be very careful here. Whatever spiritual gifts I may have, I think I am just part of the house and not part of the foundation. But of course apostles and prophets are part of the house, too, I guess and not just the foundation.


All the gifts are important as we see in the rest of 1 Cor 12 and as verse 21 says, “The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”

We need all of our parts. Verse 7 says, Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Having said all of that, I will say one more thing that will probably throw you for a loop :)

God can do whatever God wants and I know God wants “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” Eph 4:12, 13.

The verse before that mentions that “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers” and, while to me it looks like the first two are the foundation, and the rest are part of the house, and Christ is the cornerstone, if it is God’s will, then we will see all of those ministries fully functioning before Jesus returns and perhaps none of them ever ceased.

But to me, for now, it looks like the foundation is finished and we are just building up the house. The Book is finished as far as being written. There will be no new revelation, only enlightenment on what has already been given.

I have many questions though and not many answers. I admit it. Maybe there are different levels of apostles and prophets??? There will not be any like what we find in Scriptures -- on that level -- but perhaps of a lesser level??


I am open to learning. I personally do not think there are apostles available to the church today. I am still looking into the idea of prophets. I think prophets have a different role today than in times past but Christ certainly does not. LT gave a good injection when he spoke of revelation and illumination. That says it for me. I do not believe in new revelation but in the revelation we have revealed. This certainly could be part of the function of the prophet. As you have noticed we have disagreement on that issue here on AAG. I was searching for an article about this on the AAG website but have not found it yet.

Yes, the apostles and the prophets were the foundation. That is a great point. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone.

God can do whatever He wants but He will do what He says He will do in the Word. There are two prophets coming for sure.

I think on this subject we should tread slowly.

I agree. We must be cautious. I think I will bow out. I know the gift of prophecy exists and I ask the Lord of the harvest ... to send out workers into His harvest field.

Yes the foundation is finished yet we do not remove the foundation we keep it in place doing it's job.    As you said a house and/or body needs all of its parts.

I believe God speaks to us in eeverthing, because with out him we would have nothing, I thi k he speaks to through
Just about EVERTHING , you would make a good teacher Amanda be ause God did fill you with knowledge, your
Writing is just beautiful, you are filled with the spirit as Roy is, blessings to you both.
Num;12:6, And he said , Hear now my words, If there be a prophet among you the Lord will make myself known
unto him in a vision and will speak to him in a dream. Isa, 8;20? To law to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is be ause there is no light in them. true prophets will reprove other prophets sins rather then conspire to support
Another's claim. Jer;28:29 , The prophet which prophesier of peace , when the word of the prophet shall come to pass then shall the prophet be known that the Lord truely sent him. MT: 7;15- Beware of the false prophets which come to you in
sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves ye shall know them by their fruits, Even so every good tree
Zbringeth forth evil fruit , a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit , neither cn corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.Wherfore
By their fruits ye shall know them , Prophets leade people to repentance and Humily befor God, and to love their fellow
Humans, they never lead people to become competive , prideful or self exalting.
Very well said Dean, thank you for that, Blessing's , Amen
This is my answer to dean's question, asking Chris if he knows in Revalaion how many people will or die, first of all
Am not a prophet, but I will answer this from own knowledge and my teaching , The Jejovah Wotness think it is
just them that will go to Heaven, and many think it will be those amount of people from four corners,of the earth
who will go home , Only in reality , it is that many people ( and their seed in addition ) who are from the 12 tribes
of Judah, So for instance , 12,000 from one corner of the earth, but then, there seed will be added to that number,
The seed if 12 Tribes of Judah are are world wide , From Africa to the middle east ( including Israel , to Europe and
to U.S. Jesus states that whom believeth in Him will not parish and ave everlasting life- so why would He put a limitation
on such a few number - to only a very small few from the four corners of the earth. This is one way of looking at it, for
Those who do not know the Mysteries and Wisdom of God- someone who God speaks to and explains His Word as a
Good prophet , which I know a couple of prophets that speak to God and and communicate very well, for it is important
To have Interpet Hus word for you , and not go by what others think it means. which will lead you down the wrong
path , For what a man thinketh is right, leads to destruction as the Lord hath promised.


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