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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by R. Evan-Gombach on August 10, 2009 at 4:24am
666 is the number of man-it is the number of the perfection of man's own efforts-satans ploy is always to usurp the throne of God-he therefore empowers man to do God's work in his own wisdom and according to his own natural reasoning and intellect and according to his own strength apart from the life of Christ in Him-for instance, if it is not Christ in me leading the people then I am misleading the people-

the safety against this is "the way of the Cross" and its principal of self-denial. Our natural soul-life needs to be put to death so the life of the Spirit can be the governing factor in our lives and service. Christ said, "He who loves his soul-life(psuche) will lose it, and he who loses his soul-life for my sake shall find it unto life eternal(zoe) or divine life. And again, "If any one will be my disciple, let him deny his self, and take up his cross and follow me." The Lord wants us to put to death the natural life and live according to His Holy Spirit and to walk according to and be led by the Spirit. Satan does all he can to prevent the Christian from truly functioning according to the power of the Holy Spirit because that is a mighty force against the powers of darkness and he knows his time is short. He will even cause the Christian to think he is walking in the Spirit so as to prevent him from being crucified with Christ so he will not know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, travailing in deep heart burdened prayer for the people of God aginst the powers of darkness and filling up that which is lacking in the sufferings of Christ.

So the mark of the beast is man doing God's work in his own strength and wisdom apart from the life of Christ in him. Thus deceiving many. So safety is in seeing ourselves upon the cross in Christ and letting the Holy Spirit make that a living reality in our lives. Ask Him about it. Ask Him for your cross and let it utterly slay you and you will surely experience the power of His resurrection and the Person of the Holy Spirit in living and vibrant union with Christ.

May the Lord bless and keep you, and cause His Face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
Comment by R. Evan-Gombach on August 10, 2009 at 3:39am
Not trying to be critical but Biblical, but I've read a lot of comments and I can see clearly that there are many who haven't yet understood that we as believers absolutely have to die to our own human wisdom for Christ to be made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. No Cross, No Crown. If we can't be willing to die than we can't live. And that means to our own understanding and natural reasoning as well. If you want to understand prophetic ministry, and you want the Holy Spirit, He has one object in view and that is the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And all His activities are toward that one object. If you want the Holy Spirit to operate, and work in your life and through you, remember it is to that one object He will work. He will take us into deep depths in order to get the Lordship of Jesus Christ established, and He will do it in a way that reaches HIS END best. He will dethrone, He will break down all our strength, our glory, and our kingdom. Pentecost in its outworking-or the presence of the Holy Spirit here-will mean that those in whom the Spirit operates and has His way will never be able to rest short of God's full thought for themselves or for others. They will be deeply exercised and burdened and will be drawn into the travail of Christ, to fill up that which is lacking of His Sufferings for His Body's sake which is the Church. And if you tell me that the Holy Spirit is having His way, and yet there is complacency with things that are not according to Christ, I say that is a contradiction: It cannot be. If you are perfectly satisfied with things as they are in yourself or in other believers and have no real concern that there should be full conformity to the image of Christ,...then the Holy Spirit is not doing His work in you. Pentecost in its deeper meaning will produce that!
May the grace of our dear Lord Jesus, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and remain upon all of you.
Comment by George Kirui on August 5, 2009 at 10:40am
Check this website [] for what GOD is telling the church and what must happen soon.Help to spread this prophecy 'REPENT THE WORLD ,TIME IS OVER'.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on August 3, 2009 at 12:28pm
Good evening!
Tonight we will take a look at the 1st four seals of the scroll that is disclosed in chapter 5. These 4 seals introduces the 1st four judgements of the tribulation period, and is sometimes referred to as "the 4 horsemen of the appocalypse." (Rev 6:1-8)

If we interpret the 1st rule of prophesy interpretation here, we find that "the plain sense of scripture does not make common sense". In other words, these are not actual horses and riders, but rather describe world conditions.

Verse 8: "And I looked and saw there a white horse whose rider carried a bow. And a crown was given to him and he rode forth conquering and to conquer."
1) the white horse here, instead of denoting purity, as white often does in scripture, is a symbol of peace.

2) the rider has a bow but no arrows, indicating that he will conquer by means of diplomacy rather than violence.

3) that he is given a crown, means that he will be victorious in his quest, and will be accepted as ruler or leader of the earth. The words "conquering and to conquer" indicates that he will set out to rule regardless of opposition.

As pastor Jeff had already pointed out in a discussion "obama and the pope" this leader will be charismatic, respected by all, and be regarded as the saviour that will bring peace on earth. He will by means of diplomacy gather support everywhere he goes.

Verse 4: "And another horse came out, flaming red. And its rider was empowered to take the peace from the earth, so that men slaughtered one another and he was given a huge sword."

Red is an indicator of violence and war. Some prophesy-scholars believes that this is a prophesy about a Third World War. I shudder to think what would happen to this world if a World War was to happen. Almost every country has nuclear capabilities. In a war like that, is it possible to hope that these countries would not make use of their nuclear arsenals?
The rider on the white horse is a picture of how Anti-christ will come to power. Do you think that he will stop this war? No. He will probably support the war effort, despite his diplomatic mask.

Verse 5 & 6: "When He broke open the third seal, I heard the living creature cry out, come and look! And I saw, and behold, a black horse, and in his hand the rider had a pair of scales. (balance)
And I heard...a voice...saying: a quart of wheat for a denarius and three quarts of barley for a denarius but do not harm the oil and the wine."

What this black horse brings is explained in verse 6: worldwide economic crash. A depression such as never been seen before. The use of scales indicate that there will be a severe scarcity of food, so everything will have to be carefully portioned out.
A denarius was equal to 1 full day's wages.
The measures given for the wheat and barley is the minimum daily sustenance diet for one person. From these verses it seems then that a person will have to work a full day, just to be able to afford enough food for himself to eat. This leaves no money to care for the family or for the aged and infirm.
Oil and wine is traditionally foods of the rich. That the rider is told not to harm it indicates that those fortunate enough to be counted as "rich people", will not suffer quite as badly as the common, or worker class people.

Verse 8: "So I looked and behold an ashy pale horse and it's rider's name was Death and Hades followed him closely. And they were given authority and power over a fourth of the earth to kill with the sword and with famine and with plague and with wild beasts of the earth."

The terrible result of the red and black horseriders is that a quarter of the earth's population will be wiped out. Famine and all kinds of diseases always follows war and depression. That the people will also be killed by wild beasts could mean 2 things:
1) since governments is sometimes depicted in Scripture as beasts, we could be looking at another holocaust situation; OR
2) these could litterally mean wild animals breaking free from zoos, nature reserves etc that is no longer cared for and kept in check.
Which ever of these it may mean; they are both equally horrible.

Some people may say that I am melodramatic and that I put to much stock in all the doomsday prophesies. I want to leave you with this question tonight: Knowing that these terrible things will happen after the Rapture of the church, doesn't it make you all the more "on fire" to proclaim the Gospel? Doesn't it cause you, knowing what is to happen to those that is left behind, cause an urgency in you to get people introduced to the TRUE SAVIOUR?
Studying these passages had that effect on me! Now, more than ever before, do I pray for unbelievers. Now more han ever before, do I feel the need to shake these people and make them understand that they must turn to Jesus. Our time is short. The signs of the times are all around us. Just today, I read that a new strain of the AIDS-virus had been dicovered. Swine-flu is taking lives all over the world. Previously "under control" illnesses like cholera, and ebola is rearing it's ugly head again. We are living in a torn up world, and something's gotta give soon. Scietists had allready warned the world that if something doesn't drastically change in the way that we live, we will have exhausted all of the earths natural resourses. The recon by the current rate of (ab)use, and the melting ice-caps, changes in weather-patterns, all brought on by our own careless waste, we might have another 50 or so years before we self-destruct. Doesn't all of these sound to you like the calamaties Jesus was talking about? It sure does to me...

Now, more than ever, it is important that we reach those who have not yet "seen the light", so to speak.

Love in Christ
Comment by Jeff Randall on August 1, 2009 at 4:13am
This is one of the best clean jokes I've seen in awhile!

Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument about who was better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and frankly God was tired of hearing all the bickering.

Finally fed up, God said, 'THAT'S IT! I have had enough. I am going to set up a test that will run for two hours, and from those results, I will judge who does the better job.'

So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away.

They moused.

They faxed.

They e-mailed.

They e-mailed with attachments.

They downloaded.

They did spreadsheets!

They wrote reports.

They created labels and cards.

They created charts and graphs.

They did some genealogy reports ..

They did every job known to man.

Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan was faster than hell.

Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the power went off.

Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld.

Jesus just sighed.

Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers. Satan started searching frantically, screaming:

'It's gone! It's all GONE! 'I lost everything when the power went out!'

Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work.

Satan observed this and became irate.

'Wait!' he screamed. 'That's not fair! He cheated! How come he has all his work and I don't have any?'

God just shrugged and said,

Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 27, 2009 at 11:56am
Revelation 5
Verse 1 & 2 describes a Person sitting on the throne holding a seven sealed scroll. An angel asks who might be worthy to open this scroll. What is the significance of this scroll?
Some prophesy scholars believe this scroll may be the "title deed of the earth". It was given to Adam by God, but he had lost it because of sin. From that day on, the earth was under the influence and control of Satan.
According to verse 3 "no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth (the realm of the dead, Hades) was able to open the scroll or to take a (single) look at its contents."
Because of this, John weeps. Is he weeping just because he is curious to see the contents of this scroll? If the scholars I was referrering to earlier were correct in their summation that this scroll is the title deed to the earth, (I think they are), then John's tears may be out of more than curiosity. He knows that as long as this scroll remains sealed, the earth will remain under Satan's control. He is dispairing, because now it seems asif the scroll will remain sealed, thus Satan will remain in control!
Then one of the 24 elders said to John that he must stop weeping! (verse 5) "...the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root (Source) of David, has won (has overcome, and conquered)! He can open the scroll and break its seven seals! Only One paid the price that was required to have the authority and dominion to overcome death, Hades and Satan. Only One can open this seven-sealed scroll: The Lord Jesus. Then John sees a Lamb standing asif it has been slaughtered, refering to Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. He has the seven-fold Spirit ("seven horns with seven eyes") and He takes the scroll from God (He who sits on the throne).
The moment the Lamb takes the scroll, the seraphim (four beings around the throne) and the 24 elders prostrate themselves in front of Him. Each holding a harp, indicating the music of heaven, and bowls filled with insence, "which are the prayers of the saints"
Verses 9 & 10 describes a song sung by the seraphim and the elders. It speaks of how, with His blood sacrifice, The Lord purchased the lives of every person, from every tribe, every nation, every language! He had already paid for us, all we need to do is accept His offer! Then verse 11 continues and describes a host of angels numbering "ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands" I can not even begin to imagine that number! But they will all be there, around the throne to proclaim that Christ is worthy to and deserving to receive all "the power and riches and might and honor and the majesty and blessing."
Not only are this heavenly host of angels proclaiming His glory but "every created thing in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and all that is in it" is proclaiming His majesty. Is there any doubt that Jesus Christ is to be exalted? In my previous message I wrote that many people through the ages have had questions about the divinity of Christ. Here in this chapter we find the proof that all of creation are very sure of His majesty. They have no questions, no doubts that all the power and dominion was granted to Him from God. If they are so sure, why do some people still doubt?
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 24, 2009 at 6:36am
Good day Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We are now done with the description of the Churches of Revelation 1-3 and start today with Rev 4. In Verse 1-2 of this chapter we see that John is commanded to "come up here" by the voice of the one "speaking like a trumpet".
A quick back-glance to chapter 1 will tell you exactly who this voice belongs to, because He was identified already as "the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last". (Rev 1:11)
The only Person this can possibly refer to is our Lord Jesus Christ. So the command to John is from the Lord Himself!

The first thing that John sees when he arives in heaven is a throne with Someone sitting on it.
Verse 3: "And He who sat there appeared like (the crystaline brightness of) jasper and (the fiery) sardius, and encircling the throne there was a halo that looked like (a rainbow of) emerald."
The jasper refered to here is not the opaque colloured stone we call a jasper. My quote is from the Amplified Bible here, and as you can see it is "cristaline bright". Dr Harry Ironside in his book Revelation speculates that this might in fact refer to a diamond (like?) stone. The fiery sardius is a red stone, probably a ruby. The reason why these two colours specifically is mentioned here is a simple one. Simple but most illuminating. If we consider that the very 1st church was made up of primarily converted Jews, these colours become most significant. These colour stones resembles the 1st and last stones in the breastplate of the High Priest! As we have already seen in or earlier reading of the 1st chapter of Revelation, the Lord is our High Priest! And we (His Church) are His "royal priesthood" (1Pet 2:9). So if, as I believe (and a few others also), John's command to "come up here", is a reference to the Rapture of the Church, then Jesus' role here as the High Priest, makes perfect sense. His entire Priesthood (His Church) will then be assembled in His presence for the 1st time.
The emerald halo also has significance: not so much that it is an emerald, but that it is a HALO. Halos are circles. No beginning and no end, presenting to us a picture of the etrnal nature of Christ. He is the Eternal One.

The next "thing" John describes are (verse 4) "twenty four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads" (NIV)
I will not speculate now about who these "elders" might be. We will see, when we get to chapter 5, who they are. We can with some certainty say, however, that they are NOT angels! Angels are nowhere depicted in the Bible as wearing crowns on their heads.
More important at this stage, is that they wear white robes, denoting purity, and crowns suggesting that they had been victorious. Both these items are promised to "overcomers" in Rev 2:10 & 3:11 (crowns) and in Rev 3:5 (white robes).

In the next verse we see The Signs of Judgement coming from the throne. (Verse 5) "Out from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder..."
This leaves us in no doubt that the tribulation-judgements come from the throne of God. It is not, like some people believe, the result of the evil that one human being does to another. Verse 5 also tells us of the seven Spirits before the throne, which we already identified as the seven-fold Spirit of God; not seven individual Spirits. (Ref: Isa 11:2)

Verses 6-9 introduces us to four beings and their tasks.
We read also about these beings in Isa 6:1-3, where Isa has his vision about the throne of God. These beings are seraphim, an order of angels which numbers only four and whos task is to bow down and continually exclaim the holyness of God. Some suggest that beacause of their appearance, they may be the leaders of the realms that they depict:
1) Lion - kingdom of wild animals
2) Calf (or some translations use ox) - leader of domestic animals
3) Man (leader of the angelic hosts responsible for the the human race)
4) Flying eagle - leader of the kingdom of all the fowls of the air.
If this is an accurate suggestion, I cannot say for sure. What I can say though, is that although many people through many generations had at times been doubtfull of the supremacy of God, these seraphim have absolutely no questions about it!
(Verse 8) "...and day and night they never stop saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (Omnipotent), Who was, and Who is and Who is to come."

Verse 10 & 11 continues to tell us the result of this continuous worship to God by the seraphim.
"The twenty four elders fall prostrate before Him Who is sitting on the throne, and they worship Him Who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, crying out, Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honour and dominion, for You created all things; by Your will they were (brought into being) and were created."

As we can see from these last few verses in chapter 4: no-one in heaven has even the slightest doubt about the holiness of the Lord God we serve! They freely acknowledge (as should we) that He alone is worthy to be praised and to receive our exatations!

Untill tomorrow
Love in Christ

Ps: Unless otherwise stated, all quotations are from The Amplified Bible.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 20, 2009 at 2:14pm
oops! I meant to say: REV 3:14-22 not Rev 3-22!
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 20, 2009 at 12:59pm
Never mind that last sentence in my last post. Just a typ-o that I've forgotten to delete before I posted.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on July 20, 2009 at 12:52pm
Brothers and Sisters
the message I'm about to bring is THE message I believe, that was the reason God had put me on this path. THIS is the message I have been tasked to bring. This is not an easy message. This is not a nice message. This is something that I pray might open some eyes to the truth of things. for this reason, this message will also be posted on my wall in facebook. Let's start with alook at our present church age. i stressed at the beginning (when I started this group) that the 7 churches described in Rev 1-3 is not only descriptive of those specific churches but also of the various church ages our world went through since the start of the church and also of characteristics existing in our churches today and also (and I think, most importantly) descriptive of the types of Christians we are in any age! Rev 3-22 describes the kind of Christian (church/age) that is loatesome to the Lord. I submit to you that we are living in the age described here. but my message is not about that age tonight. It is about the type of Christian that is described by this church. Verse 15 & 16: "I know your (record of) works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot! Would that you were either cold or hot! So because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!"
Harsh words from our Lord. But all too true about the world today.
What does this type Christian look like?
1) These are those that are boastfull about all the good they do, and all the good the are. You see them daily doing the best of things for the worst of people, but always looking for a slap on the shoulder; a "wow you're so GREAT!"
2)These are those that with their mouths testify that they belong to the Lord; their works might even mirror what they say, but they do it for themselves, not for Jesus.
3)These are those that, night after night ask forgiveness for their sins, but instead of turning away from it, continue to wallow in it's sludge.
Of these the Lord said: you cannot serve Him (the Lord) and Mammon!
Look around you. How many of these people do you know? I know quite a few of them. They call themselves "good people" and for the most part they are. But their goodness is to glorify themselves not God! In 2Tim 3:17, we get a picture of what they really are:
1) Selfish: "lovers of themselves" 10) Truce breakers & false accusers
2) Covetous: "lovers of money" 11) Incontenent: "without self control"
3) Boasters 12) Fierce
4) Blasphemers 13) Traitors
5) Disobedient to parents 14) Despisers
6) Rebellious 15) Heady & reckless
7) Unthankfull 16) High minded
8) Unholy 17) Lovers of pleasure
9) Without natural affection 18) They have no power with God

We are warned to have nothing to do with such people. We have to still pray for them, that their eyes might open before it's too late; we must be ready to minister to them when they realise their folley and want to truely repent and turn to God.
We are living today in a society that is likened to the days of Noah and Lot. The specific sins that unleashed the wrath of God in those days are rife today in ours aswell. This is the world in which this church type marvel. Sad, but true:
1) sexual perversion
2) "The thoughts of their hearts were (turned to) evil continually"
3) Routine living without any regard to the consequences of impending judgement.
2 Tim 4:1-4 warns us of a time when people will choose to believe anything BUT the lifesaving Gospel; just to satisfy their own desires.
I put it to you that we are living out that prophesy today!

To such people I make the urgent call to WAKE UP!
The Lord couldn't have given us a clearer picture of what the end days would look like than in Matt 24:1-8. He gives us the clues to know the signs of His coming, so clearly, I might as well be reading the morning newspaper! Nobody can read this passage and honestly say that we are NOT racing towards the END. The point I'm trying to make is this: NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. Now is the moment that Laodiceans must seize and repent! Now is when you should sit still and take stock of your Christianship and make the necessary adjustments. After-all: it is only your everlasting souls at stake.
The Lord is coming; sooner than any-one thinks. ARE YOU READY???
To these people I bring the following URGENT message:

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