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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 6, 2009 at 6:46am
Good day to all of you. Firstly, welcome to all the new members. Norma, you are most welcome! You don't have to ask permission to join here. If you feel you have input to give, PLEASE DO!
We will look today at the Church in Thyatira. (Rev 2:18) This church represents the Pagan church or the church of the age known as The Dark Ages (AD606-1517) It is accepted by historians that Thyatira was founded by Alexander the Great in roughly 300 BC. It was a wealthy city in Macedonia. It's main characteristic seem to be it's works rather than their belief. Fact is, this church was indicted for allowing a false teacher to spread it's heresy.
The Dark Ages was a product of this church - started by the previous church age's "dark practice" of mixing pagan rites with Christianity. Take a look at some of the changes brought into the church during that time:
* AD786 Worshipping of images and idols
* AD850 use of "holy water" began
* AD995 Canonization of dead saints
* AD1090 Prayer beads
* AD1229 Bible forbidden to lay-people
* AD1508 "Ave Maria" approved
Actually, the list continues still to the 1900's! for eg: 1965 Mary was proclaimed the Mother of the Church. (THIS IS WRONG! Jesus said cearly that HE WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH, not His mother!)
There are a lot more that can be added to this list, but I think you get the severity of the heresy tought in this age. Of course the church that was prominent in that age were the Roman Catholic Church.
Heresy falls into 2 basic catergories:
1) the teaching of a false concept of the personal deity of Christ
2) the mixing of works with faith
Though the Roman Catholic Church cannot be accused of the first of these heresies, it should be noted that their concentrating on good works too much have led people to believe that they could earn their salvation. This is in direct contradiction to what we are taught in Scripture! John 14:6 clearly states that we are saved through FAITH and "not by works so that no-one can boast."
COMMENDATION: "I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perserverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first."
Despite the heretic teachings of this church there were people that had been faithfull to the teachings of Christ's true church. (Hus and Wycliff are two outstanding egsamples. Both were martyred at the stake for commiting the crime of tranlating the Bible into an understandable language for the lay-people)
CONDEMNATION: Here I want to remind you of the image of Jesus in Rev 1 and also at the beginning of our text today where He is described to have "eyes like blazing fire". The following verse gives us the explanation for Our Lord's indignation: "You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols."
Jezebel was the woman (in the Old Testament) who brought Baalism into Israel and perverted the nation. Jesus uses her as a point of comparison for those who brought paganism and it's teachings into the church.
COUNCEL: "Only hold on to what you have untill I come." The Lord's councel are clearly aimed at those that remain faithfull to Him desite everything.
CHALLENGE: "To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations - 'He will rule them with an iron scepter; He will dash them to pieces like pottery' - just as I have received authority from My Father. I will also give them the morning star."
WONDERFULL wonderfull rewards awits those who remain faithfull in Christ UNTILL THE END.

Love in Christ
Comment by Jeff Randall on July 6, 2009 at 4:05am
Hello Everyone,
Well I got back from my conference late last night, I still have to take in everything that was said and go over my notes then I can share a little of what I learned. The conference itself was great my family and I really enjoyed it until the day of the 4th and let me tell you why. The conference was held in Brainerd,Mn a wonderful city with very friendly people and every 4th they have quite a large celebration. We took our kids to the parade which we really enjoyed, and then after we hung out for an outdoor concert and fireworks, the fireworks were awesome, no complaints there, but heres where we had a problem. Sitting next to us at the Parade was a group of about 9 people all between 25 and 35 years old. I first noticed these people before the parade because of a small altercation they had with people across the street having to do with a previously marked off spot and the moving of some chairs, no big problem to me but to them seemed to be a great problem, in fact with all the swearing and name calling you would of thought the problem to be worse. After a few minutes the fight was over and these fine people sat right next to us. Which was fine except for the once again swearing and name calling, I have very young children and I asked them to please tone it down and they informed me it was a free country and if I didnt like I could move, but not in such nice words. Anyway we made it through the Parade, and except for drinking and loud aforementioned comments it was quite enjoyable. After the Parade the concert started, usually showcasing local bands, which it did this year as well but with one exception, this year they had a Christian rock band and I'll tell ya they were good in fact after my oldest went to get one of thier CD's. The music wasnt the problem, it was the band itself I had an issue with. You see this band was the same people that we shared a piece of sidewalk with during the parade(the swearing, drinking and name calling group). Needless to say I came home more disgusted than anything else and a great majority of it deals with that band and the Hyprocracy of their message. Good music, bad attitude, Great message, wrong teacher, however they did remind me of one important thing, To have great faith in the Father, do not listen to false prophets and in a way deep inside I kinda chuckled because all I could picture was this band playing at the entrance of Hell. This is another reason why myself and quite a few Pastors I talked to are losing hope in mankind and sometimes wonder who we are fighting for.
Comment by Abraham impraim on July 5, 2009 at 3:45pm
Out of Love...

When hope disintegrates,
and dreams turn into ash
and homes and hearts
are robbed of laughter,
and joy is lost to tears,
love will last
through it all,
perfect, pure,
and healing
just as God intended.
And through love,
the birds will sing again,
and the hail winds shaking
your whole world will still,
and the beauty of life
will spill through
the clouds like golden rays;
for out of love,
hope will grow,
and when there's hope,
to nourish the soul,
dreams and happiness
will inevitably
blossom again.
Comment by Abraham impraim on July 5, 2009 at 3:44pm

Sometimes you feel trapped and weary.
Sometimes it seems like nothing has
turned out the way that you'd hoped.
But remember that you're never alone.
God is with you always.
You need only open your heart to him,
and he will ease your pain.
His light will cut through the darkness,
and fill you with the sparkle of renewed hope.
He knows when you're worried.
He knows when you're feeling blue,
but he's always there to
lend you his strength
and to help you fly.
You need only have faith,
and he'll send you a miracle.
You need only open your arms,
and he'll wrap you in his loving embrace.
Let him fill your heart with sunshine.
Let him touch your life
with the light of his love--
it will shine through in everything you do,
and a sense of unending peace
and happiness will rule your days.
In order to fly with the beauty
and grace of a butterfly,
you need only believe.
Comment by norma gullo on July 5, 2009 at 12:13pm
Hi everyone,
My name is Norma. I would like to join your group on Prophesy. I read on it
every day. I believe in the rapture. I believe that Christ is coming to take all
believers in Christ before the tribulation. Yes there are people who don't believe
think I might be crazy, but I am not. I believe thay Christ died for our sins
and is coming back for us!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 5, 2009 at 3:37am
If we look at all these prophesies that glenn had listed here, and, knowing that they ALL came true just begs the question: why are so many people doubting the validity of New Testament prophesy? That all the prophesies made in the old Testament DID in fact come to pass, is our proof that every last one of the prophesies made later will ALSO to the last letter be fullfilled!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 3, 2009 at 1:31pm
Hello everybody!
First off: Please excuse all my many MANY typing and spelling errors. It's quite an adventure trying to type with frozen fingers!
Then to Pastor Jeff: God be with you when you go on this conference. Your input here are most welcome and definately needed!
Tonight we get to a bit of a tricky Church in terms of me having to step on possibly a few toes tonight.
The Church of Pergamum (State/indulged church)
(Rev 2:12-17)
Pergamum was the capital of Asia until the close of the 1st century.It was a city given over to the worship of many Greek idols. Since Satan's plan to make an end to Christianity failled so very miserably (the persecutions of the previous church age) a new plan was formulated to curb the Church. INDULGENCE.
Freedom of religion in the sense that anything and averything was permitted in the name of religion. When Constantine came to power (well known was he for his pro-Christianity stance) money was readily provided by the Roman government for the Church, and because of government's close involvement with this "new" religion many pagan temples were taken over by the Church. Unfortunately, in order to make Christianity more acceptable to "ex-pagans" many pagan rites and practises were introduced to the church and "Christianised" in that time. Over time these rites and practises became more prominent than the original teachings of the Church. From AD312 the Church became more Roman than Christian.
For eg: AD375 saw the introduction of the worship of saints and angels; AD431 the worship of Mary began; AD593 doctrine of purgatory is introduced; AD600 worship services conducted in Latin and prayers directed to Mary.
In short, the original doctrine of the church in the 1st three centuries began to change when Christianity became a state religion.
As the church became rich and powerfull, it was suggested that the world was getting better and better, and that Christ's Kingdom had already came and that He will return at the end of the 1000 year reign! This of course demanded a re-interpretation of Israel's status. This was accomplished by suggesting that Israel was "cast off forever" and that the promises of Israel was now to be applied to the Church!

COMMENDATION: "I know where you live - a place where Satan sits enthroned (yet) you are clinging to and holding fast My name, and you did not deny my faith." It seems that after Satan was forced to abandon his plans at Babylon, he chose to go and settle himself here in Pergamum: a city, as I've already explained, that was totally given over to paganism. In spite of the changes in the church, their theological doctrine remained pure.
CONDEMNATION: " have some people there clinging to the teaching of Balaam who tought Balak to set a trap and a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, (to entice them) to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols and to practice lewdness. (giving themselves up to sexual vice)"
"...clinging to the teachings of the Nicolaitans (those corrupters of the people) which thing I hate."
Though this church's theological doctrine remained pure, their practical doctrines were radically evil.
COUNCEL: "Repent (then)! Or else I will come to you quickly and fight against them with the sword of My mouth."
CHALLENGE: "I will give to eat of the manna that is hidden, and I will give him a white stone with a new name engraved on the stone which no-one knows or understands except he who receives it." Manna was the bread given by God to the Israelites in their trek through the desert. Manna here refers to the Bread of Life given to us from God. If the church of God will only look to Him, He will provide for them in everything. (Phil 4:19)
The white stone here could be a symbol refering to an ancient custom when judgement was passed for a crime committed. If the jurors acquitted a person a white stone was laid down to signify this acquittal. (Just like when we accept Jesus into our lives. He forgives us for our transgressions. He grants us an acquittal from our crimes!) Furthermore, white is used throughout the Bible to signify purity. "A new name" just refers to the new person you become when you become a follower of Christ and the fact that people don't fully understand the extent of His saving grace untill they experience it themselves.

Love in Christ
Comment by Jeff Randall on July 3, 2009 at 7:13am
Ironically enough I will be leaving today to attend a Pastors Conference that is going to deal with this subject. The Church wants to explain it's stance on The Prophetic Scriptures and how we as Pastors should look at and Teach this subject to our Congregations. It makes myself and other colleagues a little nervous to have our Church Leaders to request a meeting of this nature especially when we were not notified of this until Thursday of last week, usually they let you know a month or 2 in advance. Well thats neither here nor there, my point is when I get back I will try to help with this subject as much as I can.
Comment by Jenna Wiggins on July 2, 2009 at 10:15pm
Comment by Mark McGrew on July 2, 2009 at 9:46pm
Hey, Sign up for this, it's always free, and you can go live with everyone. If you don't have a web cam, or mic that's cool, you don't have to, yet if anyone else wants to be seen, or heard then they can. It makes teaching alot easier.
Mark McGrew (Timex) PS: sometimes people will need to refresh their page to bring it in..

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