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Many people wonder about the future. What does the Bible teach us about the future?

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Comment by Denise on June 27, 2009 at 8:22pm
All I know is that, we are to stay focused on Jesus and to constantly be praying for his deliverance and quick return.
The message is Loud and Clear to me. I am to be in permanent state of mind of keeping Jesus the Centrepeice of My life and the future to come. The future is in his hands, and we aren't to worry about it either. For if we are really indeed God's children, then we'd know that our Father wouldn't want us to be worrying about what is to come in the future years, because he has already sorted the goats from the sheep and it will also be a test of our true faith in Him and how we treat eachother. As these are going to be the hardest years in man's historic occupation of this Planet. Now we will see and know who are the goats and who are the sheep. It is getting that easy to tell. Have anyone else noticed??
I still have issues I still have to deal with, and I am. As I want to be as sinfree and spiritually clean on the inside when Jesus returns. That is what I am working on, in my life at the moment. As i see it as vital.
I hold God and Jesus as the real reason for my existance, and that I wasn't put here to do my own will, but his. And that is the course I take now. And I hope others come to that realisation too.
Comment by Geoffrey muchemi gicheru on June 27, 2009 at 1:21pm
Thanks, today i tried to look at the letter from John through the christs revelation and became abit interested to the letter that was directed to the church of Ephesus.the reason why being that this church has tred to fulfill all the requirement needed for good christians, But Jesus had one point to make. the church had lost the first LOVE they had to Jesus. Sometimes christians may occupy most of their time with other matters other than issues related to true service to the lord. compare the time you offer to christian duties and personal life.If the difference is small or big,Then you will get the reason why Jesus is seeing the first LOVE changing to less with the church of Ephesus.I dont know how you see yourself with the first love you had for Jesus today.Also check yourself and reectify the present LOVE you have.Jesus might be seeing a big defference .Let us pray God to forgive us and repent that sin that seems to be so small but highly noted by Jesus. May God bless you all thanks.
Comment by nardinerene on June 27, 2009 at 8:26am
I have done my study for today of chapter 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation. According to my point of view as Natasha said, each one of the churches where called out by name and told of their deeds. 1. Eph-e-sus 2. Smyrna 3. Per-ga-mos 4.Thy-a-ti-ra 5. Sar-dis 6. Philadelphia 7. La-od-i-ce-a. Of all these churches according to what I have read Philadelphia was the only one in somewhat good standing. I know I stand to be corrected, please join me in you opinion about what these churches has done. This is an opportunity to study your bible and comment about your understanding of the book of revelation. We have the advantage of technology to google some of these thing mention in the bible, for example about the churches in Asia, the deeds of Nic-o-la-i-tanes, and other things that was mention in this chapter. I Look forward to reading your comments.

Your Sister in Christ. Nardine Rene
Comment by Natasha Mayes on June 27, 2009 at 2:53am
Thank you to everyone's input here in this group. I praise God for each and every 1 of you. I like to just make clear that my view points on the passages we dicuss here, is exactly that: MY viewpoints. That's why I'm so gratefull to each and every one of you who the courage to share his/her viewpoints aswell.
Thank you for correcting my mistake, Terry. I never even really noticed that I'm calling it the book of RevelationS instead of Revelation. I see that nardenerine asks about the churches and that is precisely what we will be looking at this morning. I know i said this was going to a weekly Bible study, but honestly, can anybody blame me for wanting to go a bit faster? It is just that this is such an interesting study to make, it's just difficult for me to contain myself. Now just as soon as I've got all my notes sorted and this absess in my mouth under control, I will be posting my message for today. "CHRIST AND THE CHURCH AGE."
Comment by barva smith brown on June 26, 2009 at 6:28pm
i am looking forward to learn alot from this group ?
Comment by nardinerene on June 26, 2009 at 4:40pm
Is there any one out there that would like to decipher the revelation chapter by chapter. I would like to comment on chapter one, the introduction of this prophecy, where we were introduce to a witness John, whom started to described what he saw. I encourage as many to participate because the word of God said there are Blessing to those who readeth and to those that heareth this prophecy.

This first chapter talked about the churches, which some of you may wonder what does that has to do with modern day churches, if you research and google some of these things the bible mentions.

This chapter also mention who Jesus is or was. It said He was a faithful witness, first begotten, the prince of kings, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, and He that died and is alive for evermore. This is for those who don't believe that he existed and walked among men.

Then Jesus Himself reveals the mystery of the seven churches, seven candlesticks and seven stars in His right hand, as its described in verse twenty, the seven stars are angels of the seven churches, and the seven candle sticks are the seven churches.

Remember John's letter where to the seven churches. What do you think about the way he described Jesus and the two edge sword in His mouth, what does that leads to?
Comment by Geoffrey muchemi gicheru on June 26, 2009 at 1:23pm
Revelation was given to John when he was exiled by roman authorities to the island of pitmos off the coast of Asia minor. At first John had an eye witness about of the incarnate christ,now has a visionof the glorified christ..the message was directed to the seven churches in Asia and to add all christians that believe in Jesus christ as their personal saviour. The purpose is for revealing the full identity of chrstand to give warning and hope to believers.It is also the Gods word about that ultimate place to live,Gods home -our true home..Im huppy to be one of the people promised a blessings -a special one discussing it to christians.the second blessings goes to those who listen to it and do what it says.time is near for all these things to come to true.Jesus said that he is the way and whoever goes to the father should pass through him. in this way Jesus is telling us the easy way to heaven. He is telling us to wash the black sports that he is seeing so that we are not droped in the final inspection. His blood cleans all spots to emerge clean as snow be blessed.
Comment by R. Evan-Gombach on June 26, 2009 at 8:33am
A key to understanding the future is to understand the present conditions. As the Lord's "Letters to the churches" in chapters 2 and 3 in the Revelation. The Lord always "speaks to the condition" and those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the churches He will make known His secret. As Israel, many saw the works of God but Moses and Aaron saw the secret of God, which means His ways and means. So today most of God's people only see His works but do not know His secret counsels. So to understand the present day condition of God's people is key to understanding His mind and His will and His eternal purpose and what He is doing about to move towards that. And it is very vital in our pursuit and finishing the race as the Apostle Paul states. The Holy Spirit very emphatically says "To him that overcomes, to him that overcomes" again and again and again. And "He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches". Again and again and again. That means He is emphatically stating something that needs to be taken very seriously.
I pray the Lord to bless and keep you, and cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And I pray the Lord to grant unto you the spirit of wisdom an revelation unto the full knowledge of Him.
Comment by nardinerene on June 26, 2009 at 6:10am
Thanks for the invite, it's been a while since I have been on due to my traveling. This is a very interesting topic that has many people amaze, confused, scared, and in awed about the book of Revelation, and yet it is one of my favorite, I'm now getting ready to pray for understanding as I reopened this chapter again to study so that I may share my understanding that may lead to an interesting conversation about our understanding, and miss understood information about what God wants us to know about Him as He reveals His information to his chosen servant/s. I am please to back with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and this wonderful site all about God. God Blessings to you all.
Comment by Ukundi Evans Mlelwa on June 26, 2009 at 5:39am
I myself have read the book of revelation but i realy dont understand about few things in this book.
1, About the 7 churches. What does it mean or what churches is it refering to.
2. About the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Will the belieavers be caught up in the sky before the great tribulation or arethe beleavers going to be in the tribulation period.
3. About the numbers 666. There is a place in the revelation which has said that the wise will understand it.

Please share with me this information i want to have an understanding of them

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