To come to that place of obedience and of humility to the Lord, takes several things. One is desire. But, how does a person arrive to a place, that their desire is to be obedient and humble, to and before the Lord?
As we take a look at the Lord. Not a glance, but a good hard look. We will see, what He has done for us. The price He Paid for us. As we continue to look at the Lord we will see, why and how He paid that price for us. At some point we will realize that, what we are truly looking at is, Love. The First Love; the true origin of Love. Or, Original Love. Which when broken came, original sin.
So, as we gaze upon the Lord. As we see His Love. The Love that we asked to receive, so our sins would be forgiven. And, since we received His forgiveness. Humility begins to take hold, we gain a grateful heart. As that grateful heart beats, so does the desire to serve the Lord. The desire to be obedient, the understanding to be humble, to and before the Lord.
Once that desire is in place, along with the understanding that we must keep our eyes fixed upon the Lord. For it is the humble and obedient that gain, Wisdom. Armed with Wisdom, we are able to help others and be helped. Wisdom has the ability over doubt and unbelief. Wisdom can do battle over a great many things.
Since Wisdom comes from the Lord. Each piece of Wisdom “fits” with others pieces. Much like a brick wall, better still a rock wall. Different shapes, sizes and color fitting together as one. Which becomes a rock structure. In the same fashion, we are called “Living Stones” 1Peter 2:5 And you are living stones that God is building into His Spiritual Temple. What's more, you are His Holy Priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. Before a stone worker begins, the stones are spread out before him. There are no diagrams to go by. As you watch a stone worker set each stone. There will be times that, stones he sets may not appear to fit or, balance out the building. Yet, in time you will see how no matter the size of the stone. They each will support, fit, and balance out what is being built.
In the same way you are able to recognize stones. Our spirits recognize Wisdom, we have a quickening when we hear Wisdom. Much like the stone worker gathers stones, we should be seeking and receiving Wisdom. We may not know how or where each piece of Wisdom will fit in our lives. This is the reason obedience, humility, Faith, and Trust are so very important. As we yield our wills to His. Put our Complete Trust, which we are only able to do through Faith in Him. As we do this more and more, we come to realize and recognize ourselves as “Living Stones.” So that the Master Builder is able to use us, and we discover we have become part of the Spiritual Temple, all for the Glory of the Lord.
For me, becoming a living stone is like being shaped through a process of being chipped away at by the master builder until that stone fits into place and can become part of the huge building. Some of us have more edges that need to be knocked down which causes that hammer and chisel really hurt from time to time. Sometimes I feel like He has gotten out a large chisel and sledge hammer to get me to fit. We are to be a part of His building not the other way around. Some of us try to make God a part of our life rather than becoming a willing vessel for Him to use in His building. It can get pretty intense at times. Growing older doesn't seem to help. Chris, it is just like your article above. You wrote some good things and I felt like a hammer came down on me. That is a good thing - not a bad thing.
I was teaching my Bible class this morning about the Israelites going through the wilderness experience and what we today received from that. While they were going through times when they did not know about their next meal or even where they would get water, we were getting the glorious Word of God. The wilderness experience is wonderful except when you are going through it. It sometimes doesn't feel so wonderful.
Great discussion.
Thank you both.
Roy your addition about chisel, " Some of us have more edges that need to be knocked down which causes that hammer and chisel really hurt from time to time." very true. I also have many chisel marks.
Char Bless you for bringing a much needed smile to my face. I was not sure where the Spirit was going with it all. I Love your acute observation. Did you really roll on the floor?
I will start setting off flares, on the other side. I only expect to hear good news, about the trip. As we go through the wilderness, desert, climb the mountains and any other hardships, we do not always have a smile. {yes Char I know that might also go into the Guinness Book of World Understatements} As we begin to walk into the lush grass, and ponder all we have accomplishments, our Lord has brought us through. Joy begins to shine from our hearts, eyes, and our actions.
Or, another way of looking at it is, we become more and more, "Living Stones." As we have shared. This is how we become more Christ like, and the Glory of the Lord shines from our actions. We are empowered by Jesus, guided by Him, and Loved by Him. So All the Glory goes to Him.
Something to add. Desire by itself is not enough. When the Light shines on desire alone, it is revealed to be a wish. When desire is armed with, the hunger for a more humble heart, and a thirst for a more obedient will. Change can and will occur in a less painful manner. Because, the more we want something, the more we are willing to do want it takes. Now, we cannot get around God's Will for us. We may want to do this or that for the Lord. If it is not His Will for us then, get ready for a long lesson. In the same way, if it is His Will and not ours well, that is why obedience and humility needs to steer desire.
Make no mistake. We are all different and that is how we are created. Events in our life, leave their impressions on our hearts and in our minds. Some good, some painful, on and on I could go. It is because of these events and the residue they leave. They may help or hinder our growth. That is why, the more we yield to Him and allow His Blood to wash over us, what is negative has less power. At the same time we must never forget, He Knows our hearts. So, He is able to guide and lead us far better then we are. Our wills make things more difficult, our mindset on right and wrong, can slow us down.
One thing also, much of what we go through is, more for others than ourselves. He is pruning us to bear the best fruit we are able. Not so much for our consumption, but for those who will benefit from what God has/is doing in us.
I am thinking of Ephesians 2:22.
We are being custom-built. It's not so much that we -- the Body -- are building but that we are being built up into one beautiful household where God inhabits through the Spirit. That means each of us has to fit together and fit well. When a house is being built, there are different levels. First the foundation, then the frame, finally the roof and walls. It takes a lot of work ... a lot of measuring and cutting and time ... it takes a lot of time. This is a big, big house. God is patient.
Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. (Hebrews 3:3, NIV).
Thank you Amanda
Eph 2:19-21 19 So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s Holy people. You are members of God’s family. 20 Together, we are His House, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus Himself. 21 We are carefully joined together in Him, becoming a Holy Temple for the Lord.
I also have been in Eph 2 today. But, in a different part Eph 2:8-10. Having been a carpenter for a number of years, in my younger days. I am reminded me of the old saying. “Measure twice cut once.” And, I agree we cannot take credit as “We are carefully joined together in Him, becoming a Holy Temple for the Lord.” Grace is such a wonderful gift, we would be lost without it.
I really like this. This is a very good discussion. I hope more do get involved. Every single one of us has stories how God has and is shaping us to become what He has designed for us to be. A stone doesn't feel anything. A "living stone" - that is a different matter. The living stone feels all that is being done to it. Sometimes the living stone even feels sorry for itself. haha This concept of a "living stone" is so ingenious it had to come from the Holy Spirit. We are not living bricks but living stones. Bricks are all alike. No two stones are alike. It takes a Master builder to put all those together.
I was going to include that very point about, the difference between bricks and stones. And, yes I also trust more will share their thoughts.
The idea of people being living stones is awesome! It made me think of going to a river bed and selection stones for one's drive or walk. Not every stone is approved for such a purpose. Some of them are misshapen and therefore useless because there is no way one of them can be driven or walked over. There would have to be much chiseling done to get them to fit. Some of them are cracked...some are brittle...some are too hard. I would think that veneering a house would require inspection to make sure the stone was the right size for the job. All stones can be used for some purpose but some would be used for things that size and shape didn't matter.
Stones are beautiful. Even those found in a river bed. Some remain in the river bed because they won't fit anywhere else but they still have a use...filtering the water in the river. Some will end up in a fire.
A wonderful thing to remember about water and stones. The water is most effective at shaping stones, without the rigid effects of a chisel and mallet. The water shapes the stones, leaving them smooth so they are much easier to work with. I believe the Spirit can be seen as the Water to shape us into the fashion our Lord desires. As we become apart of God's Holy and Living Temple.
Lord Bless You Sister
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