All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Something has been bothering me since yesterday.  I try to be a friendly person.  But it seems like everytime that I try to go out of my way to be friendly enough to make a friend.  Something goes wrong.  Last weekend I bought something for someone at work, and when tried to give it to them they got angry at me.  That is about as much detail as I can give you here.  But as far as I could tell, and I even discussed it with my co-worker.  We don't think I did anything wrong, per say...  But it just reminded me once again how hard and frustrating it is for me to try and make friends.  I feel like there must be something in my personality that creeps people out.  And what can you do with that?  I mean your personality is linked to your soul.  You can't change who you were created to be...  And that seems to me what needs to happen too happen to me.  Because I do nice things for people. 

* I don't want to write anymore details because I don't want to take the chance that someone finds this by google.  And figures this out.  So if you guys ever wonder why I'm a little vague sometimes, that is why.

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You do not say if it is male or female , or what you try to give them , some interpitate things in different

ways even though it was kind of you .
Like Elaine said...people interpret things differently. But if they immediately get angry and won't even discuss with you why it made them angry, that's THEIR hangup, not yours. Don't let it make you feel like somethings wrong with you. You even mention your coworker saw nothing wrong with it. So they interpret it differently than the one who got angry.

Another thing is that people who are easily angered over something, which they could discuss and perhaps solve the difference in interpretation, are likely angry with more than just you.

If you meant well and tried to discuss it with them and they refused, you did right. Don't lose sleep over their bad behavior.
I think we all have come up with some form of rejection in our life , I know I have and it does hurt some what

You lead with your heart it is there lose not yours , you meant well at times certain people do not take it that

way , we're not mind readers we just act out of kindness , that has happen often with me . But I like who I am

it helps .
Rather than feel God put you there to torment you, consider just maybe you're there to change you. If it is something in your personality and you prayed God would help you get along with people or not be rejected, He is going to allow situations that test that to show you where work is still needed. If you can't relate to others and they reject you, that's the perfect setup for you to be placed right where you are...where people reject you. Perhaps examine why they rejected you. What did you say? What was happening when you said it? How well did you know the person? Know the situation? Is there a past history with them? You may figure out why they pushed you aside and it's the first step.

Trust me, God isn't trying to torment you. He may be trying to change you or even change those around you. But rather than judge how they treat us, we should always examine ourselves closely first.
Another consideration is maybe God is trying to give you a tougher skin to endure rejection so you lean solely on what He feels about you.
I know what some believe. I've questioned it myself. However, how do those who believe this explain why prayer brings out a lot of "coincidences"? I know when I've prayed to be stronger, have more patience, more faith, trust, etc., situations/coincidences came out of the woodwork like crazy that tested those qualities to the max.

Take Moses, Joseph, David, etc. God never changes. So if He led them through troubles in order to place them in very responsible positions, teaching Moses about the wilderness and leading sheep before leading the Israelis through the wilderness, why would He not still lead us through troubles to use it to prepare us to be more holy, prepare us to do good works.

Think about Gideon. God whittled his army down to such a small number that had God not ordained it, there would have been no way they could have been the victors. But Gideon felt small and weak and God used it to show His power and build Gideons trust in Him.

Anyway, I just don't think God stopped doing what He's always done and Scripture is full of stories of how He positioned people through circumstances they didn't understand. And I'm sure He still does that today.

Yet even if He's not positioning everyone's situations, it is always good to examine ourselves to see if there are areas where we could improve or chances where we could be a witness.
There is one I still don't understand. Since the Holy Spirit guides why do people believe different things in those gray areas and all say the Holy Spirit guided them?

Sometimes I wonder if gray areas, like should I wear jewelry, pants, anything that's not self explanatory in Scripture, may be revealed differently to each individual based on where they're at. Just a speculation with the knowledge that I don't "know" and likely won't this side of heaven.
God does not torment people , people torment their self by their thinging negative thoughts , I have been ill thirty years

And have been a shut in for ten years but I do not look for pity or do I feel God tormented me , I cannot do what other

people do that I would call enjoyment bou I find pleasure in the Lord for without him I would lose my mind , be grateful

You have a job , search you own behavior pattern , what you like others may not , and visesa - versa , You are there for a

reason , a reason you may not understand now , some people are just hard to you know , there are people in this world that

just do not like to be bothered by others no matter how kind you are , there are people that just may not want to be your

friend , all this is reason to make your grow and that is what God wants you to do grow , grow , through mistakes , failure ,

The good , bad , ugly , he wants you to grow , as Seek said you might be there for you , You are where God wants you to be

Cause you chose to go there , I did not choose to be sick but I have grown from it and CONTIUE to .
Actually we get a lot more from Job.

Job 42:5-6 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.

Job got a deeper revelation of God and realized just how Holy God was and how sinful we are.

Job 42:7-8 And it was so, that after the Lord had spoken these words unto Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends: for ye have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job hath. Therefore take unto you now seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you: for him will I accept: lest I deal with you after your folly, in that ye have not spoken of me the thing which is right, like my servant Job.

God's words to Job's friends can be used in many ways. One is an example of how NOT to comfort a friend, another to show that someone having trouble didn't necessarily do anything wrong.

And then there was the lesson He gave satan. He knew it would cause Job pain but also knew He would use that for good in opening Job's eyes and his friends. And He planned to exalt Job after and give him more.
I agree with you Chip , but not all people feel that way , you are a man of God , Greory is trying to share

His kindness with others , and is getting rejecting , I know where he is coming from , tired of rejection

and even if God wants him to toughen up maybe he CHOSSES not to because he is not made that way

God loves him regardless .
I like your Answer Gregory , the last part , regardless I continue to pray and seek , that alone

shows how faithful you are to God , big Amen , my friend .
Toughen up is a figure of speech , a person can be strong with a soft heart .


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