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Beautiful in their own right, delicious and healthy with a score of vitamins and essential nutrients!  Posting here photos of my small, young orchard, berry bushes, and small vineyard.

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September view of the young 80 fruit tree orchard I planted in May, 2011 in a bare area of my woods. 10 each of 6 foot seedlings of 8 varieties of dwarf versions of their larger cousins. (Sept 2011)

An orchard takes 3 years to be ready to produce if you want the best yields. Spring of 2013 is year 2, so another year of pinching of blooms so trees reach their full growth. 2014 will be the first harvest of fruit, berries and grapes!

 Lets see, I have 10 each Golden Delicious Sweet Apples, Red Delicious Sweet Apples, Granny Smith Sour Apples, Black Beauty Mulberry, Sweet Emporer Cherries, Early Richmond Sour Cheries, Stanley European Plums, and Bartlett Pears. All semi-dwarf trees and all native for the Midwest area. I was very blessed in being guided in the pruning, fertilizing I haven't lost a single tree during the crucial first two years. 

  Same with the blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and grapes: the spread nicely and have a nearly inpenatratable border of briars surrounding the border of the woods (though the wildlife such as deer have no trouble making their way through).

Repeat this from the end of photos: here's a new photo Thursday, April 12th of what the Orchard looks like now, 7 months later in full bloom. All the trees spread out nicely and all are healthy from a very mild winter.

Malus domestica, Golden Delicious Sweet Apple (favorite eating, salad apple); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Malus domestica, Granny Smith Sour Apple (favorite for pies, cobblers, etc); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Malus domestica, Red Delicious Sweet Apple (favorite eating, salad apple); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Morus rubra, Black Beauty Mulberry (yum, when I was 6-13, we had 2 of these in the back yard, I always loved them); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2012)

Prunus avium, Sweet Emporer Francis Cherry (eating cherry), stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Prunus cerasus, Early Richmond Sour Cherry (for pies, cobblers, etc); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Prunus domestica, Stanley European Plum (firm, balanced sweet and tart taste); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Pyrus communis, Bartlett Pear (classic mid-west sweet, juicy pear); stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the seedlings. (May 2011)

Rubus occidentalis, Cherokee Blackberry. 200 planted along east property boundary fence. Stock photo of Willis Orchard Co. of Georgia where I bought the cuttings (May 2011)


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