All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

So, how do we pray?

The followers of Jesus approached him with a simple request, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." (Luke 11:1) Obviously, the followers were confused and wanted their teacher to help them in their prayer life. They knew John the Baptist was teaching prayer to his disciples, so what might Jesus teach them? Most probably, these followers had witnessed Jesus praying in many places. Perhaps they had observed how prayer informed and impacted his life. Jesus embodied love and lived with a deep connection to God. How might they experience the presence of God in their life? These questions remain helpful today. Let us continue to learn from Jesus.

Prayer: A Conversation with a Loving Parent

Jesus shocked his disciples request for a lesson about prayer by beginning with the following words, "When you pray, say, 'Abba'. . ." In a single word, Jesus changed our human understanding of prayer and our approach to God. This word 'Abba' can be translated by a familiar slang of 'daddy' or 'papa'. Abba reflects much more of a loving, doting parent who wants to hear the thoughts and feelings of a child. No longer does God need to be seen as a distant, inapproachable judge waiting to condemn.

Instead, we are invited to approach God in prayer like a child who speaks to a loving parent. We offer to God our joys, hurts, wonderment, confusion, disappointment and all that we experience in this life. We extend our thanksgiving to God who listens to every word - the ranting and raving as well as the praise and joy. Like young children, our words of prayer to God might be blurted in phrases, ramblings, or single words. Some of our prayers might flow in complete, complex sentences or perhaps like poetry. Other times, there are no words. The pain is too deep. Like children, we cry, point to our wounds and sigh in silence, because there simply are no words to express the depth of our pain. (Romans 8:26-27) Like a loving parent who listens to a child, God hears. Yes, God truly listens to our prayers!

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Thank you so very much for starting this important topic. Looking forward to discussions and fellowship on loving prayer. -Stew
We should always be in a constant state of prayer,throughout the day,As soon as you wake up you should say good morning Father,Abba,daddy,etc;..spend a few moments in prayer,say 5 minutes (thats not such a long time) and speak to him from your heart,it could be even reading the bible,or some other spiritual book,prayer;and ask Him to be with you throughout your day,& thank Him for being and ,you turn over your day to Him,Thank Him for being a loving,giving god,* together you can handle anything that comes your way.Cause God is with you.(He never gives us more than we can handle...)And any other things you want him to do ,bless etc; And you will start to find that what normaly used to upset us ,is only a small pebble that we can easily step over;instead of what we would in our worldy state of mind think was a boulder that we couldn't pass through or around. the difference is our state of mind. (Seek Him Early in the morning,((Yes as a child would)),,and He will make your paths straight!) Love,is what Really matters in this life and in the next; so spread a little kindness throughout your day,and your life will start to turn around!~ -----;--{(@
Thank you for starting this topic! I am a new Christian and would truly like to learn more about how to improve my relationship with our Lord. I never knew that it was alright to speak to God in 'phrases, ramblings, or single words'. I had always thought that prayers were complicated, but now I know otherwise. Thank you for this insight! :)


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