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Feeling Overwhelmed by Life?

Feeling overwhelmed by life?
breakthrough prayer offered by rod parsleyposted by gayla on october 19, 2009 at 11:32am in helping hands

praise god… from whom all blessings flow…. yes & amen !!!!
Thank god, we are not alone in our struggles….. we are never alone……
God is always always…..always……always …..on our side….. yes & amen.
Sometimes, life can overwhelm us… sometimes…. the enemy of our soul can weary us….. sometimes…he can bring the strongest of us….. to the brink of giving up….
But, praise god….. when the enemy comes in……….(.period)
Like a flood……the lord will raise up a standard against him……
Yes & amen…. thank you lord, for your promises…… thank you for rescuing your childen….when we have done all we know to do, stand….is your word.
Help us, enable us….to stand. firm…in the face of adversity….in the face of enormous pain, or frustation, or lack…. or defeat…. or despair……or depression…..all of the evil that can come against us….
Drive it out….lord, and away from us… each and everyone of us…. lord, we all need breakthrough…..the battle is hot lord….and getting hotter every day….
But, we know that we know that we know in whom we have trusted……
Yes…and amen….the name that is above every name…..
The lord jesus christ……. the king of all glory…….. the lord of lords….
And the king of kings….. the alpha and the omega……the beginning and the
End….. i am that i am……. the god of abraham….isaac and jacob…..
The rose of sharon….. jehovah jirah…. my provider……..
Lord…. we know that you are on our side, even though waves and waves of adversity have come against us time and time again… but…you have been there for us in every situation….. we are not alone.
We have not been left without hope….you renew our hope constantly….. you help us to rise up….and shake off everything that comes against us….
Yes & amen…..
We believe you lord…for all the blessings that you have for us….open the windows of heaven…..and pour our blessings that we are not able to contain…..
Yes & amen.
Hear our cries lord….. come quickly lord jesus……
We need you lord….
We need you…….
24/7 lord….we need you……
In the night watch…we need you…. in the daytime….we need you….
We love you and we desire to see you move mightly in our lives….
Move lord jesus move…….
In us and thru us….. around us…..and all over the world…
People are hurting lord…..they are crying out….in pain and agony….
Move lord, on their behalf……
Send provision…. send direction…..send supernatural protection……
Yes & amen…..
Send the answers that they need, send the deliverance that they need…..
Remove every hindrance from our lives, that has been keeping us from moving forward in you….
We are speaking to the mountains of difficuly in our lives…..rebuking them, in your name…standing on the promises that you have given us in your word….
Surround us, lord….engulf us…with your precious holy spirit…. fill us to overflowing….annoint us….lord, by the power of your spirit…….
We are not alone…..we serve a risen savior…… all hell may be breaking loose outside…but we can stand still and see the salvation of our god…
We rebuke fear… it is not of you….. we rebuke need….. and grief…..and sadness and sorrow….all have to flee…. our bridegroom owns the cattle on a 1000 hills…..and if we have a need all he has to do is sell one….. or two… or whatever we have need of….he has…
Everything…. nothing is lacking. in his kingdom….there is no lack.
What is your need?
Place your prayer requests below, in the reply box…. and leave a prayer, for yourself, your situation, your friends, your loved ones….your family… your church…. this site….and anyone and everyon who god brings here…
Pray one for another that we all be made whole…..
The fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman avails much……..
Pastor parson……at breakthrough ministries in ohio, is offering breakthrough prayer, for anyone and everyone who desires it, this friday, his entire prayer staff with everyone who is called in intercessory prayer will be pouring their heart out for you….and me…..
This friday….
Here is the link if you want to place your own request:
He is asking for a love gift of $23.00 to activate psalms 23 in your life…..and for those who would doubt….and see this as a money thing….shame on you. i rebuke that spirit in your life…
God wants control of our money…..and if we are holding a tight fist on it…..that is all we are going to get. we must be willing to release….what god asks for, in order to walk in obedience to his word, and his leading, to receive his blessings…
This reminds me of a story i heard once, about a monkey…. and a cookie jar…. the monkey wanted a cookie from the jar…and it was within reach…, he reached into the jar to get his cookie…however, he decided that instead of one cookie…he wanted a whole handful… (he got greedy ) and he grabbed as many cookies as he could get in his hand… and was well on his way to a feast…
Because his hand was full of cookies…and he was clutching them with all his might….
He could not remove his hand from the jar!!!!!!!!!!
Can you see that picture?
Here he is…. with a cookie jar full of cookies… and his hand is full to overflowing with the cookies that he so desires….
Yet…he cannot get his hand out of the cookie jar…. why?
Because he refused to let go.
Do not be like the monkey….
Hold to money lightly….. or loose it all.
This is gods word for today…and tommorrow….and every day thereafter.
Gods word does not change…………………………………….
Everything that we receive from god….comes from faith.
He also asks something of us.
He gives us salvation…..
But, everything else is going to cost us …….
Read the tiny word that packs a huge punch…..
Time and time again…in gods word…..
And what is that?
The tiny little word…..if…..
Notice this word…..
Pay attention to this tiny….tiny…. little word….
Almost hidden it is soooooooo tiny.
But, boy….does it pack a big punch.
Man…. this little word….is the key to our blessings……
If what?????
If you do what i command you.
In other words….
God is asking for our obedience.
This is the key….
And if….points us to that key.
We do what god tells us to do,
Then…..and only then…. we will be blessed.
Salvation comes by faith…..
Blessings come thru obedience.
Are you willing to find out what you need to do to be in obedience?
Lord, i am, with all my heart…. i want your blessings…. i want to be the head and not the tail…… i want to be on top of things, and not underneath….
I want to ride on the high places of this earth… i want to be used by you…..
I want to receive everything that you have for me…. yes & amen. i am willing to do anything that you ask me to do….i only ask that you give me a right spirit, and a right understanding of your will, and empower me, lord, to walk this out. use me, lord….speak to me, and thru me….. use everyone that you bring to this site… speak to them and thru them.. allow us to fullfill our destiny in you. empower us…. encourage us….. teach us and train us, to be all we can be in you. we love you and we thank you and we praise you… amen. and amen.
Send your prayer requests along with your offering to the link provided above, and
Send it by friday oct. 22… that it can be there for the friday oct. 23, breakthrough prayer … this, what god is asking you to do, and prepare for the breakthrough that he is wanting to bring to you. hold onto your $23.00 and be like the monkey…. with his hand clutching the cookies….refusing to let go…..and staying stuck.
Don’t be stupid… like the monkey…. turn that seed loose, and let god have it….so that he can do what he wants to do in your life.
This is not about money….it is about being obedient to what god has spoken.
Remember the tiny little word…….if
God says…if… you do this… i will do this……
Read it for your self.
And i am not going to include the scripture…. look it up for yourself.
Yes & amen.
Father god… i thank you so very much for coming to our rescue….lord, when we feel like we are at the end of our rope….. i know that recently you told me to tie a knot in that rope and hang on….and lord, that is exactly what i have been doing…. praise god….
So, now… lord, i release that $23.00 that you have asked for, into your loving hands….and i receive back from you, everything that you have for me, (and everyone else, who is willling to be obedient to this word ). i thank you ahead of time, for opening up the windows of heaven….and pouring out blessings that we cannot contain… i pray for such a supernatural outpouring that we will have everything provided that we have need of……and that the desires of our heart….will also be met… and thank you lord, that you are only asking for $23.00 as seed faith…for our miracle….and thank you that you are willing to move on every request that is sent to me, that will be included in my very very very long…..list of requests on behalf of everyone that i know that is currently in need of any kind. i know that i serve a mighty god… one that can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we think or ask…and lord, i am not afraid to ask… for all our needs….every single one of them to be met…. thru our faith in you….and thru this tiny act of obedience that you are asking. thank you lord, for loving us, thank you for being in our lives, and allowing us entrance into your kingdom, thank you for your word, your power, and your spirit working in our lives… jesus be lord to each of us. move mightly on our behalf ….bless us, mightly that we might be a mightly blessing in this land. tear down stinking thinking…. remove doubt and uncertainty…. bless us lord….open the windows of heaven…supply all our need….. thru christ jesus our king…. we receive it…. amen and amen
You can send your prayer requests to the link listed in this message, or you can send it to me, in my shout box, i will include it with my prayer requests for anyone and everyone who writes.
God bless you…. s/forum/topics/feeling-overwhelmed-by-life

Sincerely, Gayla Stahl
Yours in Christ
{You are invited

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