All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I was going to start a new group because I was not sure whether I should insert this topic in this group, but since the theme of this group is to reach out to the hurting I figure it would be a good place for it.

I have had personal experiences in this area. I have seen many folks transform, not just manifest demonic possession by yelling or throwing up, but i have actually seen them changing into horrible things.

I have also seen fallen angels manifest themselves in material ways.
I am also familiar with the epidemic going around with drug user becoming posses.

So please feel free to ask - I will begin the discussion by answering a question that a dear sister in Christ asked me not to long ago.

A common question I have been asked about this subject is the following:

Q. What exactly is a demon and why do people throw up when they manifest and are delivered form demonic possession?

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In the past during a period of my Christian walk that I was not abiding in Christ as I should have, I ended up, like a dog back in the vomit and like the pig after being cleaned, back on the mud that the Lord had delivered me from. I went back to using drugs which opened a huge door to demonic activity in my life.

During that short period (about 3 months) I saw people changed into what they are posses by, wants them to change into. The shadows, smells, noises, pocking and proving that keeps one from sleeping for days were an everyday experience.

But let’s go back to square one.

Demons are fallen angels and angels are beautiful creatures as described in the bible. The word does not clarify this topic for us, but I can safely assume that they still are beautiful in appearance. Adam and Eve's appearance did not change when they were disobedient, but they did die spiritually, by breaking their communion with God. However fallen angels know what scares us and so when they have posses a human body they portray exactly what we fear. When they materialized they do the same thing as well.

I have talk with demon possess folks for hours and I have been blown away at how they twist the word over and over. I spoke to a demon possess person once that went toe to toe with me discussing bible verses

Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world, but Satan and the fallen angels do have power, limited according to what God allows, but power none the less.

I will stop here and wait for responses , questions or comments to go on….
I will say this much from the get go:

Most in our family have no idea how to confront them spiritually and fight the wrong way:

Jude 1:9 (New International Version)
9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

Instead of yelling at them or fighting them with human strengh, we need to learn from the word.

If you smell, hear or see them immidiately say: "The Lord rebuke you!"

I am not scare easily so at one point when I was fed up, sick and tire of not being able to sleep in my room because it would become extremely cold, I made the mistake of grabbing my knife and calling them out. I told them to stop being cowers and manifest them self, so we could have it done and over with. With my Rambo (hahaaha for-reals) knife on hand, I called out to them, to "come on" and fight me. I was sick and tire of them taunting me, mine you I was back in the mud at this point of my walk hence my stupidity, BUT MY LORD IS FAITHFUL AND DID NOT ALLOWED THEM TO HARM ME... THAT TIME BUT....

Being that I can be silly, when I saw one materialize I said to it - What? Am I supposed to be scare? With a very sarcastic tone and step out my house to go get something from my car and when I opened the door, it came full force at me, the door, and drop me as I was cover in blood from a huge cut on my forehead. I was floored and the Spirit told me very gently, and that was nothing son. You are asking for it son and I allow it because you are not getting it. Well I paid attention from there on...
Interesting topic as it's been one that I have been so deeply researching for some time now. I was wondering if You knew what Familiar spirits are and how one can tell if they have a "familiar" working in their lives. as with me, I was told by the same demon that invades my dreams almost every night that he is my familiar. what does this mean? anyone is welcomed to write me. your help is appreciated
btw.. you're right for warning us about the dangers in researching Demons, it can lead to opening doors.. so be careful everyone.
they ARE beautiful. the one that hangs around me initially appeared to me when i was 15. he wore a black cloak, black weird shaped hat and was totally blacked out. all i could see were his red eyes that were like big marbles in the moonlight. he conversed with me telepathically (which is why i say that they DO have access to our thoughts...they're angels after all and don't angels record our thoughts?)

the second time he appeared (other than in black cloud form over my bed) he was human-like very muscular but his head wasn't human. he had a weird shape to the back of his head and yellow eyes like a viper. he screamed at me and then well....that's in another blog.

the most recent appearance was in a dream about a month ago. he showed up as an angel of light (likely his true form) and he was magnificent and perfectly formed. strikingly beautiful. and he knew it. he was calm, pleasant and just like you'd think an angel would be...except that he was domineering and commanding me and then committed an act against me i won't go into detail about here. but there was nothing scary or horrible about that incident. i knew it was him the whole time. never a doubt in my mind. and in the end, he proved it.

i don't know why the book of enoch was left out of the bible but it mentions fallen angels being condemned to earth in bodies like men. why would they be restricted to spirit form when they clearly show up in body and commit acts with those bodies?

The book of Enoch is not inspired writing as the rest of the bible is. Why would they be in human form? They can posse’s bodies but they have not been sent here to be in human form. Because of such statements the book of Enoch is not consider to be inspired (God breath as the rest of the bible is). Sis God took care of His word and if Enoch was inspired writing it would be in the bible as such. I have read some of it and it does seem to have aspects of divinity, but then it makes assertions that contradict other parts of the bible. Like what you brought up contradicts Ephesians 6.

Love to you my friend and sister.
I remember when I first seen the movie the Exorsist It scared the hell out of me and to this day I sometimes have nightmares about it I often wondered why because even though I was born a catholic I had lost my beleif as a catholic and God In my teenage years when I saw this film I guess now That it was deamons tormenting my soul and they knew that this film freighten me I was also going through drug addiction. Take it from me I know how easy it makes it for a demon toget to you when you are on drugs I remember putting up battles many a night with these so called demons and I guess God was with me even though I said I didnt beleive God knew I did. I think if he was not there I would shurely be lost .I also remember one time when I was getting off my addictions They came at me even harder tormenting me with sleeplisness for many nights Then one night I awoke to this big black formless thing above me I couldent do anything I could not move I managed to raise my hand but could not say what I wanted to say I could only say it out loud in my mind leave me alone In the name of Jesus Christ Iam still batteling demons to this day but I know one thing the closer my relatoinship gets with God and Jeasus Christ the Easier it gets

We will pray for you. I have gone through some similar things, and still face this today.


I keep trusting God to fully heal me, and I fully believe God will. So, Roger, I'll say a prayer right now.

And your right, the closer I get to Jesus and God, the better it gets,

And brothers and sisters in Christ, right here at 'All About God' have helped  me

Keep praying! Blessings,,


No problem sis. May Our Lord give you the courage and prudance. Amen!
Most definitely -

The number one way that I can tell if a person is demon posses is by the discernment of the Holy Spirit.

The second is their ability to twist scripture.

The third is their eyes - they can also part their iris/pupil in two different colors.

Of course this is not a set order.

At times is their eyes that gives them up first and is what they often use to intimidate people.

When that has happen to me in the past, I stay extremely calm and talk about God quickly, or do as the Spirit leads me to do at that particular time with that individual.

I have witness what you describe but i have also seen the demon/fallen angel-angels looking through their eyes by parting the iris/pupil in two.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WISE IMPUTE, IT IS EXTREMLY IMPORTAN THAT WE ALL HEED TO IT and thank you for your kind words. Praise God, He is awesome in our lives, all glory to the King!



When we head into the enemies camp we can expect opposition. People perish for lack of knowledge, so as we are gaining the correct knowledge, the enemy will not stand around applauding us, but will try to discourage us, but Family haahaha PRAISE GOD - GREATER IS THE ONE IN US, BY AN ABYSS THAT CAN NEVER BE BRIEDGE, THEN THE ONE IN THE WORLD.

Holiness is a must beloved family, holiness that comes by obedience to our God, is a must for the enemy not to want to confront us.



Thank you sis for the wise reminder.

The question was:

A common question I have been asked about this subject is the following:

Q. What exactly is a demon and why do people throw up when they manifest and are delivered form demonic possession?

Most definitely -

The number one way that I can tell if a person is demon posses is by the discernment of the Holy Spirit.

The second is their ability to twist scripture.

The third is their eyes - they can also part their iris/pupil in two different colors.

Of course this is not a set order.

At times is their eyes that gives them up first and is what they often use to intimidate people.

When that has happen to me in the past, I stay extremely calm and talk about God quickly, or do as the Spirit leads me to do at that particular time with that individual.

I have witness what you describe but i have also seen the demon/fallen angel-angels looking through their eyes by parting the iris/pupil in two.


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