All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I would like to thank our Heavenly Father this day for allowing satan to throw these two elements of his deceit and lies in my path in the past few weeks as He does allow as He allowed for Christ Himself.Thankyou Lord for helping me and for guiding me with Your strength.Thankyou for the boldness to stand FIRM on Your Word no matter what this world or man thinks. Father it feels so RIGHT to follow You and only You in these matters as what I may lose on this earth in worldly things are of NO value in comparison to the Glory of the Kingdom of God.YOU are my Father and you are who I serve and I continue to pray for your guidance to stand against persecution. I am weak in my human body but it is You Lord who makes me strong.THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!!! AMEN!!! ALL GLORY TO YOU FATHER GOD!!!

1/When you encounter ethical dilemma as in a variety of situations, Satan and his evil forces will try to influence you to bend God's Word to justify choices that seem more appealing than the biblical ones. Commit to rely on biblical principles in all situations, and pray for the strength to do so. Ask someone close to you to hold you accountable, and help hold that person accountable

2/If you're a Christian, Satan wants to discredit you. Your reputation doesn't just affect you; it affects many other people, since you're a representative of Christ to those exploring faith in Him, and a perceived lack of integrity in you could cause them to misjudge Christ Himself. Through your choices in all aspects of your life, demonstrate to others the difference the gospel has made

We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed… Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9 and 16-18)

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I understand the conflict between light and dark. It is so easy to view it from a distance but when it comes into our own camp it is hard. We just have to keep on trusting in the Lord. Praising Him in the valley as well as on the mountains of life. It is only by the grace of God ... and His grace is sufficient. The devil sees born again spirit filled Christ followers as trophies ... he will do what ever he can to get us to give up. We have to hold onto the Lord ... keep believing. Sometimes during the silence our faith is tested but the Lord will never leave us or forsake us OR allow more than we can handle. The truth is what we see as persecution is only the beginning ... We must stand! I slip sometimes but the Lord picks me up ... dusts me off and places my feet back on the rock. Satan continues to try but if we keep our eyes fixed on the Master he will not win. There is a song I would post here if I knew how to do it called "Shepherd Of My Heart" Here are part of the lyrics: “Shepherd of my heart ... take control ... lead me to still waters ... restore my soul. Shepherd of my heart ... lifter of my head ... let my cup run over ... guide my every step. As I wait for you ... renew my mind ... renew my life ... Shepherd of my heart calm my fears ... have your way in me ... cover me with peace. Let my deepest thoughts be your hearts delight. Your beauty lives forever ... Shepherd of my heart ..." Praise the Lord ... All Honor and Glory to the Lord!
Bob I should have listened to your posted song! Praise the Lord!
Amen and Amen!
this is exactly what i need! Praise the Lord!
The first principal you shared with us is as foundational to our walk as the word itself for it is exactly what our Lord is requesting of us, Faith, faith to believe that if we do it God's way, we will be bless, even when standing in faith may coast us.

Once we become born again, we belong to Christ and are His. Satan and his troops are very good at keeping us from living a full free life in Christ. and will do all they are allowed to do to keep us from being productive in the kingdom by discrediting you.

So let us eat up the word to be spiritually strong.

Great reminder beloved
David you are such a affirming man of God.You are learning the secret to having a victorious Christian life. God's Word is His will and it is our blue print for life and Godly living. So when we are being filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit, and live within the boundaries of the wonderful Word of God we can then find all the promises of God to be yes and amen to us.

Dear Daivid and Bob,
Yes and Yes ... when we read the Word we should ask the Lord ... our heavenly Father to not only help us with discernment to understand but further to give us a revelation as to how the Word applies to and is to be used to live being guided by the Word. In these end times we need to saturate ourselves in His Word ... in prayer ... in listening to that still small voice and not overriding Him by our own flesh. Standing in faith even when we go against the crowd ... which is going to happen more and more in these days. Discerning of spirits and discerning what is being taught from the pulpit is so necessary not to be deceived. The Bible says Satan can appear as an angel of light. There can be a form of godliness but with a thread of untruth ... we must be ever so careful not to receive or worship a different Jesus. We must live His will ... to know His will is to know the character of God. The testimony of our Lord , " When you see me you see my Father." Jesus said ,"Learn from me" The Holy Spirit will guide ... He will protect us and correct when necessary.
I am so thankful for His grace and mercy ... for the truth which Jesus brought to us all ... to receive or reject. I need Jesus my Lord and Savior and can not fathom ever going back to the life I once led. Satan will attack but God has promised He will never leave nor forsake us. All the promises true and given as gifts from God...without grace alone. The Lord loves us so much!
Yes, my dear brother. I will eat and be satisfied with His precious words, His very body and the blood He has shed for us. May we all have the sense of His prescense that no matter what comes our way,we will stand victorios on His Rock, the secret place, the cleft of the rock, close by Him. God Bless you!
During the last month I have been under attack hard pressed on all sides. It has been difficult to stand in the face of it all. I know the joy of the Lord is my strength yet sometimes I was unable to see past my human weakness to trust God. Sometimes I felt defeated. In me alone is nothing good but greater is He that abides in me then he that is in the world. When I keep my eyes fixed on Him I am able to keep going. It is when I look at the circumstance that I get so confused and tired. God moved in such a miraculous way the other day! He intervened when things looked impossible and totally changed the course of events. I was amazed. I give Him all glory and honor. There is no way human hands could have done what he did in this circumstance. The devil has already been defeated. I need to learn to trust and depend on Him completely...even when things look so very bad. Praise God! I give Him glory and honor!


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