All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

when Jesus had prayed and blessed the food --angels so to speak took that food and place it in heaven where it was distributed aroung and multiplied because thier is no time in the spirit it was brouhgt back down and thier was some left over. Amen! Isnt that awsome.

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Your comment reminds me of the part in the Lords prayer; Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Just like the bread and fish nourished multitudes of people. The Son of God was lifted up in crusifiction, The bread of life, that nourshes the souls and brings life to our spirit. The sacrifice is multiplied for salvation for all who will partake.
I would have loved to see the miracles tha Jesus Did
Yes I too would love to have seen his power ...the calming of the sea, the feeding of the 4000, the feeding of the 5000, I believe God has planted the seed of the Kingdom within all of us who believe in Jesus as Lord. And we are hungry to demonstrate the presence and power and reality of the kingdom in the world. The Kingdom of God is not just a fascinating, hidden, fellowship of the Lord Jesus. It has All the resources and power and authority and grace of the King himself. It is the pearl beyond price! It is relationship with the Good God our saviour. One way the Kingdom is manifesting to me now is by proclaiming (speaking aloud) the word of God. I am working through Derek Prince's book "The Power of Proclamation" and the combination of the Word and the Spirit are bri9nging grace into my life.
I heard on Focus On the Family about one of their youth out reach ministries that takes group of teens on mission trip to South America and how they had an experience of God multiplying peanut butter sanwiches to feed a whole village.

God can do any thing he wants to do, praise his name!
ci just love this! the way you said this.


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