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TheNET Prayer Room

This is the place to post your prayer requests and a place to pray for the needs and concerns of other members.

Members: 901
Latest Activity: Jun 17

Greetings Prayer Room Participants,

Something has been brought to my attention that I need to address. It is our desire for this room to be a place to bring prayer requests and to ask for brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with us in our time of need. At the same time we need to be mindful of how we pray. By this, I mean that though we want to pray positively for others we need to be very careful regarding the language we use, especially when the request we are praying for involves another person who is part of the reason the prayer requests is being brought forth. We need to choose our words wisely and make sure that we are not digressing into a situation where we are name calling or accusing another of being of the devil.

There are number of factors I could go over, but think it not wise to give to much attention to negative actions and will simply encourage us to focus on the request and laying it before God without accusing another. For in any request our goal must always be a righteous outcome of which only God can know the exact answer that is needed in any situation.

Because this is a serious situation that can lead to other problems for individuals and TheNET our team will need to monitor the Prayer Room more closely and will need to remove remarks that appear to be derogatory.

If you see any comments that appear questionable please inform me immediately. You will stay anonymous and I will make the final judgment on the comment in question.

(NEW) Because this is an open group that is visible to the worldwide web we need to refrain from using names when praying for others without their permission. 

Lord Bless,



Discussion Forum

Urgent prayers needed!

Started by Seek. Last reply by David Moxon Mar 14, 2021. 8 Replies

Letter from Jesus

Started by Elaine Tencza PrayerRmModerator. Last reply by Sandra Licht Oct 23, 2018. 7 Replies

Let's Pray for each other

Started by Michael M.D. Richards Aug 6, 2018. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Lina on May 9, 2011 at 10:17am
Oh Lord why does this woman torment me with he faulse accusations.  I never wished her any harm and the choices in her life brought her to where she is now.  Right now i pray for peace to say and do the right think.  Even though she is hurting me day in and day out i still wish her no harm.  I pray that she will see through her lies and change her life.  As i am trying to change mine.  I know that you will never out me anywere where you are not.  Your strenght is my strenght.  As I fight back the fears and the worry of her lies of her accusations, I pray that peace enters my spirit and the Lords love holds me strong.  Jesus I dont know what to do anymore with this woman and I just dont understand.  Thank you for everything for everything is you..Amen
Comment by RoyW on May 9, 2011 at 4:57am
Amen, to these prayers and for the wonderful word. Praise our Lord. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Lina, be encouraged. God will never leave you. He will help you to be an over-comer. Thank You, Father, for this beautiful day. In Jesus Name.
Comment by Prophet on May 9, 2011 at 3:40am

The following words came to from one of my other groups and I really need to share this with all of you, especially those who i'm feeling are in despair this morning


A word from the Father’s heart to yours: Come Away From the Ledge of Despair

As great as your imaginations can be, no one can imagine what I will do when I return. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard all the good things I have in store for you.

Do not be dismayed by the things coming on the earth. Though they are great, let not your heart be troubled. I have already overcome and have given you what you need to overcome too.

If you speak My words and blessings, then these things will not overcome you, If you speak words of fear and glorify (give your strength to) what the demonic powers are doing and how they are conspiring against the people of the Land and the saints of the Church, then you will be overcome. The grief will cause your heart to sink like a lamb caught in quicksand. The more one struggles and fights and seeks out others speaking fearful words, the quicker the sand will fill your lungs and smother out the life I have died to give you.

I Am the Breath of Life! I give life and give it in abundance. My anointing breaks the yoke of bondage.

Come away from the ledge of fear and allow Me to love you and fill your heart with hope and delightful expectation! Come away with Me, My beloved. Come away from the ledge of despair and run into My awaiting arms. My arms are mighty to save. My arms will not drop you. My arms will hold you close and bring you deep within My heart.

Come beloved! See all the good things I have prepared for you. AMEN


Be Blessed all of you in Jesus name

Comment by Prophet on May 8, 2011 at 11:36pm
Father, we give You Glory this for who You are, not for what you can do for us or what you can give us, but for Your Love and Your Compassion and Your understanding of how frail and failable we are and for Your Grace which is new every morning and for Your Son who died so that we might live and for Your forgiveness of our sins and trespasses.....we lift you up and give You all Honor Praise and Glory. AMEN
Comment by Jayaseelan Samuel on May 8, 2011 at 10:35pm
Lina do not worry,

1 John 1:8-10

8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us

1 John 5:18 (New International Version, ©2011)

 18 We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them.

Comment by Lina on May 8, 2011 at 5:43am
Lord Fod Father in Heaven and creator of all.  I failed you last night.  I let temptation cover me with sin.  I was wrong and I repent my ways.  Forgive me my Lord as I come and humble myself to you first and then to my fellow Christians here and every were.  I bring you my sins of lust and drinking to much.  I sinned against you against heaven  against the man that I care about and against all my fellow Christians.  I was weak and hurt and the devil had his fun and now I am saddened and broken.  I am sorry I hurt you.  In my weakness I did not come to you and pray I took the old road that I pray I never walk on before and I did last night and now, now I hurt because I disappionted you the man I care about and all my fellow Christians.  Forgive me Lord for my sins.  Strengthen me with your word, your love and your wisdom.  I pray before you and all these witnesses.  In Jesus name Amen
Comment by RoyW on May 7, 2011 at 5:16am
Lord, I missed Shiloh's prayer. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful request. Grant it to come true in Jesus Name.
Comment by RoyW on May 7, 2011 at 5:11am

Thank You, Father, for always hearing our prayers. Thank You for the hearts of these people. Be close to Lina and bring healing to this relationship. For Susie, Lord, bring her blessing upon blessing - so much that she will not be able to contain them. As You did for the widow when Elijah asked her for a bite of bite of bread, do for Susie. And Father, for this broken-hearted mother, Rose, bring her daughter home. Let this girl realize that there is only one way and that is Your way.

Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer requests. Thank You, Father, for the wonderful sermon delivery given to us by our brother, David, last night. Thank You, Father, for bringing Him to our town. Thank You, Lord, for Your greatness. Be with our land, our President, our leaders. Give them wisdom. May they understand that our nation needs a revival. Thank You for our day of prayer, Thursday, but we need a week or a month of prayer. Call our nation back to You. I love You, Father. In Jesus Name.

Comment by RoseMary Broussard on May 6, 2011 at 10:57pm
I would like prayer for my daughter as she needs direction in her personal life and be brought back to the fold.  Thank you.
Comment by Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco on May 6, 2011 at 8:46pm

Im in need of prayer for funds to come in to pay my bills for the lords knows

i dont have much do to me being disable for he know i dont rececive much money

for my SSI, i would be very thankful for the prayers the word says if 2 or more

are in agament..Thank you.Susie


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