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Wilson: No more apologies for outburst against president

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(CNN) -- Rep. Joe Wilson said Sunday he will not apologize again for yelling out that President Obama lied during the president's speech to Congress last week.

"I am not going to apologize again," the South Carolina Republican said on "FOX News Sunday" when asked about pending disciplinary steps against him by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.

Wilson said he already apologized to Obama and that the president accepted it. However, he insisted that Obama "was misstating the facts," and that Democratic leaders in the House were "playing politics" by continuing to focus on the issue.

House Democrats plan to censure Wilson if he refuses to apologize on the House floor this week.

Wilson issued a statement about that Sunday, saying, "The American people are fed up with the political games in Washington, and I refuse to participate in an effort to divert our attention away from the task at hand of reforming health insurance and creating new jobs." Watch the debate over Wilson's comment »

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Wilson was great. Quick to act and quick to apologize. Smart and couragous enough to take a stand against the Dem. political games and stick to his guns. Fellow "Tea Party Conservative Republicans" I think we found a leader.
the democrats want to focus on a man speaking out against their beloved obama, yet the real issue, obama lying, is pushed to the back. this is so very typical of liberal democrats! i appreciate Rep. Joe Wilson and wish more of our elected would stand up to obama and his dirty politics! if they censure Wilson, I hope you all will contact them and let them know this is wrong and that you support Wilson. we MUST start standing up for what is right in this nation. standing up means doing something! use our computers to contact elected and let them know our Christian views and wants, research elected and political issues (do not think you are getting any true facts from the mainstream media), contact companies and networks to stand up for Christian values, etc... i could go on and on but you get the point. we all must start being more like Rep. Joe Wilson and taking a stand even if it is not popular!
Blatantly stated, President Obama did lie. It's funny how anyone in opposition to President Obama's agenda is black-listed. This reminds me of the era where if you were suspected of being a RED (Communist) all someone had to do was turn in your name and you were investigated or even arrested. What ever happened to freedom of speech (our First Amendment right)? Seemingly enough, your rights are enforceable as long as it doesn't conflict with Democratic agenda. When the President starts to focus on matters that help the American people to have a better quality of life, I am more than willing to be supportive. Many people in office are entirely to emotional (easily offended). This is one thing I can commend President Bush for is that he wasn't thin-skinned and stood behind his decisions regardless of the consequences. The livelihood of the American people in these economic times is not something to be played with or taken lightly!


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