All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


I come to you this evening asking you for prayer for Elsy M. S. T and Greg T. 

Lets all unite in prayer that Elsy is healed of Sinusitus, fatty liver, and fatigue and tiredness.

Pray that she is filled with joy, happiness, love, vigor and energy.


Lord, I come to you this evening, crying out to you for  the healing of Elsy and Greg.  That Elsy be healed of Sinusitus, Fatty Liver, Malaise, Fatigue, and weakness.  Please heal Greg of  the tumor/cyst that was left in him as a child, let it disappear and have his balance restored.  Let his body absorb the oxygen needed to live healthy.  Heal his Arthritis.   Bring them both vigor, energy and health.  Lord heal their forgetfulness and give them both wisdom.  Heal all of there sadness and bring joy, happiness and surround them with good Christian people.  Thank you Lord God in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ pray for my brother and sister in Christ Greg and Elsy that they be healed and be made whole and have a happy and joyous marriage.  Thank you.


With Love,

Gianni B

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I stand in agreement with Gianni B that this man and wife be healed. I know Satan has brought sickness and disease into this world. I ask You to remove this sickness and disease from this couple. I pray this in the mighty Name of my Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus, You are the healer of our souls and I know You can heal our bodies as well. Lord grant us this request.

Oh Lord,
I pray in Jesus name that you heal Greg and Elsy of all their health issues. That you make them whole. For they are seperated from you and the pain of this life without you is wearing them down. THey (like I and everyother human that walks the earth) need you. You are the bread and blood of life. Salvation and healing that we all need that Grey and Elsy need. We are forever looking out we need to look in at our hearts as we are united to you though you in you. Amen


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