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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 26, 2009 at 5:09am
Thank you so much for your input Mary.
This ties in nicely with the warning given to us at the end of the book of Revelations. Rev 22:19 says that who ever adds to this book to him will be added the plagues and judgements as described in this book. Who ever takes away from this book, from him will be taken away all the blessings and mercy also promised in this book.
Comment by Mary O on June 26, 2009 at 4:54am
Mornin' brothers and sisters,

I thought this would bless you. For the last month or so I have been studying the book of Revelation. I have to write this short essay. I think it's going to be about how the book of Revelation is signified or sealed. In verse one it talks about this book being sent and signified by his angel. This is by Richard Bentall. It's called God's Signet Ring...

'On that day,' declares the LORD Almighty, 'I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,' declares the LORD, 'and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,' declares the LORD Almighty." Haggai 2.3

Throughout history, kings and other governing authorities have made signet rings to proclaim their identity, signify their authority, and validate the content of their official documents declaring their laws, judgments, and commandments. The seals were typically set in a signet ring that would be pressed in soft clay or wax. When the clay or wax hardened, the signet's impression could not be changed. The various uses of seals and signets are exemplified in many Scriptures, such as Esther 8.8, which emphasizes three fundamental aspects of the King's Seal:

1) Identity,
2) Authority,
3) Immutability:

Now write another decree in the king's name in behalf of the Jews as seems best to you, and seal it with the king's signet ring—for no document written in the king's name and sealed with his ring can be revoked."

The Royal Signet is the King's signature and symbolizes his authority. The Seal of God is embedded in the unchangeable structure of His everlasting Word. It is not like a seal that is merely impressed on a document, which could be forged. God's Seal is different. He designed the entire Bible in the form of the Divine Seal that validates it. The impression can be neither changed nor removed. It is fully integrated with the document itself. Any attempt to tamper with God's Bible by adding a Book, deleting a Book, or even changing the order of the Books immediately destroys the Divine Seal and is thereby exposed as a fraud.

God bless!
Mary O.
Comment by Daniel Yeboah-Kodie on June 26, 2009 at 4:41am
Hmmmmmmmm! I am following various contributions and am impressed. All that i can say is that the book of Revelation gives insight into the believer to watch and pray as the 5 Wise Virgins did and to hope for a better heavenly place of abode to come !!!
Yours in Christ-Owura Dan
Comment by Daniel Yeboah-Kodie on June 26, 2009 at 4:40am
Hmmmmmmmm! I am following various contributions and am impressed. All that i can say is that the book of Revelation gives insight into the believer to watch and pray as the 5 Wise Virgins did and to hope for a better heavenly place of abode to come !!!
Yours in Christ-Owura Dan
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 26, 2009 at 4:12am
Greetings in the wonderful name of Christ

Before I carry on: I have been using my Amplified Bible for all the quoted passages in my posts. From time to time I also refer to the King James Bible.

Today's piece is from Rev 1:1-8. To spare my fingers and space, I will not be quoting the whole piece here.

This first few verses in the book of Revelations gives us insight into the following:
WHO this book is about; (Jesus Christ)
WHO this book is from; (God)
TO WHOM it was revealed; (John)
FOR WHOM is this book intended (to the seven churches)
WHY ("to disclose and make known certain things which must shortly and speedily come to pass")
HOW it was delivered; (by God's angel)

It contains that very special blessing that I mentioned before. This I will quote: verse 3: "Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who read aloud (in the assemblies) the word of this prophesy; and blessed (happy, to be envied) are those peoplewho hear (it read) and who keeps themselves true to the things that are written in it (hearing it and laying them to heart) for the time (for them to be fulfilled) is near."
Verse 4 and five tells us the importance of the sender; the Trinity.
"from Him Who is Who was and Who is to come" refers to God the Father
"from the seven Spirits before the throne" does not refer to seven Holy Spirits, but rather the seven-fold Holy Spirit as described in Isa 11:2 where He is called:
1) "the Spirit of the Lord"
2) "the Spirit of wisdom and"
3) "of understanding"
4) "the Spirits of counsil and"
5) "and power"
6) "the Spirit of knowledge and"
7) "of fear of the Lord"
Then verse 5 also attributes some very awesome characteristics to God the Son:
1) He is called the faithfull and trust worthy witness, in reference to Jesus' own words in John 14:9 where He says: " Any one who has seen me has seen the Father". The message here is clear: EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GOD IS REVEALED THROUGH HIS SON.
2) He is Firstborn from the dead (1st to be resurected in His glorified body, thereby giving us the guarantee that we will be resurected in our own glorified bodies at His second coming) 1Cor 15:23 calls Him the "Firstfruits"
3) He is the Prince (Ruler) of all the kings of the earth. This gives us the assurance that He is ultimately in control over every, king, president and every leader's rise to power AND their fall from grace.
Quite a different picture of Jesus is given to us here from the picture we have of him from His 1st coming. Isa 53:3 describes Him at His 1st coming as "despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering."
This passage exalts Him above ALL the kings of the Earth. Ps 89:27 calls Him the highest of all the kings of the earth.
When we read verse 6, it is clear what our purpose on earth actually is. We are meant to formed into a kingdom and priests to serve and worship the Almighty Father. Isa 61:6 says that we shall be called priests of the Lord. Ex 19:6 says we shall be a kingdom of priests, A HOLY NATION.
As we continue to verse 7 we receive another wonderful promise: He will be coming back on the clouds and EVERY EYE shall see Him. The mourning that is mentioned here will be on the part of those that rejected Him, when they indeed will see His return to judge them.
Oh how wonderfull that day will be, when we see our Saviour coming on the clouds!
How very sad, by comparison that day will be for all that rejected Him.
In this very short passage we can see a jesus potrayed to us as we shall see Him when He returns: not as a servant this time but as Ruler of all! I don't know about you folks but I CAN'T WAIT!

Untill tommorrow
Love in Christ
Comment by Peter Ogabidu on June 26, 2009 at 3:29am
It is bold to confront the book of Revelation.One of the most misunderstood Books of the Bible.However, just knowing what is to come is one hlf of the story, how to meet the coming judgement is another.May God continue to give you His wisdom in Jesus name.
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 26, 2009 at 12:57am
WOW! Just the other day when I was discussing this idea of mine with my dear mum-in-law I told her: you just wait. If this madness of mine is from the Lord, he will send me the people I need to help me with this. I'm sitting here in my office and I just can't stop crying tears of joy, tears of thanksgiving, and I will never stop praising Him for this. Let me add to this comment that any questions on these lessons should be posted right here in this group. If I cannot answer your question, I will find someone that CAN answer it for you. I will post todays discussion a little bit later. Since I'm at work, I should really first try and get some work done. (don't really want to, but, you know...)
till later
Love in Christ
Comment by Marco on June 26, 2009 at 12:30am
yay. a lot of thanks for the invite..Reading Revelation is interesting..and I mean very interesting..
Comment by becky brightwell on June 26, 2009 at 12:07am
Thanks for asking! I am so looking forward to this group there r a few things I get a little confused about in Revelation. We are all homeward bound.
Comment by Irene Amondi on June 26, 2009 at 12:05am
Thank you for inviting me to join this group LadyHumble. Be blessed in Jesus name

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