All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

How mnany actually serve Jesus and say there a christian? So many
christians worship other things and go to church on sundays and
say "HEY Im in with Jesus Im a christian I go to church." But just
to go to church is not enough. Anybody in this world can go to
church but not every one believes in Jesus. So many believe in God
but not Jesus. That is so sad. So many say "Well Im a christian I
dont need to read my bible or become born again." But Jesus calls us
to higher standerds. HE (Jesus) is calling out this day saying "I
want more from you. I want your heart mind and soul." YOu see we
need to give Jesus everything. We cant just go to church and say
that is enough because that will never be enough. Did you know that
church is to get us refuled for the week and the bible is top keep
us fuled the rest of the week? We as christians Need Chrst. Look at
the word Christian the first sex letters spell Christ. Christan
means follower of Christ. We also need to pray and read our bibles
daily. Its not enough to read our bibles once a week or once a month
and say that you read it. We need to read our bibles much more than
that. We also cant just go to Jesus with our really big problems and
never thank Jesus for what HE has done for us. To many christians
only go to Christ when there in a crisis. THat will never work Jesus
may and may not answer our prayers. Its the same with bible. If we
go to the bible half heartedly and never expecting to get anythin
out of the bible the truth is we wont. YOu see dispite all this
Jesus still loves us but we need to love Jesus back with all we
have. In the second part of Matthew 4:10 it says "Thou shalt worship
the Lord thy God, and serve Him only shalt thou serve." You see we
must serve and worship only Jesus. So I have a question for you to
ponder Whom do you Serve?

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