How many are truly for the LORD? How many can say that they love
Jesus with everything they got? I belive not many christians can say
that. So many christians are worldly. What I mean by that is there
living for World. One foot Inside of the Church and the life of
Christianity and the other outside of the church and into the world.
How sad is it that? There are so many who go to church on sunday and
worship Jesus and do nothing more monday through saturday! So many
christians are lisiting to music that compramises what the bible
teaches. Jesus said in Reveluation that if ur lukwarm for Jesus HE
will not just spit you out but throw you up. You see we need to be
christians on FIRE for the Lord Jesus. Like the band NewSong sings
in the song Rescue We need to cry out "This World has NOTHING for
ME." So many times we would rather go to church on sundays and sit
there worship Jesus if we know the song then just do nothing when we
dont know the song. How sad is that. I remeber going to a christian
event called KingdomBound 2 years ago and I saw Kirk Cameran speak.
I remember what he said about Worship. He said and I quote "You are
going to go see your bands and singers and when you know a song you
will worship and when you dont know the song you will do nothing.
This is not worship." He was so right. You see Jesus wants all of
you. He wants us to give up the sinful lifestyles that worldly
christians are living and dedicate our lives to HIM. You see Jesus
wants us to repent of everything that were doing that is hurting
Jesus and our walk with HIM. I heard that Repentance doesnt mean to
just change your lifestyle but to change the way you think. You see
Jesus wants all of us. HE wants our hearts, minds, and bodys.
Remember that the standerds that Jesus gives in the bible are much
higher than human standerds. No one can live up to these standerds
without the HELP of our Lord Jesus. So what will you do this day be
a Wordly Christian and keep on sinning and going against Jesus? Or
will you give every thing up and follow Jesus with all your hearts,
minds, souls? You see Jesus also said "IF your freind of the world
your enemie to God." Do you want to be an enemie to God? I know that
I dont. So make this day a new starting point and make 2007 a year
of new beginnings in Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus,
Forgive me for being a worldly christian. Jesus I need you. I cry
out this day This world Has nothing for me. I want you Jesus. Jesus
I want you to be my all in all. I want you to be everything to me.
Without you Jesus I am lost. So Jesus today I am going to make a
stand for you and live my life right. I will live for you Jesus.
Jesus I surrender my life over to you. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.