All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

More of Jesus's love

How often we as christians want Jesus to love us more then HE all 
ready does? You see Jesus could never love us more than HE all ready 
does. No matter how much or how little we love someone Jesus still 
loves us. No matter what sins we have committed Jesus will still love 
us. Its not what we do that Jesus loves us its because of who Jesus 
is that HE loves us. I have learned over the years it doesnt matter 
how evil or how bad you are you can even be the next Adolf Hitler 
and Jesus sill will love you. It shows how much Jesus loves us by 
Jesus dying on the cross. But it goes much deeper than that you see 
Jesus loved the comman people so much that HE ate with 
taxcollecters, prostitutes , drunkerds and more. HE didnt care what people 
thought of him HE loved unconditionally. Only Jesus could have loved 
like that. You see it was because of grace that we are saved. Its 
not by might, nor power, nor anything else that we are saved.But it 
all shows that Jesus loves us. Romans 8:1 says that there is no 
condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Isnt that great? That no 
matter what we have done wrong Jesus will not condem us. Jesus will 
love us untill the ends of the earth. Jesus said in matthew 28 "I 
will be with you always en untill the ends of the earth" Thats a 
great thing to know that Jesus will be with us always even till the 
earth ends. But Jesus will alway love. Buft if you ever feel that you 
as a Christian need more of the love of Jesus just cry out Jesus wrap me 
in your arms. Michael Gungor wrote a ong called Wrap me in your armsa 
I would like to share the lyrics:
There is a God who loves me Who wraps me in His arms And that is the 
place where I'm changed And that's where I belong [Chorus] Take me 
to that place Lord To that secret place where I can be with You You 
can make me like You Wrap me in Your arms Wrap me in Your arms Wrap 
me in your arms

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