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TheNET Prayer Room

This is the place to post your prayer requests and a place to pray for the needs and concerns of other members.

Members: 901
Latest Activity: Jun 17

Greetings Prayer Room Participants,

Something has been brought to my attention that I need to address. It is our desire for this room to be a place to bring prayer requests and to ask for brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with us in our time of need. At the same time we need to be mindful of how we pray. By this, I mean that though we want to pray positively for others we need to be very careful regarding the language we use, especially when the request we are praying for involves another person who is part of the reason the prayer requests is being brought forth. We need to choose our words wisely and make sure that we are not digressing into a situation where we are name calling or accusing another of being of the devil.

There are number of factors I could go over, but think it not wise to give to much attention to negative actions and will simply encourage us to focus on the request and laying it before God without accusing another. For in any request our goal must always be a righteous outcome of which only God can know the exact answer that is needed in any situation.

Because this is a serious situation that can lead to other problems for individuals and TheNET our team will need to monitor the Prayer Room more closely and will need to remove remarks that appear to be derogatory.

If you see any comments that appear questionable please inform me immediately. You will stay anonymous and I will make the final judgment on the comment in question.

(NEW) Because this is an open group that is visible to the worldwide web we need to refrain from using names when praying for others without their permission. 

Lord Bless,



Discussion Forum

Urgent prayers needed!

Started by Seek. Last reply by David Moxon Mar 14, 2021. 8 Replies

Letter from Jesus

Started by Elaine Tencza PrayerRmModerator. Last reply by Sandra Licht Oct 23, 2018. 7 Replies

Let's Pray for each other

Started by Michael M.D. Richards Aug 6, 2018. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of TheNET Prayer Room to add comments!

Comment by betty j. maye on March 12, 2010 at 7:55am
please pray for a old church friend, clinton, i just recieved a call that they had taken him to hosptial but he had no response, they did get a heart beat on the way but it does not look good, also his son is going to need prayer through this, his name is michael, he is only 16 yrs old. thank you.
Comment by betty j. maye on March 12, 2010 at 4:53am
Father i come asking for you to bless Melwin Daniel in a special way right now, show him your love, give him wisdom and peace, put a hedge of protection around him and do not let satan come against this man in any way, remove any depression and other problems this man may have and just heal him Father, send him faithful Chrisitan friends, uplift and bless him and have your will in his life, ask all according to your will, AMEN.
Comment by betty j. maye on March 12, 2010 at 4:50am
Father please be with Helena Ahola, Michelle Thompson, and the Youth Rally happening this saturday, be with all their needs and let this rally touch many lives and bring many young people to you for salvation, stop satan from coming against this rally and just open hearts and minds of the young people that this rally will touch, AMEN.
Comment by Dawn M on March 11, 2010 at 11:51am
Melvin, you ARE NOT A FAILURE. Your attempted suicides did not hppen because they were not suppose to. You cannot take God's job of our births and deaths. You are in medical school, don't you realize the people you can help? That is quite an accomplishment. People do love you. Don't isolate yourself. If you tell people that you are a failure they will believe you. God made you. God does not fail. Lean on the Lord and put ALL OF YOUR TRUST IN HIM. HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN. I recently started fasting. It was suggested to me through this website. I am going on my second week. Every Monday morning I eat breakfast and then fast til dinner drinking only water.
You will develop many friends here.
Now, do you beleive in God?
Exodus 20:13 reads...You shall not murder.
Psalms 46:1 reads....God is our reguge, a very present help in trouble
Psalms 50:15 reads Call unto Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me...
Psalms 91:15 reads He shall call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
John 10:10 reads The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to desroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Heavenly Father, I lift up Brother Melvin to you. Please place a Hedge of Protection around this young man. Give him peace, comfort, wisdom, guidance and understanding. Let him know that he is loved. Oh Father please touch his heart and renew his heart, mind, soul and spirit. Father God please show your favor and mercy on Melvin. Deliver Melvin from whatever attacks the enemy is throwing at him. Father God equip Melvin with Boldness. Let him see suicide is not the answer. Lord, we know that your provisions are: love, hope, jpy, mercy, peace, comfort, deliverance and perserverance. Lord remove the chains from brother Melvin that are trying to keep him in boundage. In Jesus's name Amen.
Melvin, the Lord is with you. Call out his name and he will hear you. You are a child of God and He will never leave or forsake you. Trust in God. Talk to him. Rely on God alone and watch what He does for you. melvin, when you get uneasy thoughts, rebuke the devil back to hell where he belongs. Do this as many times a day as you need to. If you have a Bible read Hebrews 11 which is all on faith. You are not alone. I usually don't give out my email, but email me anytime at munch 2465 @ You will get through this as a victor and not a victim. Trust and rely on God's word.
Your new friend,
Comment by melwin daniel on March 11, 2010 at 6:01am
hi i'm melwin studyin in medical school, i have been a big failure all my life wat ever i do will end up in a failure , i have been treated as a joke , no one loves me , people say failure leads to success but in my case every failure leads to a nother successful failure , i lost every bit of hope in life all my friends and class mate strated earnin and i'm still dependent on my parents , only hope i ever had was a the girl i was in love with for past 3 yrs she was the one who was supporting me and gave hope, even she left me 3 weeks back stating i have no vision inlife all i ever wanted was some one to love me and also to achieve some thing life , i'm such a failure that even couple of my suicide attempt failed , i have not done anything in my 24yrs in this world , all i did earn was hatred and loneliness , i want to start fast and pray lord for my future and also to get back the girl i loved so pls do pray form me so i dont at least fail in this fasting prayer , and also to achieve something in life and to get respect
Comment by cara on March 10, 2010 at 4:09am
Father i come before you now in faith and in awe of your wonderous works i lift up every saint calling on you
your word tells us to ask,your son told us to ask anything in His name and you Father would give it to us
Father,in the name of Jesus,i ask that you would heal every single man, woman, and child that have been brought to you,i pray cancers,disease,mental problems,all health issues are brought down by your word ,you word is Let it be so let it be Father that there would be miracles in these our loved ones,and those caliing on you today.
Your word is true Father God,and I believe you will answer us today.
Thank you Father for saving us and keeping us in your hand amen.
Comment by Mary O on March 9, 2010 at 11:10am
Father, please strengthen Glenda. I ask that You pour out blessings upon her far above all that she could ask or think. And Father, please keep her in Your perfect peace. I also ask that You send ministering angels to help Glenda and her family.

I also lift Audrey and her unborn child to God. Father, keep them safe and healthy.

In Jesus' name, Amen.
God bless,
Mary O.
Comment by betty j. maye on March 9, 2010 at 10:33am
Father touch Aubrey and help her to have a safe delivery, bless her and the baby she is bringing into this world, let this child know you as savior when it is the right time, thank you Father for all, AMEN.
Comment by Audrey Granville on March 9, 2010 at 10:07am
I am requesting prayer for safe delivery, god bless
Comment by Pastor. C S SIMON on March 9, 2010 at 9:41am
The one who comes to me I will by no means cast out.
Lo, I am with you always.
Have you ever had the feeling of being lonely, inconsolably lonely? Alone, even though you may live amid the bustle of a big town, possibly in large block of flats. Alone even in your own family? The fact that others are in the same situation doesn’t help you. What aggravates in this sense of loneliness? It is because the relationship of God, our heavenly Father, has been broken off. People have lost sight of. Him
There is some good news for you: God has done everything on His part to restore that relationship, so that you are no longer alone. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to this earth, who, as the perfect Man, bore the punishment due to us for our sins in our stead. He was alone on the cross, forsaken by God, in divine judgment, so that our relationship with God could be put in order again and our solitude ended
In this way God did everything to be able to receive you as His child. So don’t hold back: go to Him and say, “Great God in heaven, how sorry I am that I have neglected you until now. But today I believe that Jesus Christ, your only begotten Son, came to earth to die for me. Now I come to you as I am. Forgive all my sins and make me one of your children.”
Then you will discover that whoever comes to Him in sincere faith is no longer alone.

Life To Life Ministries:

Psalm 23:4 - “Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.” (The Amplified Bible)*
There is a lot of fear going around these days. Fear of the failing economy, fear of medical difficulties, fear of what people will think, fear of failing, fear of tomorrow, fear of the unknown -- you name it -- and we can and do develop a fearful attitude.
I especially like the way The Amplified Bible uses numerous nuances of the original Hebrew text in order to clarify the meaning. We should read that first phrase over and over again: “Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you.”
We may want to argue with others that our situation is different and that we really have something to fear, but God says we don’t. The reason that we need not fear is that He is with us.
If we go back into the Old Testament and read of the way God delivers His people, we find that He is able to protect and lead. It was only when people rejected His leadership and control of their lives that they faced defeat.
Just think of the way God led His people out of Egypt. He provided a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. God’s presence in the clouds both gave the direction to travel and also stood between His people and the enemy.
Trust Him to lead and protect you and you will never need to fear!

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