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I was wondering what you thoughts are about Ronald Wieland and his books that are posted on  According to his writtings Christ returns on May 21 2013

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Hi Michael,

Mat 24:35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever.
Mat 24:36 "However, no one knows the day or the hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. [fn] Only the Father

Whenever I hear someone setting dates.. I don't believe what they are saying... it simply doesn't align with Scripture.

You can read this in Matt 24...also Mark chapter 13.

Test all writings against scripture.....if they don't hold up, toss them out!
Blessings, Carla
With regards to Mat 24:36 That was written a long time ago. Ronald Wieland claims to be the prophet and I have to wonder if there is any truth to it. I can only assume that if the father wanted it to be know he would.
Hi Michael,

I don't believe that there is any truth to it... Some reasons why:

-God does not want us to get lazy...He gives us purpose..
-We've been given a job to do.. if we knew the date of Jesus's return, people could start to live like the devil and then the night before Jesus returned repent and get into Heaven....I just couldn't see God going for that (not that that doesn't does...God's Grace extends beyond our sin---it is not the ideal situation though). HE tells us to be Holy as He is Holy...We are to Love Him with all of our hearts, our souls, our strength, and our minds...We are to put Him first always.
-Jesus Himself said He did not know.
-God's power can keep us in all circumstances...the day doesn't matter
....There are more reasons I can't think of right now.

I used to have Ronald Wieland's book...but once I started to read it I got a really 'yucky' feeling and I got rid of it...This was over a year ago now..
Christ returns 7 years after the Tribulation starts and that has not happened yet. First the Church has to be Raptured before the Tribulation starts and that also has not happened. Date setting is wrong according to Christ, even he did not know the hour of his return, so how does a man know more than God does? Ronald Wieland is a false prophet. I agree with everything Carla said.
What is the first church?

What is meant by it being raptured? I have heard of one sects within Christiany saying the church is safely trucked away. Ronald Wieland claims that Hubert Armstrong rebuilt the Church of God.

A man could know more than what is in the scriptures if the Holy Spirit or God the father is talking directly to the person. How can we say he is a false prophet?
Here is a great site that can explain the Rapture better than I could in this forum (

As for a man knowing more than what is in Scripture is not correct. The Bible is the final authority on everything and we are told to test everything against the Scripture, if someone has had something revealed that is extra-Biblical how can we test it to make sure it is correct and not demonic? Thinking you can receive something that is not in the Bible is how Cults get started, just ask Joseph Smith of the Mormon fame. Don't forget demons can parade as angels of light and you may think it is God and in fact it may be a demon. If someone teaches something that cannot be confirmed with Scripture, that man is a false prophet.
I will take you word for it. I have my own reasons for not believe Herbet Armstrongs predicitions aswell. Thank you for what you wrote on the Sabbath Day.
I am curious about another one I found on the internet a Harold Camping who has written a couple of books and has a website on the Judgement day and end being on May 21, 2011. He has indicated that and written a solid bible based theory(he has indicated as fact) on this being the day). He also indicated as being connected with them. Just curious as all these dates come forward. I checked to see if he was connected with cults known to the general public like the JW's or other ones I have heard of that do predictions but could not find an association. So if anyone knows I would appreciate hearing from you also.


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