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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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Yes, much clearer here. Capturing sunrays is very tricky since there's a light of brightness and very faint color gradients; these are nice though.

As long as I can remember I have loved clouds. As a young boy one of my favorite things to do was sit on the grass and look for cloud sculptures. Once a friend and I saw what we both thought was Jesus. We were probably about 8 at the time! :-)

Jorneyman,you you and your friend thought you seen Jesus in the clouds? Cool! lol


Ricprimus,that's my favorite part about clouds. I love to see the rays coming down. :-) When I used to ride the school bus [I was in high school] and we were coming home [although quite rare],rays could be seen coming out of the clouds. :-)  

I have been fascinated by clouds since I was in the local Methodist Church kindergarten and to a 5 year old's mind, clouds equaled heaven itself. Many of my favorite photos I've taken are of clouds, usually at sunrise or sunset; I guess all-time favorite is one I took last May on the beach Cozumel, Mexico. I'll see if I can crop it to make it decent enough to post here.  Later in life during my art studies, I always liked the tradition that Michelangelo received his inspiration in painting "The Creation of Adam" while he was watching clouds. (Classic 1965 Cecil B. Demill/Charleston Heston movie in the heyday of Biblical movies (Ben Hur, The Robe, The Ten Commandments etc.) has an excellent interpretation of this). When I was studying manuscripts at the Vatican Library the summer of 1980, I would spend hours in the Sisten Chapel lost in thought over especially this painting and his interpretation of God and man's relationship as loving father and son.

I think you cropped the picture good. :)

Lol, I photographed about every square inch of the chapel, distance shots and closeups: everything I a bit faded since that was pre-restoration of the paintings of centuries of smoke, and also was with a basic Kodak film camera.


Have to go back someday since they removed the centuries old smoke, dirt and grim and gently sanded (well, a bit more delicate and complex a process) the plaster to uncover the original paint which soaked into the drying plaster. I never have had the talent to paint, that requires a freedom of thought and hand I don't have in my psychic makeup.

Okay, I've re-cropped this photo to were it may be decent enough for here: I labeled it "Clouds over Annea- Cozumel. Mexico 5-17-2012", but her label on memory card is  Cozumel 17 #27 "Rick said he was taking a picture of the nice view *grin*".

I'll repost this here, not many clouds but it was a fantastic rayed sunrise as we approached Nassau, Bahamas last May.

Four days later God put on another spectacular display of nature at sunrise as a tropical storm was chasing us back to Ft. Lauderdale (actually was still chasing us as we entered Kentucky).


And I'll repeat this one from another discussion - this is about halfway up the Blue Mountains in Jamaica. It is hard for me to imagine The Garden of Eden looking more lovely, unspoiled, fertile and touched by the presence of God.


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