This group is for anyone and everyone who, has received visions, dreams and prophetic Words from the Lord concerning the End times. All is welcome to join. I pray that this group will be a wake up call. Jesus is coming sooner then we think!
Members: 14
Latest Activity: May 6, 2019
Started by Redeemed. Last reply by Gayla Nov 13, 2013. 7 Replies 0 Likes
Lately Evangelism has been on my mind Lately, And i have been Inviting people to come to my church and None have come. there is a certain Lady whos face keeps coming up in my mind that i know. I Wonder is this the Lord telling me to Invite this…Continue
Started by sherry-berry(nickname). Last reply by sherry-berry(nickname) Jul 28, 2011. 2 Replies 2 Likes
I am curious as to how many Christians are true believers of supernatural phenomenon. We say we believe everything that happened in the bible.but if they happened today would we be believers or skeptics first?
Sebastian’s –Vision
6/22/11 /12:18 P.M.
While seeking the Lord, I saw a pocket watch, and the seconds hand needle on the watch was 12:00 O’clock, then I saw a hand moved the needle back to 2 to 3 seconds back. End of vision.
Notes of Observation: The hand that moved the needle back is the hand of GOD.
O’ give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good; because His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 118:1
Sebastian’s – Word from God
6/12/11 - 3.12 P.M.
While praying in my backyard, I closed my eyes, and asked God for a vision and He said, “Open your eyes and look around,” then He said to me “Even science has not found all that I have created on this earth.” End.
The earth is the Lord’s , and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 ( KJV)
It was Saturday the 23rd of April at a few minutes past 1 a.m. that I prayed to GOD. In these times, I am asked by GOD to pray at a special time between 12 o’clock at night until about 3 a.m. even though I already have praying time in the morning, noon, and at night.
Actually at that time, I also asked GOD, “Why am I asked to pray at sleeping hours like that GOD? Haven’t I already prayed in morning, noon, and at night?” From that question, I was given an understanding by GOD that I want to also share to you:
The parable is like this, for example if you wanted to take money from the bank, to avoid the crowd of other visitors and also to receive a faster and special service you will think of the time when the bank is not too full of visitors right? We will indeed still be served well by the bank employees even if we come to the bank when most of the visitors are there. But if we come to the bank when it’s not too full, we will receive a faster and more special service.
It is also like that when we pray. When we want to deny lazyness and sleepyness inside ourselves to meet GOD and to pray for GOD’s Work, GOD’s Heart will be more interested and HE, HIMSELF, will give us so many great things like we have never expected before. God’s Heart will act more to say HIS Amazing Plans to people who are willing ‘to pay a price,’ meaning they want to give more time and energy.
In this special praying time, GOD wants me to pray for souls that have not yet known about the Salvation from JESUS, to pray for Yogyakarta, Indonesia (the place where I live) so that Yogyakarta could become “The City of GOD”—A city owned by GOD where GOD does great work, and for the Indonesian nation (because God has showed to me and a few other servants of GOD that GOD’s cup of fury is almost spilled upon the Indonesian nation because there is so many sins of this nation and because of the hardness of heart of the people who do not want to repent and to turn back from their evil ways). And also, GOD wants me to take part in praying for the spiritual war that is a war between angels versus evil spirits.
And because of that, to make more and more souls won over for God; for each city where we live to be visited more by GOD; for GOD’s cup of fury to not be spilled too great upon this nation; and for us and the angels to be able to force away the powers of evil spirits, GOD wants me to pray continuously for these things.
If you want to take part of this, with pleasure I invite you to pray for these things. You can choose time between 12 pm until 3 am. This does not mean that you have to pray three full hours. With first asking The HOLY SPIRIT, you can choose the time, for example, if you want to pray from 1 a.m. until 2.30 a.m. The important thing here is that we have taken part in GOD’s Work and GOD says in 1 Corinthians 15:58: forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the LORD.
Ok, I want to continue my story…
At that time, it was about a few minutes to 3 a.m. that I finished praying, and then I slept.
When I was asleep, I was given a dream by GOD. In that dream, I could see myself being taken by GOD far above and in my vision, I could see the universe; the sun and its planets, even the other galaxies. But what GOD wants to show me is about the distance between heaven and earth. And when I saw that distance, it’s like I can see a scale like a ruler (which I know that is GOD’s ruler) and on that ruler GOD gave a scale of 10. Together with that I saw Jesus coming to earth and has already reached 9-3/4 on the scale of GOD’s ruler of 10. From then, I saw Jesus almost arrived at Earth with only one quarter (1/4) left to go! And suddenly, I was awakened and started to pray. I asked GOD what does it mean with the scale only a quarter (1/4) left to go? Is it a quarter (1/4) step for GOD? Is it a quarter (1/4) century? Or is it a quarter (1/4) of a year more?
When I asked that to GOD, GOD answers: “MY child, the size on that scale is not so important. That scale is only a parable that I have given to you. The important thing is that I want to give a warning to the world that I AM ALREADY SO CLOSE to this earth. I am coming fast. I am ready to take MY Holy people; MY bride that is beautifully dressed with a Holy Robe. I do not want you to be anxious if I come today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this year, or even years to come. What I want is for you to be cautious with seriousness so that your oil that is your spirit for awaiting me is not emptied. I have yearned so long for times where we will be together forever, MY child. Yes, await ME. Wait for ME in your heart, MY child. May MY Peace and Love be with you wherever you go.”
And that is what I have received from God. I pray that this will make us ready and focus for the coming of GOD which GOD says is not for long to happen.
JESUS blesses and strengthens you all. Amen,
Angel Diana Gitta
This poem God gave me a few months ago. It almost ripped my heart out. It is:
Is there anybody left who will stand up for me
In this God blessed country you call land of the free
Just as it was so long ago when I walked among men
I'm still just as willing to forgive your every sin
But I have to tell you it's worse now than before
Yet I still stand outside your heart and knock gently at your door
Of course I will not force myself to make my home in you
But if you will give me a chance you'll see my word is true
This world I so dearly love is coming to an end
When that day comes I wonder will I have any friends
I'm not trying to guilt you or make anybody mad
But you've given into worldly ways and that really makes me sad
You took me out of public schools and if that weren't bad enough
You've run me out of government and complain when things are tough
I was not created to be played with like a toy
I was born to show the world in me there is true joy
There's not much I can say or do to make you understand
But what would happen to this world if I removed my hand
Yes you have technology with sattelite and phones
But when I come take my children home they will not reach my throne
My father knows there will be those I'll have to turn away
When you stand before my father what then can I say
It is my desire with joy in my voice to present you to the father
As the angels all rejoice
This one was not ashamed of me now all I have is theirs
These are those who stood by me they are my true joint heirs
@sherry-berry! Wow, what a awesome vision from the Lord!
Your vision Truly is a blessing!
Thank You for sharing that! (:
I promised that today I would start sharing the prophetic visions and dreams that God has given me over the years. Some of them are beautiful and others are downright scary. But I dont believe God gave them to me to keep to myself. So here goes. This first is a vision I had one morning on my way to the grocery store. I decided to write it up and save it for the right time.
A patch of heaven
How do you paint a picture without brushes. The image is in your mind and the canvas is ready. All the colors you will need are readily available. But you lack the tools with which to make your vision come alive. Or better yet, how do you fully explain something to someone without the use of your mouth. THe other person is lost without the addage of descriptive terms, and no matter how much you wave your hands and move your body to try to explain, the full meaning of your message is lost. Yet, this is exactly what God wants me to do. Explain his heavenly beauty without proper tools. Yes, I have a pen, paper and the moment. But the words, the perfect words are impish compared to the true beauty of the finished work. I am getting ahead of myself, so let me try to use the tools I have to explain what it is I'm talking about.
While watching T.V. one night I saw a commercial for the nbewest addition to the Disney movie library. In the commercial I saw a phrase that said "patch of heaven." Shown very quickly and then gone. However, it was enough to make me think. How woulda patch of heaven really look. THen, before I could have another thought, I had asked God in my heart to show me what a "patch of heaven" would look like. Yes, I tried to visualize it in my head. I remembered the enchanting description of heaven given in the bible. Then, I tried to use those images to visualize this holy place. You can imagine how futile my attempt was. Our minds cannot fathom such a perfect place. So, I prayed again and gave the issue to God. You know just like he told us to do. Little did I know that God intended to answer that prayer much quicker than I could imagine. After a late night of T.V., phone conversations, reading and prayer I finally fell asleep. Almost forgetting the prayer I had sent up to God earlier that evening. It was early the next morning, a little after 6am. Usually when I wake up this early on a Saturday morning I just go right back to sleep, figuring I wake up early because that's the time I get up everyday of the week because my body is used to getting up at that time and naturally wakes up by itself. But this time was different. I was not groggy and I sat up in bed as if I had somewhere in particular to go. By now, I realized that it was God who woke me up this early. So, He must have something to say or show me. So, after a quick prayer I threw on some clothes and rushed out the door, having no idea what God had in store for me. When I got in the car I decided that I would go to the grocery store to pick up some things I needed. I figured if God woke me up, He knew where he wanted me to go and would redirect me accordingly. To my surprise, I never made it out of the parking lot. It is my daily morning routine to greet God personally before I leave my parking lot in the morning by saying hello to his sunrise. I do this because I am apreciative of the the new day that God has given me. And as each sunrise is as different as each day is I view a sunrise as a personal greeting from God also. So, as usual I turned my head to the left to say hello before heading out. But when I looked, I saw something entirely different. IN the sunrise was something else. I closed my eyes and shook my head to make sure I wasnt seeing things. But there it was. Situated inside the sunrise was a "patch of heaven." So majestic was the sight that my first reaction after disbelief was pure awe. I couldnt believe my own eyes yet here it was. I saw a mountain ridge situated on the side of a beautiful lake which led to a waterfall that cascaded downward to places unknown. God even went so far as to show me the steam that was coming up from the bottom of the waterfall,. I saw how the light touched the snall patches of rocks inside this lake and the water that moved around the rocks. But that wasnt the most amazing thing about the lake. Though I looked and looked, I could not find its beginning. It was just there flowing from nowhere. Perfect in itself. In the middle of the lake was a small island that contained trees. God showed me the shade the trees provided on that small island and the shadows it casted upon the lake. Yet these images were nothing compared to the other side of the lake. On the right side of the lake was a small beach that ran along its edge. This beach separated a lake and waterfall from an entire ocean! The ocean was wide and vast. Its waves were calm. Nothing moved in this place except the water. Commanded to move according to God's will alone,. I saw each wve as it came ashore crashing against the sand. I'm not finished yet. On the other side of the beach was a vast wide landscape. It was flat and not even one stone altered its line. And most amazing of all: There was a sunrise coming up on the horizon of that vast ocean. Yes! A sunrise within a sunrise. Only God! Shining and giving a luminous glow to everything. As I mentioned before, my descriptive abilities pale in comparison to the true beauty of what I saw. But this is a vision that God allowed me to share with the world. You would htink I'm through . You would htink that through the tears that I was now shedding I could give God a lifetime of praise. But there was one last visioin He needed me to see. On the beach I saw a figure, turned away from me. I could only see his back. But he was standing there facing the lake and the ocean with arms outstretched, as if in prayer. When I realized just who I was looking at, I yelled His name out of the car window as if He could hear me. "Jesus, Jesus!" I just repeated over and over. As if I could run to Him and hold Him and kiss His feet and worship Him in His holy place. But His name was the only word I could utter through my tears. And I began to cry his name in my mind over and over. Then as if he sensed my presence He turned His head to the left. At this, I nearly leaped from the car to run to Him, forgetting that what was in front of me was real, but not tangible. So, I did what any Christian who loves Jesus would do. Prayed and cried harder. I was terrified to close my eyes for fear He nay be gone when I opened them. Jesus knew was there, because I could sense a smile as I cried and rached out to Him through a tear soaked face as I sat in my parking lot in a still running car. The last image God gave me in that sunrise was the most wonderful sight. It was an example of the power and harmony of God, the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. When Jesus looked to the left the lake ran to the left. I would not have believed it had I not seen it. The actual direction of the lake moved to the left and began cascading in a different direction. By now, I was wild with praise in my car and early risers were driving by and staring, trying to look and see what my eyes were transfixed on. But then God, as if sensing my loss of sanity at seeing only a "patch of heaven" of his dwelling plae, he began to slowly take it away. Changing piece by piece so that my spiritual wyews and my human eyes could re-focus and set themselves back on earth. And when He did this, He told me to harbor it in my heart forever and that the vision was for my eyes alone. At this, I began to cry and moan, because, how can I see something this beautiful and not tell anyone about it. So I begged and begged to be able to share what was shown to me. Altogether not understanding how utterly impossible that would be. I hope that you could see what I saw, if only a fraction of that beauty is in your mind's eyes, then you should have a lifetime of praise. Because even though that "patch of heaven" was too much for my eyes and body to handle, I sensed that it also belonged to me. That I was connected to it and would be forever. Like findinga treasure chest. You dont deserve what you found, but it is in reality yours because you found it. That's what salvation is. Its the understanding that although you dont deserve Heaven, ultimately it belongs to you because it ws you that found it through the guidance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour,
I hope this vision adds a blessing to someone's life. In Jesus name.
Servant Carlene’s Dream of the Rapture {5-13-11, 9:19am}
Blessings saints...This morning, I was up ..a bit angry about an incident and was thinking and talking to God. I shifted position and went to sleep...immediately I was taken in a dream.. I was outside and it was a crystal clear day...but there was an eerie feeling in the atmosphere;...all of a sudden there was this display in the sky..there was an opening in the sky...I gasped and other also..(In prayer before I wrote this; our Lord told me what it was but I am not allowed to say it)..then there was another display...the Angel Gabriel....HE IS TALL..BEAUTFUL.TOOK MY BREATH AWAY...HE IS TALL AND TOWERING..A MIGHTY WARRIOR OF HEAVEN..I gasped..I heard ..the Angel Gabriel..I just knew the Rapture was about to happen..I felt in the dream this is it...I got into this elevator; there were several people in the elevator..all of a sudden..I FELT MYSELF SHAKING..JERKING AND I WAS BEING LIFTED UP..I SAW MYSELF SUSPENDED IN THE AIR..THEN I STOPPED..IN THE CORNER OF MY EYES ..THE ELEVATOR WAS MADE OF ALL GLASS..I SAW A CHILD ASCENDING TOWARDS THE SKY....I said in confusion "what happened?..someone said the Rapture took place..I stepped off the elevator onto the balcony and the sky was a beautiful blue..flawless...all of a sudden ..the entire sky was just darkened..blackness then it was over.....I felt..HEAVEN SHUT IT'S DOOR....At that moment I thought..OF DR OWUOR..THE END TIME PROPHET.. and I heard his voice saying..."THE ENTIRE SKY TURNED BLACK" was just as he described it in his vision....I was shocked and started crying...I said Lord!! why did you leave me?..what am I suppose to do?..I started walking down these winding staircase...crying hysterically..I felt lost..hopeless...and I said why!! and I heard a voice..because of the disagreement you had with that person...I was truly upset and I was angry...I got out of the dream and was so happy ..IT WAS A DREAM!!...IT SOBERED ME UP..IT CERTAINLY GOT ME SAYING..I WILL NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO BE ANGRY ..OR BITTER .I DO NOT CARE WHAT HAPPEN..I WILL LEAVE IT AT JESUS'S FEET. I got on my knees and prayed to OUR Lord..HE SAID ..I AM COMING...GET RID OF ALL THE BITTER AND ANGER FROM YOUR HEART BECAUSE ONE FLAW AND YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT....HE GAVE ME A SCRIPTURE BEFORE I STATED PRAYING...LUKE 21:7...(THIS WAS SHOCKING ..WHEN I READ IT) SAINTS..READ AND ALLOW THE SPIRIT OF GOD TO MINISTER UNTO YOU...PRAISE GOD..TO GOD BE ALL GLORY.PRAISE HIS PRECIOUS NAME...AMEN!!
@Sherry-berry- Praise God I am so Glad you found this site to help you & others! I felt God urged me to start a group like this because there is nothing like it! & This is the right place for you, Let God use you how ever He likes!
You will be a blessing! (:
God bless
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