All About GOD

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Are you awaiting the soon coming king to set up his kingdom. And these signs shall follow them that believe.

Signs  and wonders are all around us ,"Matt 24" and these signs shall follow them that BELIEVE ....Let's Pray for America Our Nation ...God said if my People which are called by my name would humble themselves and pray seek my face(repent) turn from your wicked ways.............He would heal our land. Let's do our part(repent) call upon the Lord Jesus,while he is near,... God is not a man that he should lie....He would do his part  he is faithful and just to forgive our sins .  He is a present help in this time of need.

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One Nation under God, I don't think this applies to USA anymore, No more prayers or Religious instruction in schools or public meetings, no more discussing GOD be'cos it is not Politically Correct, and you have a moslem running your country?.... what happened?? USA

God talk about it  to my mom   and  mom die peacefully  with this dream.  i prove my  mother   dream  with  St. Matthew   24.  i did not about  matt   24  vbefore  i  found it. i only hear it lots  after  i found it. i had e-mail  this  chapter   of  st. Matthew.  i had study revelation. God had give me some  prophesy thur the  years.  jim bakker  and jack van impe got this  prophesy  too  from  God.

Yes I remember reciting the pledge of allegiance and prayer as well then it changed to a moment of silence.


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