Please pray for marriages that are Christian! Today, we have a lot of divorce within the Church and this should not be. My first marriage ended this way, but my second marriage, I want to bathe in prayer. I am married to a beautiful wife named Heather. She has schizophrenia and mood swings, which can be hard to handle, but she is a lovely person whom Jesus shines through and does a lot of work with the elderly.
We all have gifts and should focus on how best to use these gifts in the furthering of the Kingdom of God. But letting Christ shine through our marriages is one way people see Him!
Today, unfortunately, Scotland and tthe whole of the UK needs to see Christ in a big way. Other faiths have crept into the UK and we see a need more than ever for Christian morals to be shown.
Jesus needs to shine, not only in marriages, but in everything we do, so I pray that as you read this, you may join me in praying for the world where you are and where I am. World-wide revival!