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TheNET Prayer Room

This is the place to post your prayer requests and a place to pray for the needs and concerns of other members.

Members: 901
Latest Activity: Jun 17

Greetings Prayer Room Participants,

Something has been brought to my attention that I need to address. It is our desire for this room to be a place to bring prayer requests and to ask for brothers and sisters in Christ to stand with us in our time of need. At the same time we need to be mindful of how we pray. By this, I mean that though we want to pray positively for others we need to be very careful regarding the language we use, especially when the request we are praying for involves another person who is part of the reason the prayer requests is being brought forth. We need to choose our words wisely and make sure that we are not digressing into a situation where we are name calling or accusing another of being of the devil.

There are number of factors I could go over, but think it not wise to give to much attention to negative actions and will simply encourage us to focus on the request and laying it before God without accusing another. For in any request our goal must always be a righteous outcome of which only God can know the exact answer that is needed in any situation.

Because this is a serious situation that can lead to other problems for individuals and TheNET our team will need to monitor the Prayer Room more closely and will need to remove remarks that appear to be derogatory.

If you see any comments that appear questionable please inform me immediately. You will stay anonymous and I will make the final judgment on the comment in question.

(NEW) Because this is an open group that is visible to the worldwide web we need to refrain from using names when praying for others without their permission. 

Lord Bless,



Discussion Forum

Urgent prayers needed!

Started by Seek. Last reply by David Moxon Mar 14, 2021. 8 Replies

Letter from Jesus

Started by Elaine Tencza PrayerRmModerator. Last reply by Sandra Licht Oct 23, 2018. 7 Replies

Let's Pray for each other

Started by Michael M.D. Richards Aug 6, 2018. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Joye Atkinson on June 10, 2011 at 4:55am

Prophet - God just laid this poem on my heart after reading you post.  It is:

                 GOD LOVES TO HEAR OUR VOICE

The other night while I rested peacefully in bed the Lord spoke to my spirit

And this is what he said.  I just want to tell you how much it means to me

For you to say you love me though my face you cannot see

For many years I've watched you struggle day by day

And wonder if I hear you everytime you pray

There are many people who ask for lavish things

Some want a fancy house or car or a big shiney ring

Of course it is my pleasure to grant their heart's desire

But how much it would mean to me if they hungered for my fire

It won't be long until I come for my perfect bride

A church truly humbled not filled with selfish pride

You know sometimes I do get tired and it really makes me sad

To hear my children question me when things in life go bad

How I long to hear them say "Thank you for all you've done

Thank you for your faithfulness and for every victory won"

I know you've come a long way from where you used to be

That has become more evident in the time you spend with me

When I hear you praise my name it makes my heart rejoice

So please talk to me every day I love to hear your voice

Comment by Prophet on June 10, 2011 at 12:32am
Amen and Amen
Comment by Prophet on June 10, 2011 at 12:03am
I am tired Lord of the 5 songs and a sermon I want more of You I want to live Father in that sweet spot where the Holy Spirit operates and I want to be slap bang right in the middle of Your will for me. Let us live, Lord to Glorify Your Holy Name, give us the Grace and boldness to boast about You and ALL that you do. Renew us and Fill us anew with your Precious Holy Spirit, set us on FIRE so we do not hesitate to speak out Your Word and Your Will, so that our lives are a testemony to You and so that others will be drawn to us Because of You. In jesus name we pray AMEN
Comment by Ruel Z Chavez on June 9, 2011 at 11:55pm

Lord, prevent us from glorying in our accomplishments and experiences, and in our wisdom and wealth. Help us boast and delight in our weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon us. May your named be praised in our affliction.

Comment by kristina on June 9, 2011 at 8:43pm

@joye Wow what a awesome poem and a wake up call to many, the things you mentioned are going on today and is so real, and the prayer below, God urged and pushed me to post this prayer because there so many things are going on in this nation and is in desperate need of prayer and God wants those that can be bold enough and rise up to stand in the gap. 

In his first epistle to Timothy, Paul wrote, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour” (I Timothy 2:1-3).


Our nation has/is been on the slippery slope for a long time. If you look around you will find corruption,greed,moral decay and a steady move away from the things that made us great. The principles upon which this nation was founded are no longeer our backbone. However, we can reverse this trend by prayer.

God bless 


Comment by Joye Atkinson on June 9, 2011 at 5:00pm

Kristina - After reading your prayer God has quickened my spirit to share this poem He gave me a few months ago. It is: WHO WILL STAND FOR ME

Is there anybody left who will stand up for me

In this God blessed country you call land of the free

Just as it was so long ago when I walked among men

I'm still just as willing to forgive your every sin

But I have to tell you it's worse now than before

Yet I still stand outside your heart and knock gently at your door

Of course I will not force myself to make my home in you

But if you will give me a chance you'll see my word is true

This world that I so dearly love is coming to an end

When that day comes I wonder will I have any friends

I'm not trying to guilt you or make anybody mad

But you've given in to worldly ways and that really makes me sad

You took me out of public schools and if that weren't bad enough

You've run me out of government and complain when things are tough

I was not created to be played with like a toy

I was born to show the world in me there is true joy

There's not much I can do or say to make you understand

But what would happen to this world if I removed my hand

Yes you have technology with sattelite and phones

But when I come for my children they won't reach my throne

My Father knows there will be those I'll have to turn away

When you stand before my Father what words will I say

Will I then be able with joy in my voice

Present you to the Father while the angels all rejoice

My friend was not ashamed of me now all I have is theirs

This is one who stood by me they are my true joint heirs

Comment by RoyW on June 9, 2011 at 4:32pm
Comment by kristina on June 9, 2011 at 4:15pm


Lord, I thank You for the privilege of speaking to You in prayer. Increase my faith to believe that I can make a difference in my nation when i pray. Help me to comprehend the significance of standing in the gap not only for my family, church, and community where i work and live, but also for my city, state and nation. Give me direction to know how to intercede in every situation and for every concern. Make me bold to ask. Enable me toa ask according to You will. Give me faith to believe that impossible things can happen when i pray. Forgive me when i have any doubt about Your ability to answer.


I pray for a divine visitation of Your mercy and grace upon every city, every state, and every nation. I declare You to be Lord over these places. God, help me to undertand my role as an intercessor for my country. Help me to be Your instrument of peace, healing, and deliverance. Give me strength to not give up or shrink back when i see enemy opposition. Grow me into being a powerful intercessor who understands the authority i have been given by You in prayer.


Lord, i surrender any fear and anger in me over the things i see happening in my nation today. May these things i see provoke me to pray rather than to criticize complain, or withdraw in fear.  I know that whatever i ask in Your name, Jesus, You will do, so that the Father may be glorified. Where sin abounds in out nation, may Your grace abound even more! Thank you Jesus! Forgive us for our pride that makes us think we can live without you. Lord just as You wept over Jerusalem, saying if they had only known the day of their visitation. I pray that the believers in the nation will weep over our nation in repentance and recognize the day of our visitation. 


Raise up an army of prayer warriors who will enter the war for the long haul and refuse to be dicouraged in the daily battle against the enemy. Help us to join forces so that the power in our prayers is multiplies. Strengthen us to stay on the offensive and not take ourselves out tof the war every time we win or lose a battle. Enable us to be mobilized on a moment's notice so that we can move in unity and by the power of Your Spirit. Help us to understand the powerful weapons we have in Your Word as we move into battle in prayer. If you are for us, who can be against us?( romans 8:31)


Raise up the effectual, fervent prayers of Your people. May you love and peace so rise in our hearts that it becomes out greatest testimony of Your goodness.

in Jesus' name Amen

Comment by RoyW on June 9, 2011 at 10:12am
Amen to the prayer from Wicus. Also, please continue to pray for David V traveling across the country. He needs God's help. We need a miracle for him to get across the Rocky Mountains. In Jesus Name.
Comment by Prophet on June 9, 2011 at 7:18am
AMEN to that

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