A group concerned with ...
... seeking to understand what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
... sharing our experiences of being filled.
... understanding operating in the Holy Spirit and spiritual Gifts.
... giving opportunity for individuals to ask about this important topic of walking in the Spirit.
Our goal is to edify and build up the body of Christ. We will not be discussing the "Evidence Doctrine." A dissucion on this doctrine tends to divide rather than build up.
Members: 104
Latest Activity: Feb 9, 2024
Started by a servant (Chris). Last reply by mamie watts Aug 5, 2019. 7 Replies 4 Likes
This is the question: Do any of you feel from The Spirit, a need and desire to come closer ?? Is The Spirit moving in you ? Is He asking you to seek Him ? What do you think you must do ? How…Continue
Started by a servant (Chris). Last reply by Christopher Kendall Jun 28, 2014. 9 Replies 1 Like
Over time I have been asked this, as I am sure many of you have. How do we Walk in The Spirit? 12 Consequently, brothers, we are not—with respect to human nature, that is—under an obligation to…Continue
Started by a servant (Chris). Last reply by a servant (Chris) Sep 24, 2013. 6 Replies 0 Likes
How do you see Holy Spirit? Do you see Holy Spirit just as this misty Spirit that influences us? Do you see The Holy Spirit with a body, would that be necessary? Do you believe Holy Spirit has a…Continue
Started by a servant (Chris). Last reply by a servant (Chris) May 7, 2013. 8 Replies 0 Likes
We know that we gain wisdom and knowledge as we, go through experiences. We also can learn from others. How they faced trials and times of testing, we are able to learn from their success and their…Continue
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Come and let the face of the earth be renewed. O Come Great Holy Spirit, Come!!!
When people are filled w/ the Spirit, we Believe in more. We do not look down on those who don't believe as we do. We follow His Leading, each and every day. Many can hear The Spirit, some speaks as The Spirit gives utterance. Some speak in tongues, others interrupt. Which is as those who speak, as The Spirit gives Wisdom. We simply yield, so The Spirit is able to speak through us. Now no one should ever look down on themselves or others. We all have different roles or Callings. As we are Faithful in small things, we will be given more. Always giving Glory to Jesus in whatever we do.
To All
I am sorry I have not been on this site for awhile, I am Thankful so many have joined. If you have something to add as a Discussion Post, I think you can ask LT if not let me know and I will check and see. May The Lord continue to Bless and Guide you
What is the key to "Walking in The Spirit?" Surrender. Being open to The Word, about The Spirit. Seek out those who are more mature, ask questions, allow The Spirit access. Closed off people, who only believe what they see, are or can be blind. "Open minded" people who believe every tingle, every little breeze as gospel, are as blind. Walking in The Spirit is in obedience. We are chosen, we do not chose. This has nothing to do with one's importance. You are no better or worse than others. If your desire is to operate in The Spirit, Pray. If your desire is not to operate, Pray. As believers our responsibility is to The Father, The Son, and The Spirit, and to one another. If you are looking for attention, find it on your knees. All Glory, Praise, and Honor goes to Jesus, not ourselves. We hear this and say it often, yet look at your heart, better still ask others. To be broken means just that, no attention to self. Hope is found in Jesus. If you are looking for Truth, read The Word. If you are looking for knowledge, read The Word. If you what to know more about any part of "The Way" Read The Word. No matter what your gift or gifts may be, they are Not separate from The Word. We cannot function effectively apart from The Word. Jesus Who Is The Word, spent time in Prayer. We must take His example, Pray and read The Word. All the Knowledge you are seeking will be found in The Word. Again, no matter what God given ability anyone may have, it is Not separate from The Word. Confirmation about any and all Gifts and Ability will be found in The Word. Any "Word" from The Spirit, is found in The Word. Maybe not verbatim, yet confirmation w/o exception. We operate in The Spirit for the Glory of Jesus, and to help others. Any ability one may have is for the aid of others. I have operated in The Spirit for a long time, in many ways. I have seen many grand things, seen how The Spirit has worked through me to help others, time and time again. I have also been shunned, received the backhand of fellowship, been mocked you get the picture. In the end, we will all give a account to The Father. He knows our heart. Most people want simple and quite. I am who I am. I have made mistakes and at times operated in the flesh. None of this is simple or easy. Yet, if you are pulled in this direction, follow His Leading. If I had it all to do over, I would have Prayed and been in The Word more. Still, all the hateful words, the lonely times, the hurtful actions and words, will not compare to the look of Joy when I have shared a Word. The relief in the eyes of one who has been searching, and it was my honor to point this or that out, etc., etc,. When I have acted in obedience, and helped another through The Spirit, no matter what was said or done to me in hate, ignorance, or just attacked by others, can not compare to the Joy found in "Walking The Spirit."
That will be awesome. Luv u
I would love to see both of you guys there
I am Blessed w/ so many Wonderful Sisters and Brothers. Thank you for your kind words. They mean so much.
I have times when I must focus all my attention on what The Spirit is, telling. leading; and opening my eyes and ear to The Fathers Will. Then I have Pray and meditate on what I am hearing and seeing.
Before you get the wrong idea, I have times that I must walk. Please know I am not trying to show false pride. I just have to understand and seek knowledge, in what I am going through.
"O Master, let me walk with thee
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me thy secret; help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care;"
by Washington Gladden
I hope I have made sense. I treasure you and so many others. Lord willing I am coming back.
\I Love you two my Sister
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