How do you change? What are the things you do for change? How do you think you are able to see the need for change?
Change can be difficult on many levels. The first step of change is, knowing why we need to change. The more we are clear on this point, the stronger we will be as we go through change. Many of the reasons we need to change, can be linked to weakness on our part. Wisdom shows us that we require help, help from a strength stronger than our own. As Children of God we know He will and has provided the Strength we need. But in all these things we are more than conquerors, through Him that loved us. {Rom 8:37} Jesus tells us that, “13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. 14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” {John 14:13-14}
And, we are able to lean all the more, on the Word about our weakness. Therefore, I accept weakness, mistreatment, hardship, persecution, and difficulties suffered for Christ. It's clear that when I'm weak, I'm strong. {2Cor 12:10}
There are times we want to change for others. Yet, that is not of it’s own a complete reason. There will always be more to that reason. {ie. to make another happy; to win approval; we see our actions as sin; on and on} No, true and lasting change generally happens when the reason for our behavior that needs change, when that need is satisfied. Or, we change when we no longer need what we have sought.
When we receive Jesus as Lord, and ask to be forgiven, many things happen. The void in our hearts is filled; our greatest need is satisfied. The power that fueled our desire to feed our flesh, is outmatched. His Grace; His Love; Empowers us to live in Victory, over our flesh. These are the Tools for change to begin in our lives. Until “that Day” when we are called Home, we are a work in progress.
I believe keeping in mind that, “we are a work in progress,” allows the Spirit the freedom to show us where and how, to change. It will always be the humble heart that learns. Take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. {Matt 11:29}
17With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused. 18Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against Him. 19They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity. 20But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. 21Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from Him, 22throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly Righteous and Holy. {Eph 4:17-24}
So change comes as we yield to the Spirit, with a humble heart. Change begins with desire that is born from knowledge. Change happens as we are empowered through Jesus. We are given ears to hear and eyes to see, as we yield to the Guidance of the Spirit. All of this is able through Faith in Jesus. A Faith given to us, showing the clear Truth of God’s Love for us. The more we change for Jesus, He is Glorified again and again.
I believe this is the *mind renewal* Paul speaks of in Romans 12:2.
The Holy Spirit renews our mind but for it to happen, we need to allow Him to do it.
Example: I smoke. I have smoked since I was a kid. I know I shouldn't smoke, but I have not wanted to quit. Now, in my later years, I am wanting to be rid of this habit. I am praying about it but I am also struggling to make it happen. I am not completely healed yet but I will be. God hasn't criticized me for smoking. I have criticized myself.
In the past I said I wanted to quit but I really didn't want to. Now, because I am willing to struggle with it, God is walking with me through it. He is strengthening me for the task. I ask for strength and He is giving it to me. He isn't heaping it on me lest I think I can quit any time. He is helping only as I ask.
Regarding changes....God has been showing me that. He is talking to me about my need to quit. and letting me realize that some of the health problems I am having are due to smoking. You might say "All the doctors tell a person how bad smoking is". That is true but they couldn't tell my mind that, because I wouldn't listen.
Now I am listening to the Holy Spirit. He is helping me and I am growing stronger. Will I stop? Yes, because I want to stop. Can I do it alone? No, but the Holy Spirit stands ready to help me and He is strengthening me every day.
Therefore, for me change is something you desire to do, you are willing to do, and you ask the Holy Spirit to help you with. With Him involved, and you willing, you can accomplish everything or anything.
I guess I have always looked at it as if I cannot change but I am being changed. Sometimes it is so small that it is imperceptible to others and even to me but the changes happen as I read the Scriptures and learn the truth. My mind changes. The Scriptures and the Holy Spirit work to change my mind and then I receive power from God to choose light over darkness ... to decide that I am not going to do that anymore or I am not going to talk like that anymore or I am not going to act like that anymore.
First, your spiritual eyes have to be opened to see what is wrong.
The people in the Corinthian church were acting like the world. Sometimes we all tend to behave like unsaved people in certain areas anyway. Level of maturity matters.
We are washed, sanctified, and justified as born again believers.
Yet, we still struggle with the flesh.
Yet again our identity does not change in God's eyes ... even though we continue to sin.
As Christians we should not lie or steal or practice homosexuality or commit sexual immorality of any kind, etc ... They are sins. We should not persist in them without repenting. But then there are two categories that people will fall into concerning whatever specific sin they are struggling to overcome. Some are repentant and truly sorrowful for their sin but can't seem to break out of it. They know it is sin and it doesn't glorify God and it hurts their testimony as well as their usability by God. And there are some who just aren't very concerned about the sin or overcoming it and they think "if I do, I do and if I don't, I don't because I know God has saved me already" and they even justify it as if it were not even a sin or by saying no sin is unforgiveable anyway except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, etc ...
We cannot lie to God about how we really feel about our sin. When God opens our eyes to what He wants to change in us during the sanctification process, God will keep working on our hearts in order to get us to agree with Him about how we are being changed ... from glory to glory, isn't it? We may struggle for a long time to overcome any particular sin. The key I think is that it is a struggle ... for if it isn't a struggle, then I would wonder if the person were really saved. But maybe it could also be something that God has not really pointed out to the person as something He wants to change in them.
I struggle.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. (James 5:16, NIV).
I would say the change can only begin by us seeing it as a sin or a fault, owning it and not justifying it and surrendering to God's will about it. Easier said than done ... :)
Chris, your opening words are key to this whole issue (as Char has already picked up on):
Change can be difficut on many levels. The first step of change is, knowing why we need to change. The more we are clear on this point, the stronger we will be as we go through change.
The date was June 6, 1983. I had been smoking for 25 years......thought about quitting every once in a while....but just thought. I had just come outside for a smoke break. Lit up.....took a big drag.......and stared at the cigarette between my fingers. And it ocurred to me (Holy Spirit?).....I worship this little white stick. I have to indulge in its power regularly, and like bow to it...........It came to me in a flash.......threw my little idol down and stepped on it.
I quit! Just like that - cold turkey. I have never smoked since.....and am so glad for that decision that day.
Was it easy? Oh no.......I was bouncing off the walls for several weeks. My family should have received medals for putting up with me.
But, it had to be the Holy Spirit who saw me through the whole event. I give God the glory and credit.
There are so many good and positive reasons for quitting. Anybody who has done it, will tune in with me how great it is. I still celebrate trashing that idol that had me under its control. Chris, there's the reason for my kicking the habit. Amen.
Grace and Peace.
One of the wonderful things about change, for Believers is we do not need to depend upon our strength. As we humble our will in obedience, and ask with Thanksgiving we are able to Trust in His Grace and Power. Change is apart of who we are, as we become who we need to be in Christ. We must never be afraid to change. As our hearts desire to be more Christ like, change is built into this thinking. Change to Glorify Jesus, is one of the things Holy Spirit leads us. Knowing that, fear of change cannot stand against our obedience and The Spirits empowerment. So we are able to be at Peace as we Trust in in His Leading.
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