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What does it mean to turn from sin? It means turning to Jesus and
accepting HIM into your life. Without Christ we are nothing. With
Christ we are everything. You we must not just say we are sorry for
our sins and pick them back up and keep on doing them but be truly
sorry for them and turn from lay them at the foot of the cross and
at Jesus's feet and leave them there. To do that means to say "Jesus
take these sins I don't want them any more they are hurting my
christian walk with you." You see Jesus will take our sins and deal
with and throw them away. As a christian song says "Your Sins are
forgotten." Why would you want to pick them back up when they are
forgotten? There's a story about this and it goes like this "One day
this lady went to her pastors house and said 'I had a dream last and
i think it was Jesus in it but I'm not sure.' So the pastor
replied 'Well if you have the dream again ask HIM what sins I have
committed.' So that night the lady had the dream again and she went
back to her pastor the next day and said 'I had the dream again' The
pastor replied 'What did Jesus say?' With her held low she said 'I
have forgotten" Isn't it great that Jesus has forgotten all of our
sins so HE can be with us? He wants to be with us so bad that He
went to the cross and died for our sins. Jesus took those nails and
that cross out of love for you and me. What love. If it was not for
that Love Jesus would never have taken that cross. Just remember
that all of your sins are forgotten when you truly turn away from

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But what happens if you don't know how to turn from your sin

There is only one way to turn from your sin and that is through Jesus. Jesus gives hope and peace for ever. If you turn to HIM and trust in Jesus with all your heart he will give you everlasting peace that the world can not give. That people can not give. That only Jesus can give.

How do I find Jesus? How do I trust him when I don't even trust myself?

Hi Beverly,

Turning from your sin means repenting from it.  Agreeing with God that what He says about sin is true.  It literally means to change your mind about sin, and that change in mind results in a change of action.  To repent for Salvation, it means to change your mind about who Jesus is... 

 People who aren't saved reject the Sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.  To be saved means to ACCEPT what Jesus did for us on the cross.  Jesus becomes Saviour for those who accept that they need Him.

When you accept that you need a saviour, and you trust in Jesus that He was born, suffered, died, and rose again back to life to defeat sin and death, for your sake,  you will be saved. 

How do you find Jesus?

Tell Him that you want to know Him.  Tell HIM you need Him.

Beloved, it's not about you trusting yourself.  None of us can trust ourselves.  It's about trusting Jesus, that HE is who He says HE is, and that HE can do the things HE says He can do.

You don't need to say a prayer to be saved, but it may help you understand the process.

You could pray something like:

Father God, I don't know You but I want to.  I understand that I have sinned against You in every way.  Please give me the desire and courage to want to repent from my sin, turn away from it, and agree with You.  Thank you for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to suffer a sinners death on my behalf, and rise again back to life to Victory over sin and death.  I agree with You that I need Jesus to save me from sin and death, and to become Lord of my life.  I need Jesus to be my Saviour.  Teach me Your ways, and strengthen me and give me courage to live them in Your strength not my own.  I don't trust myself Lord, help me to trust You in all things.  Hold me and guide me by Your Holy Spirit to live in ways that will bring You glory, and prove to the world Your ways of Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness and Righteousness.  I long to have Your peace which surpasses human understanding in every part of my life.  I ask these things in the name above all names, Jesus Christ.  Amen.


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