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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The Joy of the Lord is our strengh.


The Joy of the Lord is our strengh.

Let's have a laugh. We are criticized by outsiders because of the many divisions among our Christian family, but for now let’s put all that aside in this group and have a laugh about it. THIS GROUP IS OPEN TO ALL WHO WANT TO JOIN

Members: 255
Latest Activity: Mar 5, 2018

Denominational Humor
How many _________ does it take to change a light bulb?

1. Charismatics? Only one since his/her hands are always in the air anyway.

2. Presbyterians? None. God has predestined when the lights will be on and off.

3. Baptists? CHANGE???????

4. Pentecostals? Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

5. Catholics? None. They always use candles.

6. Episcopalians? Ten. One to actually change the bulb, and nine to say how much they liked the old one.

7. Church of Christ? None. There's no evidence that light bulbs were ever changed in New Testament times.

8. United Methodists? We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship to your light bulb and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life, and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence through Jesus Christ


Discussion Forum

Rejoice I tell you, REJOICE

Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by Jessi Perez Oct 9, 2012. 31 Replies

Please bless us with clean Christian jokes so we can exercise the tummy. :)Continue

Cartoon fun and more!

Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by Prophet Mar 7, 2011. 15 Replies

Come on family share with us some funny cartoons andvideos.Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Joy of the Lord is our strengh. to add comments!

Comment by feet breath on June 27, 2012 at 6:11pm

Thanks David for letting me join.

Comment by RoyW on June 19, 2012 at 1:14pm

very good

Comment by David Velasquez on June 15, 2012 at 12:22am

Hey Choco -


Thaks for sharing and here we go again.... :0)

Comment by David Velasquez on June 15, 2012 at 12:11am

Comment by RoyW on December 25, 2011 at 9:07pm


Comment by Mary Ruth Zacheriah on December 25, 2011 at 1:18pm

Praise Jesus for coming, and Praise God for sending Him. Merry Christmas everyone.

Comment by Prophet on November 9, 2011 at 2:31am

thanks Choco so funny and I loce the new pic

Comment by autumn stacey fontenot on November 8, 2011 at 9:38pm

wow, just joined this group and have had a few pretty good laughs. David, Im loving the video!!! That song came out when I was a teenager, I think, and the lyrics were awesome, can't wait to share it with my girls! 

Comment by Texanbrit on October 20, 2011 at 7:05am
That's Brilliant!!!!lol. That guy did a great job with those lyrics.

Having been a teenager (a good while ago now though), I remember having feeling completely alone in the fact that I was never allowed to even listen to Christian music if it wasn't to my parents taste, if it had the "current sound" then it was "not for my ears", but let's be real, kids need to be able to relate to other kids in many respects, because it's a very lonely life for them if they cannot, trust me, I know this VERY WELL!! If they are completely shut off they they either become depressed or rebel and what good does that do? What exactly are those who force them in to that situation trying to accomplish here in forcing them in to an unnatural environment? What happens is the kids grow up to either loose the relationship that the parents would of hoped to have had with their adult kids, or the kids just cannot relate to the people their own age, it's not good or productive at all. So I appreciate what this guy did with this song, I'm passing it on to the youth pastor at our church!!:)
Comment by Prophet on September 25, 2011 at 11:35am
Welcome Pastor Joseph, many people see the Lord as someone who has no sense of humor but if you look around you you see his humor in nature ans it tells me here is someone who loves to be creative and have fun at the same time. Imagine a giraffe, a rhino, some of the funny creatures we see in the oceans. I see fun and vibrant color and an imagination that knows no boundaries and in this i see myself as having these qualities as He is in me and I am in Him. Be Blessed Brother

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