All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

There is a quote in the bible "that no man shall change the law" it is referencing the laws laid out in the bible.  With this being the case and Saturday being the Sabbatt day, why would the Majors threads of Christiany not changed the Sabbatt day back to Saturday?

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It was also the law to sacrifice animals and stone disobedient children, not eat unclean animals, not to work on the sabbath, give a 10th of your income to the temple on top of your offerings and many, many more laws. The simple answer is that we live in a different dispensation. They lived under the law in the old testament and we live under grace under the new testament. Old testament laws were a foreshadow of the coming Messiah and he is the fulfillment of those laws. Jesus is now the Sabbath rest himself. Now we worship any day of the week and since he arose from the dead on Sunday this has become the day we worship. Hope this helps. God bless.
god bless you michael i truly belive god wants us to so to church on saturday which is sabbath the day god made holy and blessed it. he made the heaven and earth in 6 days and rested on the seveth day which is called sabbath seventh day adventist honer this and some other churches and it is the 4th of the 10 commandments in the bible it says if you love me you will keep my commandments sabbath is in mant places in the holy bibble god bless all
catholic church changed the day of worship from saturday to sunday god never changed the his law man did. all the bible is gods word new and old testament everyone should check in to it you will be surprised.
When the catholic church was pegan based I believe that they also violated the commandments like thou shall not kill, and then they went to a papal based church, and the romans ordered that men be whorship.

At this point I don't think God really cares anymore as to what day is the Sabbath and what worshipers chose aslong as people are consitatent in learning to develop themselves in the image of God and obeying his laws.
the 10 commandments are gods laws and he does care he says if you love me you will keep my commandment. and it says he is the same today ,tomorrow and always . i believe there are lots of wonderfull christian people that will go to gods kingdom that are unaware of the sabbath details i just want people to open thier hearts to god and really read the holy bible to learn the truth and just dont rely just on our pastors or people search for answers to know the truth may god bless everyone


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