All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There is way too much useless confusion about these two schools of theology that have more in common than not.

These discussions will be done in an effort to clear up some misunderstanding so we can equip ourselves correctly.

I will give the basics and go a little deep into each system. Roger Olson has written a wonderful book detailing common misconceptions Calvinist hold about Arminians and there are many books also showing how Arminians misunderstand Reformed Theology.

Feel free to jump in.

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Good day Brothers and Sisters, I'm sorry for bringing in this topic. I want your opinion concerining John de Baptist's denial of not being the Messiah and Elijah. Someone "a muslim writer" is using it to pose an argument that we Christians are contradicting oursleves. He claims that one out of Jesus or John de Baptist is not speaking the truth. Though I have a better explanation for it, but I want your statement concerning it. Thank you all. May the Lord bless you.


It is good to hear from you, my brother. There are going to be better answers but I am going to give you an "old man take" on the issue.

Men are very egotistical. John, being the leader that he was, would have been fighting the same battle. I do believe he came to the understanding that he was the forerunner of Christ and yet he continued to wrestle with his role even up to his death. John the Baptist would have never allowed himself to be compared with Elijah. He would see Elijah as this great person to be highly admired. I'm sure he would have liked to think he was of the same spirit as Elijah but no where close to his equal.

Obviously, however, he was. Jesus was quick to identify him as the one who was to come in the spirit of Elijah. We can clearly see today that he was. Then, it would have been quite a different story as the men of those days had to walk the walk of faith just as we do. John was the Elijah that was to come. He, on the other hand, would not identify himself as being someone that great. Just as Elijah had a time of questioning, so did John.

John was a powerful prophet. He was not afraid to stand up to kings. He was truly a great man of God.

Perfect. This is my exact view. Please visit to read this fake book. A muslim friend gave me a copy of the book from their library. I knew he would be thinking the book will get me It only made a fool of the writer who claimed to have taught in many places. This book is a disgrace for his person and the entire muslim religion and their leaders who put this fake book in their worship centers. I have all the answers to the stupid questions he asked the pastor he claimed he interviewed and I have created my own modification of his statements just for the consumption of one soul (the person that gave me the book). By the time he has read my defence, I think he will start thinking of the authenticity of his religion because the writer is one of their scholars and he is believed to know what he is saying.
Please read the book and give your comments. Once again, sorry for diverting the topic.



Actually, the Bible does talk about Muhammad.

Mt 24:11
11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. NIV

I am quite confident that this conversation the gentleman refers to occurred in his mind only unless the individual he is referring to is quite incapable of defending the faith. I am quite confident that the individual is of his father, Satan, the father of all lies. I pray with you for His conversion to Jesus, God the Son in Whom He absolutely does not believe.

He is a deceiver and his father is the deceiver.

I pray for your success in dealing with those captivated by these lies. May God's Spirit rest on you mightily in power against the lies of the evil one. In Jesus Name.


I believe that certain promises were and are for the Jewish Nation. This doesn't mean we are second class simply means that certain promises are for Isreal only. This isn't the forum to begin this topic...I invite you to start it up as another discussion if you would like.

Blessings, Carla

I am not the one that brought this discussion up. I was simply responding to what you said in an earlier post. You said:

Romans chapter 9 is referring to Israel ..past present and future..and how God will deal with that Nation.
(actually chapters 8-11:12) Paul is speaking directly to the Jewish people) Romans 11:13-36 we learn that Salvation is for all of us.

I simply disagreed with that statement and was responding to it. I believe Romans 9 refers to the Gentile believer as well as the Jewish believer. I do not want to discuss divine election since that is offensive to some but it is unfair to just say that Romans 9 does not refer to the elect (Jew or Gentile) and then dismiss any discussion of that issue. Romans 9 is the foundation of Calvinism. Many Arminians will dismiss the entire chapter as only dealing with the natural born Israelites. I am not opposed to you doing that but I do not agree.

If someone else wants to start a discussion on that I will be more than happy to participate.

Praise the Lord
Dear Roy,

If someone wants to begin the topic, then that would be great. I believe that it is important to stay on topic as much as possible within each discussion. There will obviously be the occasional rabbit trail discussion, but we must do our best to keep to the topic at hand.

My views have nothing to do with armenian beliefs, or calvinist beliefs. I don't study either one. I am interpreting what I see in scripture.

Blessings, Carla
Hi Louis,

Thank you for your question here.. Would you like to post it as a new discussion? More people will see it and therefore be able to respond to it.

We strive to keep the discussions here orderly.
Thank you for understandiing.
Blessings, Carla
Volunteer NET Administrator/Moderator
Alright, Saints, you got me involved in this age-old discussion. You all have entered some thought - provoking posts. Let me contribute some related scriptures with my take on them.

Acts 2:37-39," Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles," Brethren, what shall we do?"( They were looking for a course of action to possibly "choose"). (38) And Peter said to them,"Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
(We know the work of the Holy Spirit is to convict, or convince, people of their sin as stated in John 16:8. According to Peter`s instructions, the first step in the redemption process is apparently "repentance".) (39)" For the promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call to Himself." ( It appears the promise of salvation is to everyone. And can we say that God calls those "to Himself" who are convicted by the Holy Spirit? Those who choose life, Deut. 30:19?)

John 6:65,"And He was saying,"For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father." This verse, along with others that are similar, I submit, could mean the Holy Spirit`s redemptive work on individuals. Please consider 1 Corinthians 1:29-30,"that no man should boast before God. (30) But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, ...........".

No doubt, redemption comes from God; man cannot redeem himself. Once the Holy Ghost convicts a person of how bad he/she is, they realize their need to come to the Lord, by denying themself, and picking up their cross daily, and following Jesus ( Luke 9:23, paraphrased).

Grace and Peace.

You put on there one of my and at one time during his life my favorite preacher. During the late 80's and all the 90's I wouldn't miss a broadcast of Dr. D. James Kennedy. I still watch him on the cable stations still today but not as much as I used to.

He was a dance instructor that was saved I believe in his 20's and went on to become one of America's greatest pastors. I considered him my pastor even though I never did get to travel to Fort Lauderdale to visit the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. He is the one that got me to visit a few Presbyterian churches. The ones I visited did not have the message he had.

His teaching on this word "all" is very good. All does not mean "all" all the time. We sometimes forget that when we are reading the Bible that it was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit but by men that spoke the language of their day.

Did Christ have success in the salvation of our souls? That was certainly His mission. Can He say "Mission Accomplished" or is He still working on it. I personally believe He can say this day, "Mission Accomplished." Praise the name of our Lord. He reminds me of that over and over and over again. He is my Savior and He saved me to the uttermost. Amen.

I really enjoy these videos. I hadn't heard Kennedy in several weeks and I needed this shot today. He was my pastor for several years even though I had never met him or seen him. I am sure that many people felt the same way. Today, I think a young man from California is ministering to my heart for which I am very grateful.


Kennedy gave an example of "all" not meaning "all" in the sense of every human being. Here is an example to be considered by the believer. What did Jesus mean when He said these words?

Jn 12:30-33

30 Jesus said, "This voice was for your benefit, not mine. 31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. 32 But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." 33 He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die. NIV

This would have apparently been on the Thursday of His Passion week. He knows His time to take that trip down that beloved road to the cross was just about upon Him. The Scripture tells us that at this time He fully knows Who He is, His purpose, and the outcome. He knows now that He is here to get you and me. All these things He had to learn through obedience, study and revelation. That part was over. Now, the completed mission was at hand. He was prepared to redeem all His people.

I understand a case can be made that all men will either come before Him in humility or judgment. However, I don't think that is what He is speaking of here. I think when He says, "all," He is speaking of those who are His. He is not going to miss one single one of His. All will be saved. None will be lost. Mission accomplished. It is finished. Some like the other interpretation of He is still working on getting us saved. I don't.

I said I was going to quit commenting on this issue. How can I stop speaking of God's grace? I haven't seen this second video yet but I am quite sure I will be blessed by it as well.

Praise the Lord.


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