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 Prayer is keeping our LORD near us all day. We need to pray always . WE NEED HIM AND RELY ON HIM. BUT WE NEED TO OBEY HIM . Please pray for us -My sister in law Marcie B.  and her mother JOAN and the children were in a car accident.  The children are basically healed now , praise GOD. MARCIE AND HER MOM are suffering. Everyone pray for their healing. I know that our LORD is our refuge and he is healing them  in the name of  JESUS  . our prayers  shall be answered . Please include me in your prayers as I have been suffering one year from an accident. I thank all for your love and prayers,  Lord bless each person praying for us ! brother in Christ, Gianni B.

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In my prayers brother Gianni! God does indeed hear our prayers and He will heall all that we ask Him. He is the wonderful healer of mind,body and soul and to ask for prayer is having faith as the woman who touched Christ's robe BELIEVING she would be healed. When we have faith even the size of a mustard seed,we can say to this moutain "move" and it shall be moved.So I stand in agreement with you in this prayer,victory and healing to Marcie and her mom and for yourself, in JESUS Name.AMEN!

That was so true and so beautiful. He does know iot all and he does know each tear and he is always there for us. I find he is there even when we do not realize it. He is so loving and awesome. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD , HE DESERVES OUR PRAISE AND WORSHIP AND GRATEFULNESS AND APPRECIATION EVERY MINUTE. THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYER . I do appreciate it. I know he hears us ! thanks, Gianni
Just touching base with you Gianni! How are your sister in law and her mom and kids? Please keep us posted ok.
Love you in Christ,
Nancy, thanks so much for praying and your ,kindness. They are improving day by day and Marcie is in physical therapy. They azre under testing and doctors care . The children are perfectly healed. Praise GOD . Praise God Marcie and Joan are on the road to recovery . Thank you, Gianni
ohhhhh. I am soooooooooooo happy to hear that . God never surpises me because I know He hears our every prayer and knows our every need but I AM ALWAYS AMAZED by Him and His healing power. We continue in prayer for full restoration of all injury in the Name of Jesus! AMEN!
hI Nancy, Marcie had neck injuries and whiplash and horrendous headaches . Her mom had bruised chest bone and fractured the bone on foot. So things were tough, but things now are getting better everyday. GOD IS AWESOME. I do not have all the details of their treatmewnts etc and tests. . But THIS IS GREAT NEWS. Keep them in prayer. Thanks Nancy, Gianni


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