May 1,2010 is a call to PRAY , visit for details, Seek the Face of God,let us humble ourselves before him. Let us Pray for our nation,our leader's, our families ,and friends. Let us tell everyone we can. Whether it be by phone, internet, email,twitt. encourage them to do the same. Don't be ashamed or intimidated,this is of great urgency.. Mark that day on your calender's. Remember it. Let it not be said ,as Jesus ask his deciples to pray for one hour and they slept. This (one day ) will we be found sleeping ? God forbid. Pray God would grant us a spirit of repentence ,for his ear is not to heavy that He can't hear us, when we truly turn back to him. He's not willing that any should perish, but that we might have life and that through faith in Jesus Christ. Our leader's are challenged and faced with some crucial decisions that will have a great impact on this nation. Sincere.genuine prayer could make a powerful difference in the outcome of our nation's future. We've allowed many things to influence this nation .Many thing's have creep knowingly and some unawaringly. Suddenly, as like the day of Noah, like a snare God's wrath is upon us, we must shake ourselves, wake up...let us not take for granted so great a CALL to PRAY. we must pray for forgiveness. We've committed great sin against God.we've taken his name in vain and made markery of the Holy thing's of God, We've call those thing's that are evil good and the thing's that are good evil we have forgotten or ignored his commandments. He'd rather we be hot or coldservant's,rather than a whole lot of become luke warm and he's about ready to spew us out of his mouth,come before him with weeping and mourning with a sorrowful heart, and he will cast our sins into the sea of forgetfulness never to remember them any more. We've ignored God's commandment to come out from among them ....and have returned into bondage(we say what they say we do what they do.) we compremise... We're to be and example to the unbeliever..... and yet we call ourselve's christians.... God is on his way back we don't want be left behind....I Pray that thousands will read and heed the CALL to PRAY. in JESUS Name I Pray ..We were set apart to show other Nations that He IS.....the ONE and onlyTRUE GOD...AMEN