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TheNET Prayer Room

This is the place to post your prayer requests and a place to pray for the needs and concerns of other members.

Members: 901
Latest Activity: Jun 17

Greetings Prayer Room Participants,

Something has been brought to my attention that I need to address. It is our desire for this room to be a place to bring prayer requests and to ask for brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with us in our time of need. At the same time we need to be mindful of how we pray. By this, I mean that though we want to pray positively for others we need to be very careful regarding the language we use, especially when the request we are praying for involves another person who is part of the reason the prayer requests is being brought forth. We need to choose our words wisely and make sure that we are not digressing into a situation where we are name calling or accusing another of being of the devil.

There are number of factors I could go over, but think it not wise to give to much attention to negative actions and will simply encourage us to focus on the request and laying it before God without accusing another. For in any request our goal must always be a righteous outcome of which only God can know the exact answer that is needed in any situation.

Because this is a serious situation that can lead to other problems for individuals and TheNET our team will need to monitor the Prayer Room more closely and will need to remove remarks that appear to be derogatory.

If you see any comments that appear questionable please inform me immediately. You will stay anonymous and I will make the final judgment on the comment in question.

(NEW) Because this is an open group that is visible to the worldwide web we need to refrain from using names when praying for others without their permission. 

Lord Bless,



Discussion Forum

Urgent prayers needed!

Started by Seek. Last reply by David Moxon Mar 14, 2021. 8 Replies

Letter from Jesus

Started by Elaine Tencza PrayerRmModerator. Last reply by Sandra Licht Oct 23, 2018. 7 Replies

Let's Pray for each other

Started by Michael M.D. Richards Aug 6, 2018. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of TheNET Prayer Room to add comments!

Comment by Tonya Hill on September 11, 2009 at 4:59am
For all the ladies:

Christian Glitter by

Hope you have a good day!!!!
Comment by Beverly Soga on September 11, 2009 at 3:24am
Please pray for 3day old Storme, who has an open heart surgery yesterday afternoon at 2pm, and had to be rushed back to theater last night, after having a set back. He is busy recovering in ICU, here in a hospital in Cape Town. God is a God of miracles and I believe that He can heal this little angel of His. Thank you!
Comment by Melanie Christine Brooks on September 11, 2009 at 2:36am
Hi Opal,
Dear Lord i ask that you put your arms around Opal's son and his family,guide them to your peace and joy.May you fill their hearts with your love for each other and heal the brokeness. Heal their marraige in a way they both see your work. Give them peace and comfort only you can. Amen
Comment by Mary O on September 10, 2009 at 9:57pm
Hi Opal,
God bless you! I ask God to help your son and his family. That God warms them with His love. Father, please help heal their marriage. I ask that they can grow stronger and tighter. By the precious blood of Jesus, anything that would against them or block the communications line between them, I bind it and tell it to go. I pray that the communications line between them is open. Father, please place Your hands of protection about them.

And I ask God to supply a new air conditioner. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Our God is rich. Father, please open the windows of heaven and pour out lots of blessings upon Opal's family. I ask that the new air conditioner is bigger, runs better and that it's more energy efficient. In Jesus' name, Amen.

I love standing in agreement with you, Opal. :-) It could be your son feels the same way. I just sense that maybe he doesn't know how to fix it. I ask God to guide them and show them the way.

Mary O.
Comment by Opal Lewis on September 10, 2009 at 9:42pm
Father God we pray for judy and thank you that by your stripes we are healed in jesus name give her family strength at this time in Jesus name amen
Comment by Opal Lewis on September 10, 2009 at 9:40pm
for meline, Father God I pray that you will remind Michael of you first of all and that you would bring him home to his family,and heal all that has come against them and we bind the enemy in this suituation ,and Father God please intervein here on Melines behalf in Jesus name, Amen
Comment by Opal Lewis on September 10, 2009 at 9:37pm
Please Pray for my son and his wife, she called me tonight and said she feels they are growing apart,and he rather spend time with other people instead of her and their son,I know God put them together and for her to call me is a miracle, she hated me the first year of their marriage.She said they dont have any passion in their marriage right now and Just wants himto want to be with his family,she turly loves him and I know he loves her Please pray for them ,they started goingb to church and she has really changed her life and now it seems to her that she is loosing her husband,I know the devil is a lier,Please agree with me that God will interveinfor them me as a mother I feel their pain.thank you so much for standing with us .also my air conditioner went out and its hot .I love everyone here and thank you for all your prayers.
Comment by Mary O on September 10, 2009 at 8:56pm
Hi Melanie,
I ask God to work in Michael's heart, and that Michael comes to his senses. I also ask that God heals your heart, and that He strengthens you. By the precious blood of Jesus, I bind and rebuke anything that would come against your family. Father, awaken Michael from his slumber. I ask that the blindness is lifted from his eyes, that he sees clearly. And that He remembers the word concerning marriage. God, please place Your hands of protection about this family. I ask God to sanctify and bless you. And that He warms you with His love and keeps You in His perfect peace. In Jesus' name, Amen.
God bless,
Mary O.
Comment by Melanie Christine Brooks on September 10, 2009 at 8:35pm
I have a prayer request, I ask that you pray for my marriage and that God turns my husband,Michael's heart. I pray that God brings him home to the family that Loves him unconditionally and wants him in our lives. Please pray that God restores my marriage and heals my family..Please pray for God to put it on his word for marriage and divorce on Michaels heart.

Thank you for all your prayers
Comment by Mary O on September 10, 2009 at 7:42pm
Hi gang,

Praise God for His love and goodness!

We're seeing the evidence that God's hearing our prayers and moving on our behalf. It's the group prayers and standing together. Where any two agree.

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