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WASHINGTON (AP) - Publicly, President Barack Obama is still calling for a bipartisan bill to overhaul the nation's health care system. Privately, Democrats are preparing a one-party push, which they feel is all but inevitable.

Obama urged religious leaders Wednesday to back his proposals, and he prepared for a pep talk to a much larger audience of liberal activists, whose enthusiasm is in question. Polls continued to show slippage in support for the president's approach, although Americans expressed even less confidence in Republicans' handling of health care.

The administration said it still hopes for a bipartisan breakthrough on its goals of expanding health coverage, controlling costs and increasing competition among insurers. In private, however, top Democrats said a bipartisan accord seems less likely than ever when Congress reconvenes next month.

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They are saying now that the Republicans are trying to "kill health care reform". Well maybe they are and rightly so. But what do the Democrats care? They are in charge here. Repubs. couldn't kill the bills if hey wanted to.
No the problem is in the Dem. party. They can't get enough votes no matter how much pressure comes from leadership.
Whatever happened to the idea that both parties are there to represent "WE THE PEOPLE"? Seems like all they care about is conflict~ I will not act like the world and live in fear and unbelief....God is in Control...and we as christians sometime do not act like it.jmho.
I agree. I have been without health care since 2002. By God's Mercy ,Love and Grace alone I am still here....Oh I could have gotten health care if I had divorced my that says a lot about family values....

So I will be praying as the Word of God says to do for ALL of those that have the rule over us.....God is in control and I am a child of God and do not have to live in Fear. I detest all the lying that is going on, and is not right, especially not from God's Children.
Perhaps if God's Children got back to praying as we are told too, and putting things in God's Hands where they belong, and use the time whitnessing to a lost world , we would see changes in this country that man will never bring about by thier not believe me...then go visit the prisions.Laws keep honest people honest......God says to choose this day whom you will serve....that is a choice each individual has to offer.those that govern us are sent there to represent WE THE PEOPLE, not the party~jmho
The problem is the Dems. don't want to discuss and work out any problems.
Congressional Democrates are successful at demonizing their opponents. Anytime a critic critices a detail in one of their bills, they make it sound like the critic is completly against anykind of change.
It's usually not true and in this case it cetanly is not true.
The Republicans have an alternative plan for health care reform that will not bankrupt the country.
Why can't we let a state try something.If it's uccessful we can go nation wide with it.
So far it's working in Mass..Check out the other post about Mit Romneys model.
Hi Steve,

I understand your concern. I cannot afford health insurance either, and I have health issues! I agree that some type reform is needed, but I disagree that the presidents plan is the right one. With national coverage, healthcare must begin to be rationed because there simply isn't enough physicians to go around, and cuz the feds want to restrict costs. Thus our health and our options for the pursuit of good health will be greatly limited. Just ask the Canadians, ones that actually have health conditions and need medical treatments. There wait times for a regular check-up can go up to three or four months! Many Canadians fly to the U.S. to be seen by doctors here because they cannot wait the time it will take to see a doctor in their own country. So what will happen to people around the world, not just in the US, when even we don't have free market health-care any longer? Let me just say the picture doesn't look good, my brother. It doesn't look good.


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